Oona & Gage Brown fans! Here's a cheer/support thread for them :)


Well-Known Member
Does gage remind anyone else of Jean luc baker? Something about his size, carriage and demeanor on the ice just screams JL to me.

Ena Grins

Well-Known Member
The Browns were awesome at both of their Grand Prix. In more than one respect, they were my favorite couple. I just wish they had better costumes.
I'm pretty sure part of the issue with costumes is funding (which makes sense considering they're training part-time in Montreal). They're re-using their costumes from their 2021-2022 RD. I think their FD costumes are fine, if a little simple and suffer mainly from being the same color as their RD.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure part of the issue with costumes is funding (which makes sense considering they're training part-time in Montreal). They're re-using their costumes from their 2021-2022 RD. I think their FD costumes are fine, if a little simple and suffer mainly from being the same color as their RD.
Edit to add...Reusing costumes but investing in IAM coaching is a smart move. It just goes to show how expensive the sport is and not everyone can afford new and expensive costumes all the time.

I didn't realize they were the same costumes from a prior season! I did wonder why they were using blue/black in both programs. They've really grown on me this season and I always like to root for the underdog/up and coming teams. With H/B out for the GP season, the Browns are a close 2nd behind my other favs C/P. I like that they punch above their weight (height) when it comes to ice dance, as so many people tend to dismiss shorter teams in favor of tall teams with long limbs.

I really like the FD music, because of the sampling with All By Myself from the original source music, Rach 2/C Minor. As mentioned, they really feel the music and seem to dance from within, as opposed to overwraught choreo that is performed but not 'felt'. Even though it's older music, they put a fresh feel to it and it's very pleasant.

I wish they'd gone for a more standout music choice in the RD - but I could say that about 90% of teams this season.

Thrilled for them doing so well in back to back GP's and proving wrong many expectations (including my own) that they'd place behind the other two USA teams this past weekend.


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IG Live underway (ETA the replay link): https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzWfBrFrBjb/

Oona & Gage already have had new RD outfits made but haven't had time to make final adjustments - the plan is to debut them at Nationals. :)

Raccoons stole 4 expensive avocados from their cooler during their Montreal training/camping stay in September. :D They plan to return to Montreal for 3 weeks at the end of Nov./early Dec. (when they will be hosted by/staying with a fellow skater).
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