Pokemon Go part 2


Well-Known Member
But will it keep the same CP? Because mine has sucky CP.

The CP will change depending on the IV of your ditto. For example, my 420CP Ditto that can battle with the best of them, I used it to battle a Dragonite. However, a 420CP ditto's Attack/Defense/Stamina/HP stay the same as the ditto itself. The only thing changed was the CP. During battle, the CP was increased to 1900+CP. What does that all mean?

The transformed ditto will mirror the moveset as the defender. However, the transformed ditto performs poorly during the battle. If it gets hit, it'll hurt. In addition, the quickness of the transformed ditto is very poor. It usually can only attack with 3 quick moves, then it has to rest and won't even dodge. I used it just for fun. If I'm seriously taking down a gym, I won't use it at all.


I do not have a Ditto yet :drama: and I still haven't caught another Pikachu since accidentally deleting mine awhile back :drama:

With all my luck I will find a Pikachu and it will transform into a Ditto :lol:


Well-Known Member
OMG, must get new Pikachu. Still searching for the Ditto. I almost don't believe it exists any more. Has anyone caught one in a while?


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
My student teacher caught one on Saturday. Her first. I still have just the one.

I caught three Pikachu. None was wearing a Santa hat. :wuzrobbed


Active Member
I just caught a Pikachu wearing a Santa hat. It'll show up in the wild wearing the Santa hat. It's not like ditto, it doesn't appear after you catch it.


Doing all the things
I've only seen them with hats starting today. I got one!

I haven't got a Ditto in a while but I caught three the first week they were available.

And now Togepis are available in eggs! I have wanted a togepi since the game started.


I finished up work early and opened my app. I was surprised to see a Pikachu nearby with a Santa hat, especially since I've only ever seen two or three on my nearby screen ever.... I clicked on him and it said he was at a poke stop that I could jussssst see at the edge of my map. I decided to bundle up and take a walk. I made it to the pokestop and he appeared! First ball he popped out of so I upgraded to a great ball... it bonked him on the head and then my phone screen went black and told me I needed to plug in to a power source.... I was at 40% battery so I have no idea what happened.

I stood there like a twat for a few minutes trying to revive my phone and then decided it was a lost cause. So I had to trek back to my car in the frigid temps... worst thing after not getting Pikachu, is that I couldn't log my mileage (my Exeggcute buddy recorded about 1km on my way to the pokestop) :drama:

I guess I'll have to try again later...


Well-Known Member
I had a very successful Pokehunting day!
I got Santachu, Ditto #2 and the last Abra I needed for my Alakazam :cheer:

I also hatched a 2km egg but it was just a Zubat.


Well-Known Member
I love being able to transfer multiple Pokemon at once. It makes it a lot easier to transfer all these useless Rattata and Pidgeys that I keep catching trying to find a Ditto.

Has anyone found a Ditto in anything other than Rattata or Pidgey? I have been ignoring most other Pokemon since it seems those are the ones people have found Dittos in.

I guess I need to buy some incubators and get to hatching eggs. I have only one right now. Maybe I will get some iTunes gift cards for Christmas.

I wish the game would allow you to delete eggs. I know they never will but all I get lately are 2km eggs and I am over it. I suppose with new Pokemon it might be worth it but I have had these 2km eggs for months now so I don't know if that means they will have old Pokemon in them or if it is possible to hatch a new one. I don't know how that is decided, is it when you get the egg or just when you hatch it?


Brazilian Eurotrash
I got my Ditto from a Zubat.

My 10km hatched a Magby. And my pokedex expanded to 240.
2nd gen!

My neighborhood has been full of xmas Pikachu. Also been catching a lot of Magikarp.


omg this is what I get for mocking people with my army of Pikachus. Now I can't find a single one of these bastages with the Santa hat.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
dh now has three Dittos and a Santachu. And is lording the fact over me and dd. :p


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I've heard of people getting a ditto from Magikarp.

I don't mind the two km eggs because they make me get out and start walking. I can hatch a 2km on one poke walk. So get out there and get hatching. :)

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be horrendous. But it's day six of my streak. So I'm gonna put on 8935987346 layers and go run around the park across the street. :cold:


Well-Known Member
All I get are 5km eggs, which are the worst eggs. I'd rather get 2km because they're quicker to hatch and you can get the starters.


Well-Known Member
I got my Ditto and Santa Pikachu today! I guess I can go back to not playing until they release more new stuff. lol


Well-Known Member
I just caught a Pikachu with a Santa hat in my living room! I was so shocked that immediately came to this thread to find out what's going on, haha.


Doing all the things
I got 3 Dittos the first week and then nothing until this week when I got my 4th one. I was almost convinced they'd stopped spawning them!


Doing all the things
And it works with the new Apple Watch now! Not that my new Apple Watch is going to be under the tree. Won't show up for at least another week. :(


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
I may or may not have called Santa-chu an ass. . . used all my pokeballs (of various powers/strengths) to catch the dude, but he kept jumping out and then ran away. I may have contemplated calling him Satan-chu when the next Pokemon I saw was a **666CP** Exeggcute :slinkaway

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