Hanyu injured


Well-Known Member
He had some injuiry already before free skate, I don't know If he came to Worlds with it or not. He is not talking about it but Orser revealed it in interview


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he and Javi need to take some time off and rehab, rehab, rehab...perhaps on a tropical island.
Yuzuru has been complaining about pain in his left foot since around the time of Nationals last year. He used pain killers to skate in the ice show in January. At Boston he practiced too many quads thus his injury has become bad again.


Well-Known Member
Orser must start to manage him better, because it's just big waste of incredible talent. Stop focusing on gp season and start thinking about worlds right away.
And I am not talking just about peaking but it seems during GPF Hanyu is on top of his game mental side too, and by the time Worlds come he is exhausted head wise
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Well-Known Member
Orser must start to manage him better, because it's just big waste of incredible talent. Stop focusing on gp season and start thinking about worlds right away.
And I am not talking just about peaking but it seems during GPF Hanyu is on top of his game mental side too, and by the time Worlds come he is exhausted head wise

Uh uh. Given how the problem might be linked to Yuzuru "wanting it too much" (by his own admission I think), focusing even more on worlds sounds like the best solution to make it only worse. He was fine in the SP and practices, but the pressure is different at worlds. IMO, this one was between his ears.

I sure hope he'll take the time to fully heal his injury though. Better stay off ice a bit and focus on finding new program music, he's got the horribly big task of finding something that can live up to Seimei after all :cheer:

Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
Hanyu reminds me of Daisuke Takahashi in that he also was much stronger during the GP season than at Worlds. It is a long season now of top skating events for these skaters and it must take a heavy toll on most of them.

I don't know if waiting until Worlds to peak would work for Hanyu because I think he would have less confidence if he did not have those stellar performances all year behind him. Some skater seem to have the ability to hide in the weeds all season and save the best for Worlds without loosing confidence and even seem to get into that habit, but I don't think Yuzu is one of them.


Well-Known Member
Hanyu reminds me of Daisuke Takahashi in that he also was much stronger during the GP season than at Worlds. It is a long season now of top skating events for these skaters and it must take a heavy toll on most of them.
I don't know if waiting until Worlds to peak would work for Hanyu because I think he would have less confidence if he did not have those stellar performances all year behind him. Some skater seem to have the ability to hide in the weeds all season and save the best for Worlds without loosing confidence and even seem to get into that habit, but I don't think Yuzu is one of them.
As great as Yuna was, she also didn't do her best in WC until 2009.
She won GPF 3 times only to lose WC many times. And it took her 3 years to regain her WC title. Come to think of it, she always won WC the year before Olympic.
So I have hope for Yuzuru.


Banned Member
Sounds like Hanyu came into Worlds with so much self-imposed pressure, and also the added pressure of being such a huge star in his home country and around the world among skating fans. Hanyu spoke during the sp press conference of feeling "different" at this competition. He spoke about a strange feeling he was experiencing, and he also talked about his practices being "crazy," and he said, "As I was practicing I wanted to become a World champion again ... But as I was skating my sp, I was able to kind of release those feelings.... The reason I was so emotional after my sp is because I felt kind of different today. It's hard to explain ... Today it just felt very different and with that circumstance I was still able to pull out a good performance and that's why I showed my emotions so strongly."

The "difference" Hanyu kept referring to might have been an underlying nagging sense that something wasn't exactly right for him physically, and so maybe he wasn't feeling his usual full strength and confidence, which went against him in the fp. At the same time, he probably wanted to live up to the quality of his spectacular performances earlier in the season, which likely intensified the pressure he felt.

All three guys, Hanyu, Javi and Patrick were very articulate, gracious and honest in their responses and self-assessments during the sp press conference. And all three referenced their respect for each other and particularly Javi mentioned his respect for skaters who are also good and not even there competing. All three guys spoke in different ways about the importance of not focusing on thinking about winning or defending. Most athletes understand the necessity to access a particular zone of being in the performance rather than thinking too much, which is not easy as everything changes from competition to competition.

Therefore, a skater and coaching team can strategize for a season all they want, but in the end they have to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Having done the hard work of training and preparation, on the ice a skater has to try and relax, go with the flow and try to release the pressures. At that point, if something isn't right physically, they have little control over it.
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Well-Known Member
Yuzuru has been complaining about pain in his left foot since around the time of Nationals last year. He used pain killers to skate in the ice show in January. At Boston he practiced too many quads thus his injury has become bad again.

Another example of a skater "skating through" an injury only to have it worsen and take them off the ice. At least he can rest now that Worlds is over. That could have greatly affected his results at Worlds. One wonders, with what has already been accomplished, it might be better to skip this Worlds and totally heal for the future. (example: Polina Edmunds who skipped Worlds because she wanted to give the competition her best).


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
I hope he really DOES rest it and get whatever tx he needs. He sounds really, really driven, like the kind of person who would just keep going in spite of injury. And that ain't good!


Well-Known Member
Orser must start to manage him better, because it's just big waste of incredible talent. Stop focusing on gp season and start thinking about worlds right away.
And I am not talking just about peaking but it seems during GPF Hanyu is on top of his game mental side too, and by the time Worlds come he is exhausted head wise

Some of the GP pressure probably comes from his federation and then of course there's the prize money. Let's not kid ourselves GP is important now. .


Well-Known Member
Moving the post from other thread http://dai.ly/x424svn
This video asked some doctors. They said if his condition is bad, then he'd better take surgery and rest for 6 months.

Because of this injury he was forced to stop jumping 4T for 2 months after National. Nobunari Oda also said that Yuzuru's leg was hurt. They thought he was healed for WC but the Boston practice was too harsh so it's bad again (it's your fault, Yuzuru).

This injury does not affect edge jump like 4S, 4Lo... so if by some bad luck he is not advised to do 4T and has to stop training 4lz... then maybe he will have to train 4A or else how can he does 4 quads?

Still, there is no official news about the degree of injury so hopefully he can save his 4T. I have no hope for 4lz now.

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