Russian figure skating news in 2023

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Well-Known Member
Laughed when I saw the scores of the leaders RD. Looks seem to reign over good technique. Russian coaches and judges have completely failed with the ijs system especially in dance. They still are stuck with the 6.0 style.
Everyone saw how s/k level 1’s all of a sudden turned to level 4s!! Wasn’t that interesting! I mean did she improve that much or is the level system and ijs really fake. They went from level 4 in Russia and level 1 outside Russia to level 4 in Russia and level 4 outside Russia!!!


Active Member
Everyone saw how s/k level 1’s all of a sudden turned to level 4s!! Wasn’t that interesting! I mean did she improve that much or is the level system and ijs really fake. They went from level 4 in Russia and level 1 outside Russia to level 4 in Russia and level 4 outside Russia!!!
S/K were relatively younger when they joined Zhulin, who managed to help fix their flaws, and they worked really hard, S/B OTOH stayed with Zhuk and Svinin, who failed to spot S flaws and the same with her former female students, which is why they were not so successful. Let's only hope S/B will. improve


Let the skating begin
Spectacular junior champ women

Margarita Bazylyuk
No idea where she'll be in 5 years (but who knows where anybody will be in 5 years), but she's amazing right now.


Well-Known Member
Aleksandr Samarin announced his retirement after today’s LP at the Spartakiade event
He’ll always have that euros he almost won!!! So close. I say Everyone saying he was awful and had no talent after that near victory caused him problems
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Let the skating begin
Aleksandr Samarin announced his retirement after today’s LP at the Spartakiade event
Finishing dead last will do that.

Dima Aliev has to be either the luckiest or unluckiest skater ever. I'm not sure which. All season he's blown the SP, skated brilliantly in the FS and had 2-3 skaters above him bomb and ends up 4th and off the podium by less than a point.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
He’ll always have that euros he almost won!!! So close. I say Everyone saying he was awful and had no talent after that near victory caused him problems
Being one of the one-eyed dudes in a crowd of the blind doesn't make you talented.
Samarin was one of the Russian skaters I'd forget in an instant and then be pissed off to see him again.


Let the skating begin
Samarin was a good showman. He liked playing to the audience, but his jumps have deteriorated and there are too many better skaters for him to be competitive. There are rumors that Aliev and Ignatov might retire as well, but I think Aliev might stay another season. He's said the same thing Liza has about how difficult it's been to be motivated due to the ban.
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Well-Known Member
Anna Frolova and Ksenia Sinitsina (second and third places at the Spartakiade) remind us that Russian ladies also 1)can be grown up ladies on the ice; 2) have beautiful programs; 3) don't need quads

Honestly, a very pleasant and unexpected surprise of this domestic season


Active Member
Anna Frolova and Ksenia Sinitsina (second and third places at the Spartakiade) remind us that Russian ladies also 1)can be grown up ladies on the ice; 2) have beautiful programs; 3) don't need quads

Honestly, a very pleasant and unexpected surprise of this domestic season
Infact, the only ones I watched in the ladies event. I also have a soft spot for Yametova.


Let the skating begin
Anna Frolova and Ksenia Sinitsina (second and third places at the Spartakiade) remind us that Russian ladies also 1)can be grown up ladies on the ice; 2) have beautiful programs; 3) don't need quads

Honestly, a very pleasant and unexpected surprise of this domestic season
Both of them have been consistent all season. Overall the women's event was very good. Lot's of young talent.


RIP D-10
Vetlugin skated at the Richmond JGP in 2018, in a crazy field with Gummenik, Kagiyama, Siao Him Fa, Hiwatashi, Gogolev, and N. Majorov. He had a weak short but a wonderful FS, which was among my favorites of the competition. He lost a few seasons and hasn’t made it into the top senior Men’s ranks, so people who saw him at that JGP might not remember his name.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
So much for the canard that Russian skaters cannot express political dissent! (y)
:rolleyes: Here we are again, with the self-proclaimed "I don't have any opinion yet but others do!"

We don't know what the result of his actions will be moving forward. He's never finished higher than 10th at Russian Nationals as far as I know, and I don't think he competed internationally in the last 5 years. He's not exactly top-tier as far as the national team goes, and may not be under as much pressure to appease the higher-ups as some others may be feeling.

That said, he had a really fabulous tribute to other programs (Zagitova, Tuktamysheva, Plushenko, Yagudin) exhibition a few years ago.


Let the skating begin
Vetulgin is not a high profile skater by any means. His results have been inconsistent this season. I don't know if he'd be put forward by the federation for a GP event (if that were possible) as there are other skaters who've finished much higher. He's an elegant skater and well liked by the fans, but his quad jumps are really all over the place, same as Gleb Lutfullin, who is Mishin's 3rd skater. He was going to retire because of injury but competed in the domestic comps the past two years. I'm not certain he's on the national team for funding--I'm thinking he might have been placed on the reserve team. That is the real issue with the Russian skaters. Samarin did not make the national team this season and no doubt that played a role in his decision to retire. Plus, he'd never make it back to Europeans, Worlds or the Olympics. Too many younger, better skaters. This is the same for Vetlugin. He could skate domestically, but wouldn't be likely to get many international assignments except for really small B events. Which is a shame as he like Kolyada is a really elegant skater. With the same problems, but Kolyada had much better over all results than Vetulgin ever has.
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Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
The reason Navalny is seen as a "hero" is that he was always against Putin.

Check out some of Navalny's stunts at Russian neo-Nazi demonstrations and his opinions about Muslims. Dude was a full-blown nationalist and a fan of guys like Hitler.

I am not a Putin-fan at all (!!!!!!), but make sure who the person was/is you are supporting.
Especially in Russia.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
The reason Navalny is seen as a "hero" is that he was always against Putin.

Check out some of Navalny's stunts at Russian neo-Nazi demonstrations and his opinions about Muslims. Dude was a full-blown nationalist and a fan of guys like Hitler.

I am not a Putin-fan at all (!!!!!!), but make sure who the person was/is you are supporting.
Especially in Russia.
An anti-Semite as well.

Although when people ask me who among the VIPs I met in my career made the biggest impression, it was Lech Walesa. What he did with Solidarity was truly historic. And he was also an anti-Semite: I met him because he came to the yet-unopened Holocaust Museum for a public event to do penance.

Meaning there are no perfect heroes.


Let the skating begin
Vladislav Dikidzhi, 19 (, just shared clips of his 4A landed in practice:
He's really come into his own this season. I'd read that he was practicing the jump, but I'm curious if Semenenko or Gumennik are, especially Semenenko as Gumennik sometimes still has issues with the 3A. If Dikidzhi gets this to at least 50% success, I'm sure Mishin will consider this. It was inevitable after Malinin that others would master the jump.


Well-Known Member
The russians really didn't like Loena's last interview. But Gallyamov decided to go further. He wrote to Loena on Instagram and posted a screenshot of this message in his telegram.


🐻 Oh, spring, what are you doing to me...
📷 from a banned network.
And later added
😊 You’re laughing, but I don’t know what to do next if she answers.
👩‍🍳 It will probably be too early to get married, but turning on the back is somehow unusual.

You can imagine the reaction of his fans.


Well-Known Member
Russian skater Lyubov Rubtsova popped up in my Twitter feed today:
Apparently, she doesn't like malls because there are too many "churkas," which is reportedly a slur.


Codger level achieved
Russian skater Lyubov Rubtsova popped up in my Twitter feed today:
Apparently, she doesn't like malls because there are too many "churkas," which is reportedly a slur.


I can start a "Russian figure skating news thread in 2024" since we're over 1000 posts here (eta link):

This GSD thread can be used for the "political stuff":
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