Downton Abbey Season 6 - PBS broadcast


Well-Known Member
Starting this up in preparation for Sunday. This is the thread for people who will be watching on the PBS broadcast schedule and have remained spoiler-free -- so please no spoilers if you watched last fall on the UK schedule.

Looks like PBS is dedicating the whole night to Downton. There's a special called "Countdown to Downton" at 8:00, right before the season opener, followed by "Celebration of Downton Abbey." And they're repeating the "Manners of Downton Abbey" special at 7:00.


Well-Known Member
I got a book called "Downton Tabby" for xsmas present from Mr. Finnice. A cat version of one of my most favourite tv series ever.
Here in Finland we shall have the final episode next Tuesday, the 5th. I will miss it so much.


Well-Known Member
The float built in tribute to Downton Abbey in the Rose Parade today won the "Queens Trophy" for best use of roses:

I escort a group to the Rose Parade every year and always sit under the TV cameras. The Downton Abbey float made quite the impression coming around the corner from Orange Grove onto Colorado. Very majestic! The only recognizable person on the float was Elizabeth McGovern, and I found out later the woman sitting next to her was the president of PBS. It sort of looked like Carson sitting in the very front, but I think they had someone who looked like him. Recorded music from Downton Abbey played quietly in the background. It was a very lovely entry.
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Banned Member
Julian Fellowes: “You want to leave a party when people are sorry to see you go, and not relieved.” :respec:
From the link posted by @Sylvia

I hope at least one Downton Abbey large screen film comes to fruition, if handled effectively.

Fellowes spoke about a new American television series in the works, The Gilded Age. Sounds interesting but I'm confused about the mention of some of the actors coming back, unless they will be doing flash forwards since the series will be set during the late 1890s. A younger actress will be playing Dame Maggie Smith's role. The below article from the Daily Mail is rather confusing. Maybe they mean the current actors will be coming back just to help open the new series, and then a flashback begins to start telling the Granthams' story from that earlier period?
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Well-Known Member
I hope at least one Downton Abbey large screen film comes to fruition, if handled effectively.

Fellowes spoke about a new American television series in the works, The Gilded Age. Sounds interesting but I'm confused about the mention of some of the actors coming back, unless they will be doing flash forwards since the series will be set during the late 1890s. A younger actress will be playing Dame Maggie Smith's role. The below article from the Daily Mail is rather confusing. Maybe they mean the current actors will be coming back just to help open the new series, and then a flashback begins to start telling the Granthams' story from that earlier period?

I actually read that to mean that some characters will be coming back not the actors who portrayed them in the current Downton Abbey - including Violet as a younger woman and Robert and Cora as children/young teens. I assume that the Shirley McClain character will be there as well as well as Cora's brother. A young Carson could also be included if the Granthams travelled to America with a lot of staff which is very feasible.

I will step out of the thread as I saw the series here in the UK - including the final Christmas episode and donlt want to ruin it for anyone. Enjoy the show :)


Well-Known Member
I just binge watched it, but I might be stopping in weekly to see what people thought. I do have a lazy question though as I didn't read any of the articles: was it decided to end the show before the season began filming?


Banned Member
Here we go! Final Season. :)

I thought the lead-in show was interesting in parts, and all over the place random. It might have been more entertaining and had more impact rather than just filler if they had focused more on how the story concept was developed in part by Fellowes' relationship with his friends at Highclere and other British mansions. The book about the real story behind Highclere is so fascinating.

Enjoy Season 6!


Banned Member
"If you want me, you can have me, warts and all." :)

I hope all the final endings of story lines will be happy.

Interesting some of the dialogue in first episode of Season 6 foreshadowing series end, and new series (The Gilded Age) beginning.

BTW, that deceptive, fortune hungry maid did not even deserve 50 quid! :rolleyes:

my little pony

polishing Madison Hubbell's OGM
what was the promo for next week? it looked like marigold was back with the pig farmers.


Banned Member
The Secrets of Chatsworth on in my area. It's well worth viewing (about another real-life ancient house and family ... Dukes of Devonshire ... and a Kennedy connection).


Well-Known Member
Good start.

I'm wondering if one of the Help will go to London with Edith. Maybe Thomas? The writers made it known that Thomas is favoured by the two children. We never see Edith's maid, like we do with Mary/Anna.

My goodness, the writers enjoy making Anna miserable.

Mr. Mason and Ms. Patmore are *so* going to get it on!


Ubering juniors against my will
The Carson/Mrs. Hughes storyline is :lol: , :drama: , :wuzrobbed all at once.

Their last scene was very sweet.

On a shallower note, Edith has the weirdest pronunciation of "darling" I've ever heard. I'm actually glad she doesn't have much screentime with Marigold, so we don't have to keep hearing "duhling, duhling, duhling" all night long. :lol:


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
On a shallower note, Edith has the weirdest pronunciation of "darling" I've ever heard. I'm actually glad she doesn't have much screentime with Marigold, so we don't have to keep hearing "duhling, duhling, duhling" all night long. :lol:
I still cringe when I recall how she told Marigold: "your hair is so pretty, duhling"
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Rotating while Russian!
One of the scenes from the preview show made it seem like Thomas becomes the butler?


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
"Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground?" Love the Dowager Countess!

And love the finesse with which Sir Robert handled the blackmailer. Where'd that come from?


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Ole Robert is dumb about high finance but smart about people.

I thought the first episode was entertaining but not high drama.

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