Can't Help Falling In Love ... with Hubbell & Donohue (fan thread #2)


Lynn Rutherford's article OLYMPIC ICE DANCERS CELEBRATE VALENTINE’S DAY ON, AND OFF, THE ICE with focus on Chock & Bates and Hubbell & Diaz (Feb. 13):
“Somebody asked us (about Valentine’s Day), and I was surprised that Adrian was like, ‘I’ve got something planned,’” Hubbell said. “I was ‘Oh (darn), I didn’t plan anything, I have to improvise.’”
Diaz, who with partner Olivia Smart placed ninth in Sunday’s rhythm dance, has something up his sleeve.
“I got her a little present before coming here, that I brought with me,” Diaz said. “She’s not expecting anything, because we didn’t speak about it.”
Diaz plans to leave Beijing shortly after the free dance, so the couple hopes to make the most of their final Olympic moments together.
“We’ll find a way to have a little romance,” Hubbell said. “We’ll take a bunch of pictures, run around. I brought a hundred Polaroid films to take pictures with all our teammates and friends. There is a flower shop, so I am expecting flowers, Adrian!”


Well-Known Member
CBC Commentary of HD RD:

S: (as program begins) Get ready for some awesome choreography from these two

(as stsq begins) Watch the flow and ice coverage from these two skaters

T: so powerful, and these heavy-hitting beats and sharp, purposeful moves demand you dance along.

S: (during stationary lift) They’re right into a lift, seamlessly

T: Madison and Zach so artfully tell the story of a man and a woman on the ice. No matter the emotional storyline, or style of movement, they’re equals

S: (As MB begins) Totally. For me, the best midnight blues in the competition. Let’s see f they can execute that today

S: I’m loving this!

T: Me too.

T: (twizzles) The precision!

S: Look at ‘em go!

After program:

Brenda asks if they just booked themselves a place in the final flight.

S: Uhhh

T: (simultaneously) Well, if Rhythm Nation was Janet Jackson’s call to strong women everywhere, encouraging ownership of self and this fearless courage, Madison Hubbell has answered it (giggles) indeed

S: No doubt. And, um, I thought this was a fantastic performance, I was blown away by how well they executed. Again, just in that second twizzle, the end, one little blip. If you had to be, I didn’t want to say anything during the performance cuz I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but , no doubt Madi’s thinking about that as she’s coming back to the boards. Other than that, flawless. I thought that might have been very close to the performance of the night.

I’ve, I’ve never seen them have command like that from start to finish. Zach in the end showing a little bit of his personality, his swagger. I thought it was very well done.

T: They found the balance of that recklessness that we love so much about them, but the control, and composure, too.

S: We’ve talked a lot about the Ice Academy in Montreal, but the thing about this program is that they did work with longtime choreographer Sam Chouinard. Anybody who’s a fan of ice dance is a fan of his, but he went out and got one of Janet’s dancers from this tour, brought them into the project, obviously started this whole collaboration, and what came of that is this amazing program that has grown every time they’ve competed it. They didn’t win this event at the US Nationals, um, they were second in the, the rhythm dance and they needed a big performance here at the Olympic Games and I think that might have been it.

Brenda asks what the difference is between the US Nationals performance and the one.

S: Well Nationals they made a lot of, uh, of errors, which is uncharacteristic uh, of them in the technical elements, just because they’re such great turners, there’s like, you’ll see this (replay of twizzles) like, that is completely on in that first twizzle, in the start of the second twizzle’s on too, they look like they get a little close and she’s trying to adjust

T: (coming in at the end of what Scott is saying) Uh, I think she held on, I think she held on really nicely

S: I agree

T: Her shoulders maybe getting a little ahead of herself, and ahead of her hips on the circle on that twizzle

S: This’ll be a great angle for it, but…

T: (simultaneously) good angle here

S: Uhh, yeah, that’s just right on the ending, very similar to Piper’s, isn’t it? A difficult element, obviously, spinning the other way than what’s natural in the second twizzle most of the time, but in, at American Nationals they just lacked a little bit of attack, um, that seems to be the theme of the day, but when you’re dancing, when you’re going for it, that’s what the judges reward, and that had that in spades.

(marks come up)

T: (softly) Yeah


Well-Known Member
CBC Commentary of HD RD:

S: (as program begins) Get ready for some awesome choreography from these two

(as stsq begins) Watch the flow and ice coverage from these two skaters

T: so powerful, and these heavy-hitting beats and sharp, purposeful moves demand you dance along.

S: (during stationary lift) They’re right into a lift, seamlessly

T: Madison and Zach so artfully tell the story of a man and a woman on the ice. No matter the emotional storyline, or style of movement, they’re equals

S: (As MB begins) Totally. For me, the best midnight blues in the competition. Let’s see f they can execute that today

S: I’m loving this!

T: Me too.

T: (twizzles) The precision!

S: Look at ‘em go!

After program:

Brenda asks if they just booked themselves a place in the final flight.

S: Uhhh

T: (simultaneously) Well, if Rhythm Nation was Janet Jackson’s call to strong women everywhere, encouraging ownership of self and this fearless courage, Madison Hubbell has answered it (giggles) indeed

S: No doubt. And, um, I thought this was a fantastic performance, I was blown away by how well they executed. Again, just in that second twizzle, the end, one little blip. If you had to be, I didn’t want to say anything during the performance cuz I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but , no doubt Madi’s thinking about that as she’s coming back to the boards. Other than that, flawless. I thought that might have been very close to the performance of the night.

I’ve, I’ve never seen them have command like that from start to finish. Zach in the end showing a little bit of his personality, his swagger. I thought it was very well done.

T: They found the balance of that recklessness that we love so much about them, but the control, and composure, too.

S: We’ve talked a lot about the Ice Academy in Montreal, but the thing about this program is that they did work with longtime choreographer Sam Chouinard. Anybody who’s a fan of ice dance is a fan of his, but he went out and got one of Janet’s dancers from this tour, brought them into the project, obviously started this whole collaboration, and what came of that is this amazing program that has grown every time they’ve competed it. They didn’t win this event at the US Nationals, um, they were second in the, the rhythm dance and they needed a big performance here at the Olympic Games and I think that might have been it.

Brenda asks what the difference is between the US Nationals performance and the one.

S: Well Nationals they made a lot of, uh, of errors, which is uncharacteristic uh, of them in the technical elements, just because they’re such great turners, there’s like, you’ll see this (replay of twizzles) like, that is completely on in that first twizzle, in the start of the second twizzle’s on too, they look like they get a little close and she’s trying to adjust

T: (coming in at the end of what Scott is saying) Uh, I think she held on, I think she held on really nicely

S: I agree

T: Her shoulders maybe getting a little ahead of herself, and ahead of her hips on the circle on that twizzle

S: This’ll be a great angle for it, but…

T: (simultaneously) good angle here

S: Uhh, yeah, that’s just right on the ending, very similar to Piper’s, isn’t it? A difficult element, obviously, spinning the other way than what’s natural in the second twizzle most of the time, but in, at American Nationals they just lacked a little bit of attack, um, that seems to be the theme of the day, but when you’re dancing, when you’re going for it, that’s what the judges reward, and that had that in spades.

(marks come up)

T: (softly) Yeah
Thank you @Bournekraatzfan


Well-Known Member
It's been quite a ride the last eight and a half years for me as I have followed their career. I really encourage those of you who have the idea to see an event live to just go for it. I saw Madison and Zach in Detroit in 2013, and they went from being athletes I saw for the first time (live or not) to the skaters I think I have been most attached to in the competitive seasons since. It's wonderful that they have Olympic medals (plural). Somehow, I feel the need to pile on the many comments posted through the years that they have had some truly poor musical selections, and maybe their standing would have been a "high silver, reaching towards gold" this competition with something better, but ironically back at Skate Detroit 2013 I thought their "Nocturne Into Bohemian Rhapsody" was really cool and something that fit them like a glove!

The point is they should be proud of always giving their best and supplying some exceptional performances.


Well-Known Member
I woke up with a smile on my face because of them! I'm still so incredibly happy that they can conclude their career with an Olympic bronze that was so well deserved, they are too strong of a team not to have one! It should've been silver but I am satisfied they finished on the podium.

I am going to miss them in competition so much but I think my nerves will enjoy the change of getting to watch without having a favorite in the running lol.


Well-Known Member
I woke up with a smile on my face because of them! I'm still so incredibly happy that they can conclude their career with an Olympic bronze that was so well deserved, they are too strong of a team not to have one! It should've been silver but I am satisfied they finished on the podium.

I am going to miss them in competition so much but I think my nerves will enjoy the change of getting to watch without having a favorite in the running lol.

I was so nervous and couldn’t fully enjoy their program when I watched live. I was antsy when I saw the combo lift go under review. My heart was racing during the twizzles. Now I need to go back and rewatch to fully enjoy it!

Not to play the what if game…but without the lift deduction and if the MB and TW had been raised a level on the RD…

Still a fantastic Olympics for them!


Well-Known Member
I'm not shy in saying I would have had them with gold at these Olympics. They are superior to S/K but for me, their performances and their basic skills were also stronger than P/C. Their programs were much more intricate and demanding, their lifts were impeccable yet very challenging and their power, edge quality, ice overage, and interpretation of the music are second to none. It's much easier to go safe like P/C did (imo), but H/D went big and I wish they were rewarded for it (but that's the story of this quad for me).
Still very happy they will come out of these Olympics with two Olympic medals, including an individual one.
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Team USA’s Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue join the 3rd Hour of TODAY fresh off winning the bronze medal in ice dancing. The pair, who used to date, talk about their connection on and off the ice and poke fun at their former relationship. “She throws a left hook or an elbow every now and again,” Donohue says. (Feb. 14, 2022)


Well-Known Member
I'm not shy in saying I would have had them with gold at these Olympics. They are superior to S/K but for me, their performances and their basic skills were also stronger than P/C. Their programs were much more intricate and demanding, their lifts were impeccable yet very challenging and their power, edge quality, ice overage, and interpretation of the music are second to none. It's much easier to go safe like P/C did (imo), but H/D went big and I wish they were rewarded for it (but that's the story of this quad for me).
Still very happy they will come out of these Olympics with two Olympic medals, including an individual one.
I don’t think P/C went “safe”. I think being able to blend skills and expression into one long breath and make a FD go by like a flash is the ultimate artistry.

But I agree H/D deserve more credit for pushing the technical boundaries. Their connection to each other, always affecting, was especially palpable and moving here. This program at the beginning of the season was a little indistinct, but the emotions they were able to gave it here in Beijing (and some music re-edits?) really shaped it better. I hope they’ll be able to replicate this level of performance at Worlds and make sure their lift stays within time and the second set of twizzel in both programs is not overcooked. Silver is very reachable with two clean skates, but with the event being held in France, gold will be difficult unless P/C falters. Anyway I hope they can feel proud of their second Olympics. Winning the Team Event was such a highlight. I wish NBC had given them more spotlight and prime time.


Well-Known Member
Well even without the event in France P&C would be the heavy favorites. With it in France, it is just even more emphatic. Like I said I am hoping for a miracle though. H&D are too great a team to end without a major title, although they have had a stellar career, now complete with 2 Olympic medals. Mostly I want them to end their careers with their best performances ever, even improving their performances in Beijing which were stellar and some of their best ever.

Rewatching so me of the dance event and I strongly feel H&D deserved atleast silver. Sinitsina & Katsalapov skated well with questions of his health, and questions over their chances after the Team Event, and all the turmoil around Zhulin, so kudos to them. However their free dance imparticular was so safe and a bit old fashioned. Zhulin really does not give them to work to maximize their talents and potential either, even worse this season. And I don't feel they outskated Hubbell & Donohue either technically or artistically in the free dance anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm not shy in saying I would have had them with gold at these Olympics. They are superior to S/K but for me, their performances and their basic skills were also stronger than P/C. Their programs were much more intricate and demanding, their lifts were impeccable yet very challenging and their power, edge quality, ice overage, and interpretation of the music are second to none. It's much easier to go safe like P/C did (imo), but H/D went big and I wish they were rewarded for it (but that's the story of this quad for me).
Still very happy they will come out of these Olympics with two Olympic medals, including an individual one.
Not sure about the gold but definitely silver was theirs.


Well-Known Member
While I am not sure I would say they deserved the gold either, I do agree with the one who argued this that they stepped out of their comfort zones more than Papadakis & Cizeron did. I don't fault P&C for staying with what works best in such a crucial season for them. Hubbell & Donohue were more on the edge with a bunch of teams so didn't really have much choice but to take a risk to stand out and impress the judges, but delivering it so well with all the pressure on them was incredible.


Well-Known Member
When I reflect back on Hubbell & Donohue's career I remember the point I was really worried about them in fall of 2014. They had missed the Olympic team in 2014, which was expected as they were 4th ranked, but it was still a dissapointment obviously. They were 3rd in both their grand prix events and starting to regularly lose to Gilles & Poirier, who back then were not highly ranked themselves. They were a very distant US #3 at that point, and their scores were neck and neck with Hawayek & Baker. I was not sure if they would even make the 2015 world team, and it wasn't looking good for them long term to make the 2018 Olympics with H&B so much younger. They did make it although they were neck and neck with H&B after the RD at Nationals. They gradually climbed up through the quad though and became a real contender for the first time at the 2017 worlds really. It is amazing to see where they got to. It was dissapointing to some they could not take the final step to the very top, but they really had a career I didn't think possible even 6-8 years ago. And might be ending as the most successful of the Big 3 US teams of their era- Shibutanis, Chock & Bates, them, which again seemed super far fetched to even imagine at one point.

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