Music when we were young


From the Bloc
Well art is subjective after all, so to each his own. But your taste is somewhat questionable :lol:


scratching at the light
Not a Springsteen fan either! And if Mellancamp is the one that does that Jack and Diane song, then I don't care for him either. ;)
Also not a fan of disco, but I do like the movie Saturday Night Fever, and I did dance a bit to disco when I was a teenager. Abba grates on my nerves and Beach Boys only have one song that keeps playing over and over and over......

I would be interested in hearing everyone's suggestions for stuff to dance to, as that is one genre that is sorely lacking on my iPod. Some songs I like to dance to are:
Dancing at the Feet of the Moon - Parachute Club
Blue Collar Man - Styx
If I Had You - Adam Lambert
Who Will Stop the Rain - Asia
Relax - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Somebody Told Me - Killers
Land of Confusion - Genesis

What else do you think I might like?


Better off than 2020
I think if one limits oneself by saying I don't like this person or never understood why _____ has sex appeal. One fails to see what might be

Listening to some of Elvis' gospel roots or the early bluesy stuff, he did have an incredible soul base to his voice. I think I saw a documentary on the phenomenon of Elvis. In the separationist environment of the 50's and 60's, he was an acceptable (read white man) who could introduce some of the blues/rock to the white dominated radio/recording world. the sneer and pelvic thrusts made him seem dangerous bad boy type that mommy and daddy would warn young impressionable girls about. He was over produced, but so were the Beatles and other British invasion bands.

Disco gets a bad rap, so to speak. Sure some of it was really bad, but get past the overplayed BeeGees stuff and they wrote some really great music. Donna Summer, Whitney Huston, Gloria Gaynor good stuff

It would be like me saying I won't listen to rap...but there is some really good stuff I would miss out on. Rhinna and others. If I would have brushed off the boy bands of the 90's, I would/could have overlooked JT. If I said absolutely no country, I could have missed out on a whole group of artists.

Quartz, probably someone that I couldn't dance to, but really get shouty blues with bonnie rait. For the witchy, flowy dress dancing type - Stevie Nicks. I'm not so much a Madonna fan, but would have Lady Gaga, Megan Traenor (some favorites besides all about that bass; I know you're lying, your lips are moving) Just because they are fun. Pink, No Doubt,
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scratching at the light
There are a couple of early Madonna songs I like to dance to, and I will begrudgingly admit that Lady Gaga has some catchy stuff. Megan Traenor is just :scream:.
I dance weird....I like changes of tempo and syncopation.
Pink is fun, and I do like flowy skirts! :D

@PeterG.....I want to see a video dancing demonstration from you!


Better off than 2020
I call my treadmill 8 mile/120 mile walk playlist the ones that keep me going. Anywhere from Sting, Aerosmith, queen, lambert, pink, ke$ nia, lady gaga, stevie nicks, megan treanor, amy winehouse, kelly clarkson, taylor smith, sam Smith (yuck), many, many more....and I lip synch (badly). If I'm not on incline..I miggt even do hand movements with closed eyes imagining no one is watching or sees me


My oldest sister is 10 years older than me. I grew up with awesome music. Kiss, Elvis, Bryan Adams, Cheap Trick, Motley Crue, Billy Squire, Madonna, many great artists and great music. I was lucky. My favorites are many. Bryan Adams and Counting Crows are my true, 100%, can never do wrong favorites.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
We had a fantastic music show on TV here called Countdown through the 70s and 80s. Compulsory watching at 6pm on Sunday night. Covered Australian and international and wasn't afraid to promote European artist like Ah-Ha and Plastic Betrand. It was actually one of the reasons why Australia made ABBA one of the first countries outside of Sweden to be hugely popular. And we also got introduced to Kate Bush and Madonna. It was pretty much a cultural milestone. Unfortunately we also got introduced to some of the worst of the 80s including Starship and some of those terrible hair bands.

Then we also had a show called Rock Arena which introduced me to bands like The Smiths, REM, The Cult, Public Image Limited, Midnight Oil, Do Re Mi, Gangajang, Machinations, Malcolm McLaren, Beastie Boys, etc.

Also working in a public library when CDs came in, I recorded a heap of stuff onto tape including Lisa Stansfield and Nenah Cherry (I can still rap the Buffalo Stance).

Anyway 80s is probably the genre that I most closely align with in regards to as I was growing up.

These days I love alternative music, including a host of Australian artists who will never get overseas airplay including Chet Faker, Kingswood and Alpine, just to name a couple. But my favourite overseas artists include Muse, Kasabian, Alt-J and plenty of others I can't remember at the moment because I am shocking at remembering band names.
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Well-Known Member
Listening to Breakfast with the Beatles (if anyone is interested - also streaming on WTUE 104.7 in Dayton, Ohio). Used to be 9-noon, now it's 8 or 8:30 to 11, so I only get an hour after listening to American Top 40 the 70's (this week was this week in 1974) from 7 to 10 a.m. on WGRR 103.5 in Cincinnati. That's my every Sunday morning.
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Official FSU Alte Kacher
When I was a young pup, back in the antediluvian days of the 50s and early 60s, I never heard any rock. My parents were Big Band listeners (which I still love) and my older brother was into folk and classical. Oh I’d hear snippets of RnR from cousins and such, but I was largely Ignorant. Then a girl who lived down the street told me I HAVE to watch Ed Sullivan to see this English band. So on 9 Feb 1964 I saw The Beatles for the first time. It changed everything. The 60s music was so much more than just the Beatles, though. Rock pretty much grew up then. One example might be The Blues Project, who melded jazz and rock, and out of them grew BS&T, which sent me off in search of more jazz. Or the driving fiddle work on Seatrain who added a little bit of bluegrass to rock. They also partly grew out of Blues project with flutist/bass guitar Andy Kulberg. Tracing lineage is a lot of fun. Buffalo Springfield members went on to form, or join, CSN&Y, Loggins and Messina, Poco and BS&T.


Well-Known Member
I like Mellencamp but am not a big Springsteen fan. I really like Elvis's voice a lot although I haven't listened extensively to his music. I like classic disco too, esp. Donna Summer who I think is really underrated and kind of forgotten these days. Also have a real weakness for Saturday Night Fever.

An old boyfriend of mine said: "I'll watch any kind of movie, as long as it's good." I feel that way about music-- there are genres I listen to a lot more than others, but no genre I'll write off completely, except for misogynistic gangster-glorifying rap songs.


Well-Known Member
The first vinyl album my that I remember my family owned was ABBA. The album cover had them sitting inside a helicopter, and my favorite song on that album was S.O.S. Another favorite of mine back in the days was Olivia Newton-John. We had her album where the cover was a close-up, cover girl shot of her face and her hair was swept off to one side. She was so beautiful and sang like an angel. We also played a lot of Englebert Humberdink (sp) and Barry Mannilow, LOL.

Man, if I could only go back to those days knowing what I know now ....


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
As a young kid, I remember listening to....

Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
Glad You Came by The Wanted
Home by Phillip Phillips

Oh, to be a young tyke again with all the old songs...

Oh Peter. Who you tryin' to kid?

Disco is the one genre I lived through that IMO didn't stand the test of time. I think rap will be another one. Disco makes me want to puke.


Well-Known Member
Listening to Breakfast with the Beatles (if anyone is interested - also streaming on WTUE 104.7 in Dayton, Ohio). Used to be 9-noon, now it's 8 or 8:30 to 11, so I only get an hour after listening to American Top 40 the 70's (this week was this week in 1974) from 7 to 10 a.m. on WGRR 103.5 in Cincinnati. That's my every Sunday morning.

We use to listen to a Beatles radio show with Ken Michaels every Sunday but it stopped being broadcasted in New York/New Jersey


Well-Known Member
We use to listen to a Beatles radio show with Ken Michaels every Sunday but it stopped being broadcasted in New York/New Jersey

Our Breakfast with the Beatles is a live local weekly show. In the summer they have it outside live at a concert stage/park. The rebroadcast of the original American Top 40 is syndicated (resyndicated?). On Saturday nights one of the stations used to have Dick Bartley's Rock and Roll's Greatest Hits. With a call in request line and a contest. We'd be going out somewhere and I'd make us wait in the car in the parking lot to hear the contest when they said it was coming up. None of the stations anywhere close carry it anymore.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Disco is the one genre I lived through that IMO didn't stand the test of time. I think rap will be another one.
If you don't think Disco has lasted, you only need to look at all the dance music around today to see what it has influenced.

Rap along with Hip Hop has been around for over 30 years and I don't think is going to die soon.

Many genres transition into another classification but at their heart they still have that influence. It is the Pachabel Canon in D major principle


Well-Known Member
Yes, Rap and Hip Hop will definitely continue on so long as its the preferred (only?) medium of expression by significant segments of the population (in fact, one could argue that Rap/Hip Hop are only just getting started in terms of popularity in places such as Eastern Europe and China). The strength of Hip Hop's tie-ins with (cultural) identity and the perceived ease of accessibility of the genre to anyone will ensure its survival.

Interesting that disco (as per the 1970s definition) was discussed as well, since Rap was able to find its way to larger audiences in the late 1970s and early 1980s partly due to its incorporation of disco-influenced tracks.


Well-Known Member
Disco is the one genre I lived through that IMO didn't stand the test of time. I think rap will be another one.
Disco music became the club versions of songs you find in dance clubs everywhere. It also morphed into house and freestyle music that became popular with the next generations. Essentially most non-ballroom types of dance music today comes from disco.

And rap came on the scene in 1979 or so, so i would say a music genre that's been around over 35 years has staying power.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
And people will keep sampling disco as well. You also have to look at the disco numbers on SYTYCD to show that people still really love it and those dances are amazing.

Speaking of rap - gotta love this one -
It is not just that is rap - the message is as relevant today as it was back then.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
When I said (note I said IMO) disco has not stood the test of time I didn't mean it hasn't been around for a long time. I meant for me, it hasn't stood the test of time. I can listen all kinds of genres from opera to classical music to Frank Sinatra to 50's & 60's oldies on up to the present day. But whenever disco comes on the radio, esp that vomit-inducing BeeGees music, I just cannot enjoy it.


Better off than 2020
The take away that I get from reading this thread...the Beatles and the Beatles and the Beatles are the best music ever ;)

Reminiscent of the Beatles/Rolling Stones arguments. The John, George, Paul or Mick polls we used to do.

Reminiscent of the "what's the world coming to..all this crap kids listen to"


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few documentaries about disco, and one thing that stuck with me is that the music and the discotheque clubs were a place for each of Hispanics, African-Americans and gay people to have a place to celebrate and not worry about being harassed and attacked. And that generally speaking, the music was celebratory and life-affirming. And that as it grew in popularity, those groups who enjoyed disco found strength in their communities and with that strength, ventured outside of their own communities seeking acceptance from the rest of society. And then the disco backlash occurred. To me, I wonder how much of the "Disco Socks" movement had to do with both racism and homophobia.

At a recent family get-together, there was discussion about music and disco got trashed. After seeing these documentaries, I wondered to what extent (if any), my extended family were voicing their racism and homophobia. And if I should question them on this. That disco grew out of the racism of the 60's and the post-Stonewall movement of the gay community. And gave hope and strength to people of colour and gays. What genre of music gets attacked as much as disco? Rap?* People don't sh** all over rock music or alternative music. Disco gets bashed constantly.

This thread isn't enough about what music you do or don't like. This thread is about music you enjoyed in your youth. I have to wonder why people are saying that they hate disco. No one has asked in this thread, "what music do you hate"?

* I do wonder sometimes when people talk about hating somewhere behind their words, "I preferred the old days when those negroes were less vocal." When I hear music I don't like, I change the radio station. I don't seek out public forums to go on about how much I hate some style of music.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
When I said (note I said IMO) disco has not stood the test of time I didn't mean it hasn't been around for a long time. I meant for me, it hasn't stood the test of time. I can listen all kinds of genres from opera to classical music to Frank Sinatra to 50's & 60's oldies on up to the present day. But whenever disco comes on the radio, esp that vomit-inducing BeeGees music, I just cannot enjoy it.
You probably react the same way that I do when I hear Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and most Country and Western.


Well-Known Member
I was not a fan of disco in general when it first came out. I did like the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack, though. I bought my husband "The Best of the Village People" CD as a joke, but we actually both like it. (catchy & danceable) I have come to respect Donna Summer (of blessed memory) immensely, as I got to like some of her songs during the disco era, but I also feel she had transcended the genre (great voice). I'm not a country music fan in general, but I do like a number of the artists in the genre - Dolly Parton, Reba McIntyre, Anne Murray (sort of country in some of her songs), etc.

Living in Philly, PA, one or two of our local stations had "Breakfast With the Beatles" every Sunday morning. That was very enjoyable, and I miss it.


Toad whisperer.....
My earliest memories of pop music came from the 50s with songs like "16 tons, "Big John", "Mack the Knife", "Broken Hearted Melody", "The Wayward Wind", "The Big Hurt", "Tammy". Popular artists were Lesley Gore, Gene Pitney, The Everly Brothers, Elvis, and others. Moving into the early 60s, standouts for me were "Telstar", "Kansas City", "The Twist", "Midnight in Moscow".

I have all these songs on my Ipad and every once in awhile it is fun to sit back and turn on the time machine....

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