Cipres accused of sexual misconduct

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Values her privacy
True. I think I was extrapolating into Gym Showers.....well except for leaving the toilet seat up, and hearing pee coming from a stall with feet (which you can see under the door) facing the wrong way.

IMO bathrooms, showers, etc should require you to match with the plumbing you currently have.
Can you clarify how often do you knee down on the floor in public toilets and look under the door to check which way someone’s feet are facing when the person is peeing?


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Can you clarify how often do you knee down on the floor in public toilets and look under the door to check which way someone’s feet are facing when the person is peeing?
Never kneel! But look if you are trying to see if a person is in there. So much nicer than opening a door thinking it is empty, or one that is not properly locked. And my grandchildren.......they have been known to get on the floor.....crawl under a stall, stand on a toilet.

What world do you live in? IMO it is totally rude to assume a stall is empty and just open a door.
Another time the check for occupancy is useful is if you are at an airport......20 stalls.......people waiting.....good to check and see if anything is empty but the door is closed. General rules of courtesy.


This thread has gone very off topic and I apologize - but I just want to add that if a woman is uncomfortable with a male in a woman’s bathroom then I’d wager she’d be more uncomfortable with an assigned-female-at-birth man in there than an assigned-male-at-birth woman.

im always confused that proponents of ‘biological gender’ bathrooms (side note biological gender is spectrum so what does this even mean) conveniently forgets about trans men, and that this would in effect have men be required to use the women’s bathroom.

also I expect this thread to go back to on topic when more information surfaces.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
And my grandchildren.......they have been known to get on the floor.....crawl under a stall, stand on a toilet.
Talk about lack of courtesy. You and their parents need to teach them to stop. Aside from the floor being filthy, nothing is more annoying when I'm in a public restroom than a kid from the stall next to me (or just walking by) poking his/her head under the door. And the mom/guardian thinks it's cute.

How about we get this thread back on topic? Or just close it until more news comes out?


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Talk about lack of courtesy. You and their parents need to teach them to stop. Aside from the floor being filthy, nothing is more annoying when I'm in a public restroom than a kid from the stall next to me (or just walking by) poking his/her head under the door. And the mom/guardian thinks it's cute.

How about we get this thread back on topic? Or just close it until more news comes out?

Oh - no kidding! Have you ever taken little kids to the bathroom? Ever try to fit 3 in one stall? They are fast little buggers -well just the youngest. And, when they are old enough to close the door.....and one think it is funny to surprise his brother next try to get them. And, they do not do that anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Isn’t it telling that someone so happens to bring up trans people in a thread about sexual assault/misconduct perpetuated by a cisgender man towards a female victim. It shows despite how much “pro-man” they are and how much double standards they feel are happening and why they feel men are being short-changed in the sexual expression department, some how they still ultimately see who they perceive to be men as a threat, even if those “men” are actually women. Or they are just your run-of-the-mill ignorant anti-trans person and think cisgender men who are sexually aggressive are actually safer to be around than trans women. Notice how it’s always trans women who are the scapegoats btw. Again, it reveals a lot about people’s attitudes towards men in general, doesn’t it?

It also reveals how many people simply fall in line with that and repeat nonsensical worries that may make sense in a knee-jerk reaction sort of way but falls to nothing after some research and scrutiny. You’ll see how much they care about informing themselves by seeing how receptive they are in actually opening their minds and learning without the sea lioning.


Well-Known Member
I'm somewhat surprised that some people seem think that it's physically impossible to pee sitting down on a toilet if you happen to have a penis.
How about we get this thread back on topic? Or just close it until more news comes out?
Yeah, never thought I'd miss The Great Dick Pic Roundtable times, but it was more pleasant than this Trans Bathroom Panic phase. :scream:

So yes please somebody lock this thread down for the time being.


Well-Known Member
I'm somewhat surprised that some people seem think that it's physically impossible to pee sitting down on a toilet if you happen to have a penis.

Yeah, never thought I'd miss The Great Dick Pic Roundtable day, but it was more pleasant than this Trans Bathroom Panic phase. :scream:

So yes please somebody lock this thread down for the time being.

Believe it or not, the trans discussion is a whole lot better this time around than it was some years ago. The posts I was responding to and the sealioning happening were even worse then. This time, it seems a lot of people are liking and supporting your posts and backing you up, so take comfort that things have improved on that front and they’ll always be some resistance from people from even learning basic transgender 101.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
But by engaging in conversations with people you do not know you leave yourself open for whatever you get.

I knew it wouldn't be long before AxelAnnie was back with the social media equivalent of "she was wearing a short skirt so she was asking for it".

And adding "by the way this isn't victim blaming" doesn't automatically make it so.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Well from the start of this conversation and seing the highly polarizing subject matter...
It's not a polarizing subject matter. 4 adults were engaged in illegal actions (several counts) against a minor and caused her damage. Not one person in these 25 pages is "polarized" about it.. :D

Other issues came up, directly and indirectly connected to this case. people have different opinions/approaches on how to address/handle and to solve them. There is also an element of curiosity for some, me for example, because some information is not clear, not from the stand point of "are the adults guilty" but their motivations.

I'd like to know if Dispenza asked the girls to ask for photos before or after MC sent it. Why? because, in my opinion, depending on "when" there could be different reasons/motives to do so, from helping MC "groom the girls" to "playing a nasty prank and gloating at how the girls would react".

Also, by sending photos, was MC "targeting the specific girl", or just being a self-centered jerk who thinks he is so hot he can just spread his naked body parts around to "females" for fun and ignoring their age, decency and laws.

and many more questions..

Do the "possible reasons/results" make the actions less legal? no. But "facts" in each possible case add to the "pattern recognition" aspects of certain activities/behavior and to some extend additional bits to the "data-base" - "if A, then B".

There is no need to seek "evil" in opinions people and questions they ask. Old saying: in a debate the truth is born.

But by engaging in conversations with people you do not know you leave yourself open for whatever you get.
I disagree. There are a) social norms in every country/society. b) there are laws.

One may hear an unpleasant "form of conversation", things they don't want to hear, etc. But one is not expected "to get whatever one gets" that break the laws.. :D
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Mayor of Carrot City
Yeah, never thought I'd miss The Great Dick Pic Roundtable times, but it was more pleasant than this Trans Bathroom Panic phase. :scream:

How long before someone tries to tie them together and argue that Cipres decided to send the pics to prove that he's "all man" 😨

In the real world, however, did he and Vanessa make the public appearance in France that was mentioned upthread?


Flop era commenced
10. Recent cases are indicating that there’s some bad behavior by star skaters, usually but not always heterosexual men, that gets excused, covered up and victim-blamed because these guys are prized commodities. In addition to Coughlin and Cipres, I’m including Nikita’s well-witnessed behavior to Vika and the guys Melissa B talked about. There’s a structural issue here as important as individual bad behavior.
Wait....I'm lost Nikita? Nikita who?


I've got 99 problems but a colon ain't 1
True. I think I was extrapolating into Gym Showers.....well except for leaving the toilet seat up, and hearing pee coming from a stall with feet (which you can see under the door) facing the wrong way.

IMO bathrooms, showers, etc should require you to match with the plumbing you currently have.
I have an ileostomy so I empty it facing the toilet therefore my feet are facing the wrong way. I have enough worries about using a public bathroom do it would be mortifying for someone like you to point out my feet are facing the wrong way and that I need to leave.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
Wait....I'm lost Nikita? Nikita who?

Katsalapov. There have been rumours, though never any formal allegations, circulating for some time that he has physically abused his skating partner on at least one occasion, and been seen doing so.


Well-Known Member
To @peibeck and all survivors reading this thread - I'm sorry that you were victimized in such a traumatic way and hope that this thread isn't triggering for you.
Actually, @BittyBug, the way this thread has been hijacked is very reminiscent of what happens when I try to have a serious conversation with some people about what happened to me when I was young. 🤷‍♂️


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I have an ileostomy so I empty it facing the toilet therefore my feet are facing the wrong way. I have enough worries about using a public bathroom do it would be mortifying for someone like you to point out my feet are facing the wrong way and that I need to leave.
Sorry about the ileostomy. One of my very good friends had one.

But really? I only check to make sure someone is in there or that it is empty. People turn around to get the seat cover, flush............

One of the things I hate about public restroom is the moron who tries the door without knocking.


Well-Known Member
Enough about peering into stalls and where people's feet are in relation to toilets already.

Does anyone have anything to add about the USA Today article?
Couldn't agree more....where the heck has this thread gone? I'm wondering if we will see Fontana and Zimmerman at nationals! I'm a fan of D/F and I hope Mitch figures out something to keep them focused.


Well-Known Member
Enough about peering into stalls and where people's feet are in relation to toilets already.

Does anyone have anything to add about the USA Today article?

Perhaps I can close this thread out by tying it together: Pair boys tend to be tall. Very tall. Drunk pair boys, like drunk drivers, think that they have great aim but tend to wander to and fro without noticing. An acquaintance made a house rule that pair boys had to sit down to pee and threatened to look under the bathroom door (there was like a 1" gap at the bottom) to make sure their shoes were pointing away from the toilet. That's how the pair boys discovered they could stand with shoes pointed away from the toilet and pee in her bathtub.

More seriously, aside from whatever happened in this situation with these four adults: if you suspect that a thirteen year old has sexual contact or sexual communication with an adult, report your suspicions: police, parents, child protective services, maybe even USFS/Center for SafeSport. Please do not try to gather evidence yourself. If you are eligible to take SafeSport training, there's a section on "best practice" reactions if a child discloses abuse and what to do if you see red flags without explicit disclosure.

It's really hard to report. That voice inside your head that says, But what if I'm wrong? is very loud. That voice that we've seen in this thread, But what I "ruin a man's life" over nothing? Here's the thing we don't say often enough: But what if you're right?

Artistic Skaters

Drawing Figures
How about we get this thread back on topic? Or just close it until more news comes out?
This thread has turned into another waste of time because people no longer want to reasonably discuss issues concerning athlete abuse and prevention. Until more people decide to become more methodical in the way they consider these issues, there is not going to be very much progress when it comes to improvements.

For example, look at how many more comments there are here about how everyone hates coaches and treats them like villains vs. factual discussions of contracts and agreements between coaches and federations, or realistic consequences when consideration is given but policies are blatantly disregarded. None of that has anything to do with hating coaches, or who is and isn't allowed in the women's restroom, but it only has a lot to do with tenets of professionalism. How boring to discuss such things in a thread about the abuse of underage athletes!
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