Tarasova/Morozov Cheer Thread


Well-Known Member
They are adorable. I really hope Robin can keep working with them, though the logistics may be an issue.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I liked their SP (and even with my dislike of the LP music, they did a great job selling it, finally). I'm looking forward to seeing them go in a new direction, though. What kind of programs would people like to see them try?


Stayin inside
I "found" this pair at SC in Oct. They blew me away with their style and tricks. It was clear that they had a great future.
I loved his rich auburn hair, but didn't realize until the closeup today that he has cute freckles. He may never be PSOTY and he has a terrible surname, but I love this pair


Well-Known Member
They are adorable. I really hope Robin can keep working with them, though the logistics may be an issue.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I liked their SP (and even with my dislike of the LP music, they did a great job selling it, finally). I'm looking forward to seeing them go in a new direction, though. What kind of programs would people like to see them try?

I really like their SP too. My only issue with it is the packaging--I feel the all-black costumes kind of weigh them down, especially the black tights on Evgenia. Otherwise, though, I like it a lot. It's the LP that really just isn't up to their abilities.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I liked their SP (and even with my dislike of the LP music, they did a great job selling it, finally). I'm looking forward to seeing them go in a new direction, though. What kind of programs would people like to see them try?

Their SP is less worse than the free, for me. Let's say is OK, but they sold both programs like never before. :)

For them I would like Depeche "Home"

Peter Gabriel "Red Rain"

Afro Celt Sound&Sinned O'Connor "Release". Although I want this one for S&K also. :shuffle:

John Zorn "Little Bittern"

"Sinnerman" from The Thomas Crown Affair, but maybe it's too fast


Bumping to re-post the following article translation/summary (T/M-specific excerpts) from the V/T cheer thread:
There was also a big article about Nina Mozer and her group in ProSport magazine - prosport-online.ru/longreads/azbuka-mozer
Andrei Khekalo works with Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov; besides, he is a coach of jump technique. He had worked with single skaters before, at first in Novosibirsk, than in CSKA, and then came to Mozer's group. He says that Vladimir Morozov could do only two jumps when they had just begun to work together, so they had to put a lot of work in jumps. As for Evgenia, she was a single skater before, he already could do all the required jumps, but she had to get used to work with a partner. Apart from Khekalo, T/M are also coached by Robin Szolkowy, who is beginning his coaching career; besides, Trankov worked with them as a choreographer.
Alla Kapranova is a choreographer of Mozer's group. She is very active and energetic, though she had been planning to retire before she was invited to Mozer's group. It was her idea to put Evgenia and Vladimir together in a pair. She says that Vladimir is emotional enough, but Evgenia lacks it for now. She teaches her to express herself, and Evgenia learns quickly.
ETA related posts from the V/T cheer thread:
Thanks for this summary @borzaya! So interesting to hear more details about Tarasova/Morozov. Recently, it seems, people are criticizing T/M for lacking chemistry and charisma (which I don't fully agree with at all, but obviously many people do). So it's interesting that Kapranova feels Evgenia needs to further develop her emotional projection on ice. Better programs will certainly help with this, I'm sure. As well as just more experience.
I don't think T&M are lacking chemistry. They are lacking the confidence, like "I own this ice". The more success they have the more confident they will become. Charisma cannot be taught. Either one has it or one doesn't. However, projection and audience connection can develop, if the right efforts are made. I actually liked their LP last year. Not sure why it was universally criticized. There is a softness in them and it needs to be utilized, rather than discarded.

I am really looking at T&M as the 2022 OGM potential, rather than 2018.
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Well-Known Member
Bumping this thread because somehow I came across a video of Evgenia as a single skater back in 2009:


She lands the 3Lo (though it does look a bit jerky) and came close with the 3Lz. It was in a Russian Cup event where she came in 6th as a junior lady (fun fact: the senior competition was won by none other than Liza Tuktamysheva; the junior winner was Anna Ovcharova :inavoid:; Nikol Gosviani medaled also, and Anastasia Galustyan who now skates for Armenia also competed)


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I feel bad for K&S but I am glad that it means I will get to see T&M at worlds. Fingers crossed for them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for adding this thread. Lovely skaters! I will look forward to seeing them at Worlds. Well, not in person but via IN.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I watch this couple skate she always remind me of Evgenia Shishkova (who i loved) so I have a real soft spot for this team.


Well-Known Member
I hope going forward, this pair doesn't lose the essence of what makes them good just to produce "supposedly" more audience-friendly programs.

IMO, a gentle, honest pair like them is always welcomed within the pairs spectrum (no matter how many detractors consider them not inspiring).


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
It was a joy to see them at worlds. I was lucky enough to get their autographs. They skated great in both SP and LP. Their throws were big, and the twist too. Vlada struggled on the sbs salchows but he landed his. Hers was effortless. I felt that Chopin was a perfect choice of music for them.


Well-Known Member
Very nice pics, @DobrinFan! One thing I like about this pair is they always look very natural and comfortable with each other in practice and off-ice. There never seems to be tension. And Evgenia smiles a lot! She is a lovely young woman.

I wish they would get better material though. They could really breakthrough with the right programs :biggrinbo


Well-Known Member
I wish they would get better material though. They could really breakthrough with the right programs :biggrinbo

Yesss!!! I'm so mad about the dreck Morozov gave them this season. i actually preferred Trankov's programs from the previous season! :lol::biggrinbo

Hoping for good things from the Gazsi collaboration.




Well-Known Member
I haven't heard that music since Aurelia Dobre used that in her floor routine in 1987. I loved her gymnastics, I love this team and their potential, so that music makes me really cheer for them... I would have used the musical highlights a bit differently, but I still prefer this to last year's programs.

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