The Good News Thread


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Some great news for the city of Shreveport, Louisiana. It will bring more jobs especially in the Ark-La-Tex area.

The City of Shreveport is excited to announce the groundbreaking proposed collaboration with renowned artist and entrepreneur 50 Cent.

On Monday, Nov. 20, the Mayor of Shreveport, Tom Arceneaux and members of the Shreveport City Council spoke to the public and media to announce the new collaboration.

"I am very excited today to announce a proposed collaboration with a fella named Curtis Jackson, who many of you know as 50 Cent, and his company G-Unit for the use of Millennium Studios, which is a property of the City of Shreveport," said Arceneaux.

According to Arceneaux, this collaboration marks a significant step forward in leveraging public-private partnerships for economic development and job creation in Shreveport.

I remember in 2006 when a lot of the movie, The Great Debaters, was filmed in my hometown. I was working for 911 then, and had the opportunity to take photos of the old cars and the old bus that was used in the film. I also took photos of how they made buildings and the courthouse look like old downtown Marshall, TX. They also used a couple of homes from my hometown in the film, too.

A lot of people I knew were also hired for extras in the film. It was an opportunity for people to get hired for jobs. It went out to the theatres in 2007. I also got to meet Denzel Washington and Oprah Winfrey which made my day.

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To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
It's hard to believe, but it's true! Stonewall Louisiana which is in my parish (DeSoto Parish) now has the tallest Christmas tree in the world! 🎄☃️⛄🎄:summer:



Well-Known Member
Wanted to share a story about the hospital I work for...
yesterday, due to a sprinkler malfunction, a lot of water leaked in the emergency dept., and this caused some electrical outages.

One of the orthopedic surgeons had begun a hip replacement prior to this. Mid-surgery, the OR lost its overhead lights, the anesthesia machine had to operate on backup power, they lost ability to suction, but proceeded to complete the surgery wearing headlamps. Rockstar. Wonder if he has a military background...kudos to whole surgical team.


Well-Known Member
Although currently limited to ten states, AAA will now tow your car within 10 miles and take you home wherever you need to go if you've had too much to drink! This annual program involves a partnership with AAA and Budweiser and spans the time period between now and January 2nd. AAA just offered this service over the Thanksgiving holiday. The ten states are listed in the second source article.




Cathedral, Mountain, Moon
Image Credit & Copyright:
Valerio Minato
Explanation: Single shots like this require planning. The first step is to realize that such an amazing triple-alignment actually takes place. The second step is to find the best location to photograph it. But it was the third step: being there at exactly the right time -- and when the sky was clear -- that was the hardest. Five times over six years the photographer tried and found bad weather. Finally, just ten days ago, the weather was perfect, and a photographic dream was realized. Taken in Piemonte, Italy, the cathedral in the foreground is the Basilica of Superga, the mountain in the middle is Monviso, and, well, you know which moon is in the background. Here, even though the setting Moon was captured in a crescent phase, the exposure was long enough for doubly reflected Earthlight, called the da Vinci glow, to illuminate the entire top of the Moon.


Well-Known Member
My oldest niece is due to give birth within a couple of days! We’re so excited. They choose not to know the gender .. she’s being induced on Jan 2nd. We have not had a baby in the family for a long time!


Well-Known Member
Bad news travels fast: Good news takes longer. Here is some excellent news from 2023.


Socialist Canada
Sheriff Michael Bouchard had started building a comfort dog program shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in Michigan, at a time when anxiety and mental health were becoming bigger concerns.

When people think of police dogs, large German shepherds there to sniff out drugs often come to mind. But for this K-9 program, Bouchard wanted to find approachable dogs with a comforting presence, he recalled.



To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I've been watching 60 Minutes on CBS. This Dr., Ali Rezai, is now my hero. He's been using ultrasound to help treat patients with, Alzheimer's, Parkinson Disease and now drug addiction. It may be too late for my stepmom who passed away from Alzheimer's in March of 2020, but it may not be too late for other patients that have it.

When you have the time, please read the article and watch the videos.

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Well-Known Member
We were burying my beloved uncle last June when his sister and only remaining sibling had a massive brain bleed and surgery. We knew she wouldn’t want to live on a ventilator and had the tubes removed. She didn’t die. My cousin found good care
for her in a nursing home as she would wake into something like delirium and drift away. And then last week she called me and I nearly fell out of my chair. She is back! Her brain apparently healed over all of these months. She experiences short term memory loss but otherwise all is well. And that is my good news.


Well-Known Member
This physician widow of an investment baker left $1 billion to the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx! This is the second medical school in NYC that has been left this type of endowment so that future physicians can attend medical school tuition free!

This beats Ken Langone's donation of $200 million to the NYU Long Island School of Medicine to achieve the same goal.


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