Royalty thread #14: Platinum edition

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If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
@once_upon I liked Diana's dress. It was a youthful fantasy 80s extravaganza interpretation of Biedermeier. It was unique like Diana. It might have been outrageous, but it wasn't dull or pedestrian.
I so agree. Diana's dress was fairytale perfect. Yes, it was massive and wrinkles like crazy, but it is also iconic.


scratching at the light
I liked some of the details of Di’s dress, but not the actual putting together of all those details. The silk taffeta was gorgeous, and the antique lace on the sleeves, but there was entirely way too much dress, and I think it really overwhelmed her. Once she matured a bit, her fashion sense really blossomed- it would be interesting to know what her wedding dress would have been if she were a few years older when she married.


Well-Known Member
I loved Diana's dress when I saw it for the first time which was when I was still a princess-loving kid and dressed up as a different Disney princess for each Mardi Gras event :D

Nowadays, I much prefer a dress like Kate's, Eugenie's, Letizia's (although, that must have been insanely heavy) or Mary's.


Doing all the things
I loved Diana's dress when I saw it for the first time which was when I was still a princess-loving kid and dressed up as a different Disney princess for each Mardi Gras event :D

Nowadays, I much prefer a dress like Kate's, Eugenie's, Letizia's (although, that must have been insanely heavy) or Mary's.
I liked Fergie's at the time. I wonder if I still would.


Better off than 2020
I read somewhere that Diana did not like the dress and many others had more input that her.

I can't find any reference saying that, don't know where I read it.

I know too many brides who chose similar styles in the 80's who are just appalled at their choice now.


Well-Known Member
I liked Fergie's at the time. I wonder if I still would.
Fergie’s stands the test of time better than Diana’s, IMO. I think her wedding day is the best Sarah ever looked, honestly. The dress is still of its time, but not as over the top and frilly as Diana’s, and her hair and tiara were beautiful.

I have read that Diana looked back on her dress and cringed, but it was very much designed for the event and the space it would be worn, not the person wearing it. And she was a teenager for much of the wedding planning … we forget just how young she was.


Well-Known Member
My girls Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice looked fantastic - from what I saw. I don't know if they have had a change in stylists or what but I loved both of their wedding dresses and think they have both found their "look". I have so enjoyed more exposure for the lesser known royals like Lady Louise and her admirable carriage driving.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
My girls Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice looked fantastic - from what I saw. I don't know if they have had a change in stylists or what but I loved both of their wedding dresses and think they have both found their "look". I have so enjoyed more exposure for the lesser known royals like Lady Louise and her admirable carriage driving.
Their styles are evolving and for the better too! Bea blew me away, she looks amazing!


Well-Known Member
I see Louis got himself trending for sassing his mom at the pageant. I would have been in so much trouble if I ever did that. :lol: But big lengthy events are pretty tough when you're four.
Yeah, my mom would have had resolute words and an ultimatum for me. Not that Kate would have the option of just leaving with him if he continued to misbehave.

I imagine the whole thing is very complex for a 4 year old. The big brother is probably getting a different kind of attention because he's going to be heir to the throne one day, the older sister is the only girl, so there's a different kind of attention for her as well then mom and dad have taken on more royal duties since Prince Phillip passed away and the Queen got Covid, so there's a change there and this was his first official event.

And I'm rolling my eyes at the people who are saying they, their kids and their grandkids never behaved like this in public. I don't think their kids have on their plate what Louis has on his plate. That doesn't mean that those kids' lives aren't/weren't complex and have/had their challenges. Being a four-year-old is hard no matter where you grow up. I just don't think they can say that when they have no idea how they, their kids or grandkids would react under those circumstances.


Better off than 2020
My thought when people say their grandchild or child never acted like that in public is they have very, very selective memories.

Every child I know acts up once in a while in public. Every single child. What they don't have is millions of people watching them for hours on end. Plus no TV cameramen who are assigned to focus soley on them to capture a moment like this.

Every single child acts out.


scratching at the light
Kate and William’s three are healthy, active, energetic, playful children. I enjoy seeing them act like kids and getting the occasional “mom look” from Kate. Doesn’t matter how put together, stylish, mannered, privileged, or how much help you have, when you are out in public with your children, there are going to be “those moments” that every single parent has been through. Scowl away, Kate! Just makes her a little more relatable to me.


Well-Known Member
I just saw the Louis and Kate video and found it quite funny and definitely relatable .... Parenting today is different than in the past. There just isn't that whole "behave or you will be spanked or grounded" ethos any more. Not that parents love it when their kids "act up" or that there are never any consequences. It's just different.


Well-Known Member
Can't help feeling a little sorry for Louis ... Once, a four year old acting up in public would be forgotten, but now -- with everything getting recorded, it is likely to come back to haunt him when he is 40 (or has a 4 year old of his own)


scratching at the light
He’s acting exactly like a 4 year old, though. How would that haunt him? I’ve had two 4 year olds that were just like that. They were great kids and grew up into great adults. How much shame should a 4 year old carry?


Mayor of Carrot City

I have the book about the making of Diana's dress. Incredible photographs.

I have that book too! And I was even more impressed when I got to see the dress "in person", when it was touring with the Diana exhibition that the Spencer family organized. The work and detail on it is incredible.


Well-Known Member
What struck me about all three of the Cambridge kids throughout the weekend was how confident and secure they were, and comfortable with both their parents, their grandfather (obviously not the first time Louis has gone and climbed up in Grandpa Charles' lap!), and other family members (I don't think it was an accident that Mike and Zara were seated nearby all weekend, those two families are obviously close). The older two didn't put a foot wrong the whole weekend, and Louis was as well behaved as you can expect an active four year old to be. Kate and William clearly did a great job of prepping the older two for their duties over the weekend, they were checking in with the kids constantly and very tactile (support, comfort, affection) with them, and they are obviously hands on, loving parents who set boundaries and expectations for behaviour. I was really impressed with all of them.

I agree with those above who said Beatrice and Eugenie looked smashing all weekend. Great fashion choices, and they both look happy and settled. I do feel sorry for them with their parents' antics and the ridicule they have sometimes undergone in the past, and am glad to see them looking so well.
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