Medvedeva leaves Orser for Tutberidze


Well-Known Member
I think Evgenia didn't want to fly back to Canada because of the mandatory quarantine. She didn't want to lose any ice time. Although if she just got it over with in early spring like Jason Brown I doubt she'd look any worse off by now.
See other posts about that. Also, the problem was that she went to Japan in spring for shows that were eventually cancelled, but had to stay there for much longer than planned anyway, as she couldn't get out of Japan. No training during that time either, obviously.


RIP D-10
Zagitova and Sotnikova were given a lot of room to decide whether they were going to be all in again after winning the Olympics, but at a certain point, it's reasonable for coaches to ask them to decide and to go ahead without them, if they can't commit and won't tell their coaches they are done. (And I haven't seen definitively that Zagitova didn't finally make her own decision, like Lysacek did.) There are financial, logistical, and role-based plans that can't be on hold forever.


Well-Known Member
People say there was another video on Channel 1 news, but I missed it that time.

Too much drama, can’t catch everything:drama:

Here is a video. Five minutes with Eteri and Evgenia being interview.


Well-Known Member
Here is a video. Five minutes with Eteri and Evgenia being interview.

So, translation of the actual quotes:
Eteri (asked why she applauded Evgenia at the test skates): “I applauded because despite the fact that she knew she was not totally ready, she wasn't scared of going into the ice, didn't act as others did (meaning didn’t withdraw) and showed what she could do at that moment. She showed her respect towards the fans and the federation, it's worthy of respect."

Evgenia: “I thought it would be awkward, somewhat uncomfortable. And in fact there was no discomfort, probably because I literally spent most of my life here. A bit unusual, nothing seems to have changed, but it’s still different. We talked with Eteri Georgievna, everything is fine between us. I think it should have happed sooner or later.”
About Brian: “He reacted with the deepest understanding and approval to my (she highlighted it) decision and we maintained warm and great relationship. No conflicts, nothing - and am very glad about it. “

Eteri: “Who can help if not ... If we can help.., of course we’ll try to do our best. Probably the 11 years she spent here didn’t pass without a trace. For some reason, I think she’s a little broken mentally. So to say honestly, we want to help her retain her physical shape on the ice, so she could show her skating and also make her feel more comfortable.”

Interviewer to Evgenia - You say nothing changed but you did..
Evgenia: “Yes, probably, I’m becoming more mature. I hope I changed for the better, because I definitely tried to change for the better as a person. So today we started training. We’ll see what happens next, we’ll try”.
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Medvedeva has no morals. First, and for years, she calls Eteri her 2nd mother, together forever, Russia and me are one, and then pulls an "Orser and Canada" stunt just because "Zagitova was not kept in juniors". Second, and for last 3 years, she is all about positively comparing Canada and Orser to "all the old evils at Khrystalniy" - she found her place, she found her skating family, etc, etc, etc... Now, it is convenient for her to return to the "old evils at Khrystalniy"...:rofl:

I can't wait for Medvedeva's new "comments" about "working with Tutberidze, and the progress she is making".

The girl has NO SHAME... what she says and proclaims about her skating, coaches, her life means NOTHING, she says only what's convenient at a given moment, what sounds the most beneficial. She is not to be trusted.

I doubt that Tutberidze will make her (Med) a priority skater, but quite sure she'll at least give her some improvement. I am sure Tutberidze wants to prove she can do better than Orser. It is no longer about the skaters, it is "The Game of Skating Coaches Thrones".
:EVILLE: And now i am waiting for those who "started to love Janny 3 years ago" to begin now "finding faults in her elements with Tutberidze". TSL will also be quite surprised, i am quite sure.... :2faced:
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Values her privacy
Medvedeva has no morals. First, and for years, she calls Eteri her 2nd mother, together forever, Russia and me are one, and then pulls an "Orser and Canada" stunt just because "Zagitova was not kept in juniors". Second, and for last 3 years, she is all about positively comparing Canada and Orser to "all the old evils at Khrystalniy" - she found her place, she found her skating family, etc, etc, etc... Now, it is convenient for her to return to the "old evils at Khrystalniy"...:rofl:

I can't wait for Medvedeva's new "comments" about "working with Tutberidze, and the progress she is making".

The girl has NO SHAME... what she says and proclaims about her skating, coaches, her life means NOTHING, she says only what's convenient at a given moment, what sounds the most beneficial. She is not to be trusted.
Don’t hold back! Just let it out! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much @Ka3sha!:cheer2:

It sounds like everyone is in a good place with everything that's going on. I'm very happy that Brian and Evgenia left on great terms. The picture she posted was very sweet and I love her message at the bottom, saying that she'd said everything she needed to say directly to them. It's just the situation the world is in right now--there was only so much they could do with an ocean between them. I'm sure there will be plenty of hugs and well wishes when they see each other at competitions.

Again, I do think the love between Eteri and Evgenia is real so I'm happy for both that they were able to talk it out and move past the past. Eteri's comment about her being "a little broken mentally" is a fair assessment. Evgenia's not that easy going 15 year old who took everyone by storm. Life happened and that sh*t can wear you down. I just hope that Eteri's approach will be that of someone who understands they're dealing with someone who needs a different kind of coaching than she's used to giving.


Well-Known Member
Medvedeva has no morals. First, and for years, she calls Eteri her 2nd mother, together forever, Russia and me are one, and then pulls an "Orser and Canada" stunt just because "Zagitova was not kept in juniors". Second, and for last 3 years, she is all about positively comparing Canada and Orser to "all the old evils at Khrystalniy" - she found her place, she found her skating family, etc, etc, etc... Now, it is convenient for her to return to the "old evils at Khrystalniy"...:rofl:

I can't wait for Medvedeva's new "comments" about "working with Tutberidze, and the progress she is making".

The girl has NO SHAME... what she says and proclaims about her skating, coaches, her life means NOTHING, she says only what's convenient at a given moment, what sounds the most beneficial. She is not to be trusted.

I doubt that Tutberidze will make her (Med) a priority skater, but quite sure she'll at least give her some improvement. I am sure Tutberidze wants to prove she can do better than Orser. It is no longer about the skaters, it is "The Game of Skating Thrones".

:EVILLE: And now i am waiting for those who "started to love Janny 3 years ago" to "find faults in her elements with Tutberidze". TSL will also be quite surprised, i am quite sure.... :2faced:

OMG, where have you been? Literally everyone has been waiting for you since news broke! Don't hold anything back now, tell us how you really feel. :lol::lol::lol:

I mean, if Eteri is happy (happier than she's looked in a while, mind you) and Evgenia is happy and even Orser and TCC are happy, can't you just be happy for everyone? Both women are letting bygones be bygones and moving forward into this new chapter of their partnership together.

What the world needs now is love...sweet love. Try spreading a little love @Tinami Amori 🥰

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
OMG, where have you been? Literally everyone has been waiting for you since news broke! Don't hold anything back now, tell us how you really feel. :lol::lol::lol:
here i am, but skating issues come second to work and regular life. but very touched about your excitement to see me comment..

I mean, if Eteri is happy (happier than she's looked in a while, mind you) and Evgenia is happy and even Orser and TCC are happy, can't you just be happy for everyone? Both women are letting bygones be bygones and moving forward into this new chapter of their partnership together. 🥰
That is one way of looking at this or any similar situations. However. If such situations take place between private people, who do not rely on public reputation and image, then it is their business.

When a public persona makes comments and takes actions, which supposedly benefit her/his public image and affect income/results in life, what they say and do matters. When people/fans see fake and contradictory comments and behavior - they react.

I just hope that Eteri's approach will be that of someone who understands they're dealing with someone who needs a different kind of coaching than she's used to giving.
Beggars are not choosers... :) Med will have to accept the training methods as they stand, and stood for years...


Well-Known Member
Brian Orser for RT

The whole interview was translated here:

One quote:
“As for the decision made by Zhenya, I understand what a shock can cause but I can say one thing: I personally will support any decision my athlete does now and in the future. Zhenya and I do not have the slightest problem with each other."
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Shut that door.
Medvedeva has no morals. First, and for years, she calls Eteri her 2nd mother, together forever, Russia and me are one, and then pulls an "Orser and Canada" stunt just because "Zagitova was not kept in juniors". Second, and for last 3 years, she is all about positively comparing Canada and Orser to "all the old evils at Khrystalniy" - she found her place, she found her skating family, etc, etc, etc... Now, it is convenient for her to return to the "old evils at Khrystalniy"...:rofl:

I can't wait for Medvedeva's new "comments" about "working with Tutberidze, and the progress she is making".

The girl has NO SHAME... what she says and proclaims about her skating, coaches, her life means NOTHING, she says only what's convenient at a given moment, what sounds the most beneficial. She is not to be trusted.

I doubt that Tutberidze will make her (Med) a priority skater, but quite sure she'll at least give her some improvement. I am sure Tutberidze wants to prove she can do better than Orser. It is no longer about the skaters, it is "The Game of Skating Coaches Thrones".
:EVILLE: And now i am waiting for those who "started to love Janny 3 years ago" to begin now "finding faults in her elements with Tutberidze". TSL will also be quite surprised, i am quite sure.... :2faced:
This is the most egregious hate I have ever seen directed toward Russia/ns on FSU.


Well-Known Member
I think the long program, despite being performed badly, showed a lot of promise. Maybe they could make some tweaks here and there and that's it. But I do think she should get a new short. I just don't think Masquerade is a good fit for her.

I can't recall but weren't all her programs when she was previously with Eteri done by Iliya, not Danila?


Well-Known Member
I think the long program, despite being performed badly, showed a lot of promise. Maybe they could make some tweaks here and there and that's it. But I do think she should get a new short. I just don't think Masquerade is a good fit for her.

I can't recall but weren't all her programs when she was previously with Eteri done by Iliya, not Danila?

Not all, no.


Well-Known Member
here i am, but skating issues come second to work and regular life. but very touched about your excitement to see me comment..

Hey, you are nothing if not entertaining.;)

When a public persona makes comments and takes actions, which supposedly benefit her/his public image and affect income/results in life, what they say and do matters. When people/fans see fake and contradictory comments and behavior - they react.

It seems you take everything that has happened between them very personally, almost as if you felt betrayed by Evgenia when she left and are now incensed that she has returned to Eteri and, worst of all, Eteri has welcomed her back so openly and warmly.

Why such animosity? If they have moved past everything it seems that fans should feel inclined to follow their lead, regardless of whose side of the issue you were on. Comments that were made may have been that person's feelings at the time. People are able to and often do change their mind regarding how they think and feel. :)


Eteri (asked why she applauded Evgenia at the test skates): “I applauded because despite the fact that she knew she was not totally ready, she wasn't scared of going into the ice, didn't act as others did (meaning didn’t withdraw) and showed what she could do at that moment. She showed her respect towards the fans and the federation, it's worthy of respect."

I can't help but thinking if this quote is a dig at Kostornaia...


plotting, planning and travelling
well leave it to the Russians to keep us entertained with our skating world! I for one am feeling positive for all concerned, she is an adult now and empowered and used to stating her opinion which I believe might be a great opportunity for Eteri to grow and learn to work with adults. Could be a great win win for all - I wish the best to all.


Values her privacy
I think the long program, despite being performed badly, showed a lot of promise. Maybe they could make some tweaks here and there and that's it. But I do think she should get a new short. I just don't think Masquerade is a good fit for her.

I can't recall but weren't all her programs when she was previously with Eteri done by Iliya, not Danila?
I love optimism, but what bit exactly was showing the promise? The program, if it was skated by someone else? What exactly are the tweaks you suggest? Maybe like....landing the jumps here and there?


Like a small boat on the ocean...
In one interview I watched, the interviewer asked about Med health (or injury) and her response was weird. She said something like we will not talk about this today. Which implies there to ask about.

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