Hersh: BLR judge at 2017 Golden Spin reportedly under investigation by ISU



D&V 2002 FD was an absolute mess (what the hell is even happening 3:28? Him doing awkward two foot turns, while she does rough, backward crossovers while waving her arms??? Is there a lift in this program that she doesn't come out of with a bent free leg and a big THUD? I'm supposed to be impressed by this?)

I was absolutely fine with C&S beating them as worlds. Denkova/Staiviski probably should have beaten them too.

There needs to be more concrete examples of improper judging (i.e., the US judge giving the 3 US dance teams the same PCS as V&M and nearly the same PCS as P&C in the SD at worlds last year), for people to get on board with real change.


Well-Known Member
I feel if that’s the biggest complaint you have about D/V’s FD (I mean at least mention they skated in one giant circle for their FD) then I stick by my post saying they should have been at least third in the FD in SLC especially when supposedly superior teams (a team with Margaglio superior? Ok) fell. Every FD had truly sucky moments in SLC (I mean most teams weren’t even doing anything I’d even consider resembling dancing and I love A/P to death and don’t dispute their win but talk about an element to element program with recycled highlights and a bad concept) so it’s not like anybody had programs that were truly ahead artistically speaking.

As for concrete examples...no ice dance teams made a petition to complain about the American teams scores like 2002 Worlds, though I get your point. It was ridiculous that V/M’s SS score was lower than it should have been.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
I feel that’s the biggest complaint you have about D/V’s FD (I mean at least mention they skated in one giant circle for their FD) then I stick by my post saying they should have been at least third in the FD in SLC especially when supposedly superior teams (a team with Margaglio superior? Ok) fell. Every FD has truly sucky moments in SLC so it’s not like anybody had programs that were truly ahead artistically speaking.

As for concrete examples...no ice dance teams made a petition to complain about the American teams scores like 2002 Worlds, so...

Amen, Hon!


I see the sea
As for concrete examples...no ice dance teams made a petition to complain about the American teams scores like 2002 Worlds, though I get your point. It was ridiculous that V/M’s SS score was lower than it should have been.
I think that's arguably more about Israel being a smaller federation. I know some people like to think that Papa Boria is all powerful, but would you rather mess with the IISF or the USFSA?

I barely remember any of the ice dance in 2002, so can't speak intelligently about who was or wasn't robbed.


Well-Known Member
That’s a good point but it’s pretty unprecedented that almost the entire ice dance competition decided to make a statement like that. Small federation or no, that’s a pretty concrete example one can use that’s beyond fans on a skating forum complaining. Anyway, there were so many f*cking games being played in that SD that the results are just a result of a random assortment of rankings for teams 3-9.

Jun Y

Well-Known Member
On a different thought ... If Phil Hersh is such a gadfly, can he not do an investigative report on why Ice Network's streaming technology is so appallingly bad? We don't need USFSA to get Olympic gold medals. We just need them to at least get their streaming into the 21st century.


Active Member
As I understand from reading russian fso forum, German journalist Klaus-Reinhold Kany in his article about Zagreb's event (i guess it is in Pirouette magazine?) states that before Free Dance Turkish judge Ece Esen was caught by referee with a list of paper with names and marks for all teams, but she was allowed to judge because there was no time to find substitution for her. And her case is now also under investigation by ISU.
If anyone here have access to that article, can you confirm or provide more details?
It is very sad what those judges do with this sport. :(


Pogorilaya’s fairy godmother
As I understand from reading russian fso forum, German journalist Klaus-Reinhold Kany in his article about Zagreb's event (i guess it is in Pirouette magazine?) states that before Free Dance Turkish judge Ece Esen was caught by referee with a list of paper with names and marks for all teams, but she was allowed to judge because there was no time to find substitution for her. And her case is now also under investigation by ISU.
If anyone here have access to that article, can you confirm or provide more details?
It is very sad what those judges do with this sport. :(
@Eislauffan maybe can help us?


Well-Known Member
Have you seen this video? It's complete with analysis. One can wonder whether there could be as high as 3 judges who comported suspiciously, albeit I'd say that one of them - the woman on the left looks more like she's distracted by what's going on than anything. This is just my suggestion though, there are more interpretation possible as far as that incident in Zagreb is concerned. But why they don't investigate Abasova too but only Gorojdanov?

Either I find it farcical & counterproductive that the corrupt officials themselves are set to investigate their own corrupted system.



Active Member
Meanwhile Smart & Diaz, the Spanish national champions, are off of the European and Olympic teams because of this event. Compare their Golden Spin scores with those of Hurtado & Khaliavin in the short dance from judges 6 & 7 (Abasova and Gorojdanov) and judge 5 in the free (Abasova). Smart & Diaz missed the Olympics by less than a point with the scores in this competition within the selection criteria.

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