2018-19 Programs and Choreographers


Ubering juniors against my will
Well, I just hope they take their own tack with it and don't try to re-enact the movie! I mean, I don't mind steamy, but I'm not a fan of whips-and-chains steamy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty big shoes to fill after James/Cipres. I'm having a hard time picturing this on Soucisse/Firus, after their classic-style Sinatra FD. Good to branch out, though??


Well-Known Member
I am happy they are trying something different. The only way they are going to continue to grow and improve is to push themselves out of their comfort zone. It is the the first season of a new quad and the perfect time to expand their horizons.


Well-Known Member
@Wyliefan Probably good you never heard of it - it's from the 50 Shades of Gray soundtrack. That paired with the lyrics makes the song reallllly uncomfortable to listen to.
Maybe the lyrics are uncomfortable in relation to the movie - I haven't seen it, so don't know - but I don't hear anything that uncomfortable in them when I listen to the song on its own. Maybe the phrase "I am used to being used" (or something like that). Or "the way you work it"? But, even if it's an allusion to sex, are we really prudes of that level here on FSU that any allusion to sex makes as uncomfortable? The same can be said about the "night", obviously spent together doing "that" :rolleyes:.

Fine, maybe if you are underage. Perhaps ISU should make a rule prohibiting adult skaters from using songs with adult lyrics just so that underage figure skating fans wouldn't hear them and be "traumatized" (in the modern day and age when all kinds of "adult" information is out there on the net and in other sources anyway) ;)?
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Ubering juniors against my will
Maybe the lyrics are uncomfortable in relation to the movie - I haven't seen it, so don't know - but I don't hear anything that uncomfortable in them when I listen to the song on its own. Maybe the phrase "I am used to being used" (or something like that). Or "the way you work it"? But, even if it's an allusion to sex, are we really prudes of that level here on FSU that any allusion to sex makes as uncomfortable? The same can be said about the "night", obviously spent together doing "that" :rolleyes:.

Fine, maybe if you are underage. Perhaps ISU should make a rule prohibiting adult skaters from using songs with adult lyrics just so that underage figure skating fans wouldn't hear them and be "traumatized" (in the modern day and age when all kinds of "adult" information is out there on the net and in other sources anyway) ;)?

Oh, relax. There's no reason we have to have this conversation for the 129,353,468th time around here. :lol: Different people are comfortable with different things, and it's not your job to change that.


Well-Known Member
Soucisse & Firus, from Facebook
Free Dance 2018-2019
Earned it- TheWeeknd

This is basically "Caught out in the Rain"......../It's a man's world/You make me feel like a natural Woman from last year. And of course At Last from 2007.

I don't like the lyrics; but it's not because of the sexual content. It's more that it's the wrong kind of sexual content. It falls in to that naff kind of Justin Timberlake "baby girl" territory. I'm not a prude though: i'd be happy for someone to skate to Erotic City, but I don't think the ISU would allow it.

After watching the video I now have a hankering to eat a hot cross bun.

I think they deserve something less generic and also less what is musically so similar to what two other of Dubreuil's teams used last year. It just looks like a hand me down.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, relax. There's no reason we have to have this conversation for the 129,353,468th time around here. :lol: Different people are comfortable with different things, and it's not your job to change that.
Of course I know that I can't change that. But when has not being able to change other peoples opinions and feelings about something deterred someone on here from expressing their opinion about that :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it will be more of a medley. I would like something a bit more upbeat, add in Can't Feel My Face. Anyways, I like the Weeknd.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the lyrics are uncomfortable in relation to the movie - I haven't seen it, so don't know - but I don't hear anything that uncomfortable in them when I listen to the song on its own. Maybe the phrase "I am used to being used" (or something like that). Or "the way you work it"? But, even if it's an allusion to sex, are we really prudes of that level here on FSU that any allusion to sex makes as uncomfortable? The same can be said about the "night", obviously spent together doing "that" :rolleyes:.

Fine, maybe if you are underage. Perhaps ISU should make a rule prohibiting adult skaters from using songs with adult lyrics just so that underage figure skating fans wouldn't hear them and be "traumatized" (in the modern day and age when all kinds of "adult" information is out there on the net and in other sources anyway) ;)?
Oh, I have no problem with adult lyrics or allusions to sex, and I had no problem with the song when I didn't know it was in the movie. But the song is wholly disgusting when paired with the controlling, creepy, and abusive relationship that movie portrays.

It would be fun if they did more The Weeknd songs, but would the ISU allow that many cocaine references? Actually, I think The Hills would lend itself to really interesting choreography... Is there a limit on lyrical content other than swear words on TV that would prevent that?


Ubering juniors against my will
"What is a 'the weekend'?"

Dowager Countess

I love her so much.

@Icetigger, that's interesting, because I thought of Caught Out in the Rain too once I heard a bit of the song and got an idea of what J/C did with it. I can see S/F successfully going that route -- their gala number last season had some sensuality to it -- but if they do, I hope they make it their own and don't copycat.
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Well-Known Member
I love her so much.

@Icetigger, that's interesting, because I thought of Caught Out in the Rain too once I heard a bit of the song and got an idea of what J/C did with it. I can see S/F successfully going that route -- their gala number last season had some sensuality to it -- but if they do, I hope they make it their own and don't copycat.

Marie-France loves slow bluesy minor key triplet rhythm tracks. I'd rather this team (or any team) were doing anything that wasn't of an obvious template from that camp. And this is the first music announcement from Gadbois out of HOWEVER many teams and for it to be this much of a stock choice doesn't give me hope for all the rest. I like this team and want them to do well; I'd prefer something from the offset that might enable me to think that it is identifiably "them"; or might be gearing them up to break out. I don't think this is the choice for that. And if the first minute is a non-integrated rhythmic piece just for them to have a different rhythm to do the Cist to, before they get to the whole sexy point of the freedance, well, at that point we should all be giving up all hope........


Well-Known Member
Angela Wang's new SP is by Karen Kwan (with assistance from Michelle!) & FS by Tanith White: https://www.instagram.com/p/BjLrGQTFDj3/?taken-by=angelawangster

This I am excited to see. Of all of the post-Kwan skaters that have come along Angela reminds me of Michelle the most in terms of her movement. She's got that "ooze" quality that Michelle had where all of her movements just breathe with what she's doing. She's lovely to watch.

Can't wait to see what they come up with!

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Oh, I have no problem with adult lyrics or allusions to sex, and I had no problem with the song when I didn't know it was in the movie. But the song is wholly disgusting when paired with the controlling, creepy, and abusive relationship that movie portrays.
Oy! that applies to a lot of classics....
- Turandot gives men riddles which they can't solve and sets them up to be killed..
- Sheherezade/101 nights: Sultan takes new virgin wife each night against their will, and in the morning beheads them.
- Eva Peron - murderous dictator and a man-user/abuser
- Othello strangles Dezdimona out of jealousy
etc..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is basically "Caught out in the Rain"......../It's a man's world/You make me feel like a natural Woman from last year. And of course At Last from 2007.

I think they deserve something less generic and also less what is musically so similar to what two other of Dubreuil's teams used last year. It just looks like a hand me down.

I just listened to Caught out in the Rain and You Earned It back to back and mentally I felt I could superimpose Hubbell/Donohue's FS over the top of it. The similarities in the songs are actually really quite startling. If they stay true to the usual formula, a instrumental piece will also be cut into the song.

I suppose that's not unusual in the sense that many classical pieces of music have a very similar feel and you could do the same thing. I think it's because it's quite conspicuous music and it's easier to notice the similarities with what was a central FD last season. It also doesn't help that everyone is waiting to play 'spot the cookie cutter' with all the teams at Gadbois.

After all, I suppose in the broader context of skating, we should be grateful that if if S/F said to their coaches they wanted an FD just like H/D that the exact same music just wasn't given to them lol.

I'm sure the FD will be good as a stand alone and it's mainly an interest for those that follow the overall output of the centre. I'm guessing the idea of the FD is to try to inject more of a sensual vibe into this team to make them look more like a senior dance team worthy of the top Canadian spots.

I think it's a great idea. I'm sure it will be a great FD because H/D's was great. But I suppose they will have to contend with associations with H/D if the FD ends up being similar. It's always preferable to get the good idea first, rather than a season later after a higher ranked team has already done it. But I suppose that is the way life works at a training centre with 17+ dance teams? However, the upside is that they have the security of knowing it will be a good program and well received.


Well-Known Member
I just listened to Caught out in the Rain and You Earned It back to back and mentally I felt I could superimpose Hubbell/Donohue's FS over the top of it. The similarities in the songs are actually really quite startling. If they stay true to the usual formula, a instrumental piece will also be cut into the song.

I suppose that's not unusual in the sense that many classical pieces of music have a very similar feel and you could do the same thing. I think it's because it's quite conspicuous music and it's easier to notice the similarities with what was a central FD last season. It also doesn't help that everyone is waiting to play 'spot the cookie cutter' with all the teams at Gadbois.

After all, I suppose in the broader context of skating, we should be grateful that if if S/F said to their coaches they wanted an FD just like H/D that the exact same music just wasn't given to them lol.

I'm sure the FD will be good as a stand alone and it's mainly an interest for those that follow the overall output of the centre. I'm guessing the idea of the FD is to try to inject more of a sensual vibe into this team to make them look more like a senior dance team worthy of the top Canadian spots.

I think it's a great idea. I'm sure it will be a great FD because H/D's was great. But I suppose they will have to contend with associations with H/D if the FD ends up being similar. It's always preferable to get the good idea first, rather than a season later after a higher ranked team has already done it. But I suppose that is the way life works at a training centre with 17+ dance teams? However, the upside is that they have the security of knowing it will be a good program and well received.

For me, i can't call it a "great idea" because I don't think there's an idea there......

Out of their teams last year, both H/D and S/D had this type of freedance- based on a bluesy triplet rhythm. S/D's had that horrible lyric; and The Weeknd's is similar territory. Also, Caught out in the Rain is a better song that rises above its generic musical basis: there's an obviously made to fit a movie's requirements about Earned that is in line with the same basis.

In terms of what I think the judges are looking for this year, which is a less abstract more character driven pieces, I don't really think that is doable with a piece of music from Fifty Shades of Grey. If however they go down a whole whipping and blindfolding and light nipple torture route (or maybe even a moment of **something more extreme that would have you googling*** before the circular step), where movement and ideas from BDSM are used to create new movement, and where they are bringing in their own experiences to add connection and motive to their skating, I'll obviously take that back. By contrast, what I expect we will get with this is abstract sexy, and abstraction and general feelingy programmes is what Gadbois is- in my opinion- being pushed to go beyond.

H/D did have a great freedance last year from a fan's point of view, but breaking down the judging what really elevated them at Worlds was the additional technical level, without it they would only have been fractionally above the third place teams in the freedance. In terms of PCS and GOE they weren't in any way lifted clear of the pack; and one has to question, will they actually get better than that...........
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Well-Known Member
In terms of PCS and GOE they weren't in any way lifted clear of the pack; and one has to question, will they actually get better than that...........
In the 2016/2017 season H/D were still slightly below the "top pack" in PCS and GOE, in the 2017/2018 they were in the line with or slightly above that pack, so there is no reason to believe that they could not improve even more. Apart from "politics", PCS don't (or at least shouldn't) depend only on the general style and theme of skaters programs. There are still such things as skating skills, choreography, musical interpretation etc.


Well-Known Member
In the 2016/2017 season H/D were still slightly below the "top pack" in PCS and GOE, in the 2017/2018 they were in the line with or slightly above that pack, so there is no reason to believe that they could not improve even more. Apart from "politics", PCS don't (or at least shouldn't) depend only on the general style and theme of skaters programs. There are still such things as skating skills, choreography, musical interpretation etc.

Scoring is one thing; improving another; and choreographic method and approach and their own development are fundamental to improving all aspects of PCS.

It's hard to judge what H/D would have scored PCS wise for a freedance programme without that major stack in it at Worlds last year. They were within a point of the rest of the pack (all between 55 and 55.8 approx). I would imagine without that fall they would have been at about 55.7/55.8, which would have put them about the same as above C/L and W/P at this year's Worlds. Adding the lost points for the twizzles, the lost points for the then level two step sequence that followed (assuming a level 3 was got) a certain amount of lost GOE and then 0.5 to 0.7 for lost PCS and they would have really relatively been in about the same position or even better that they were at this year's Worlds (where I think everyone got a little bit of a bump (except C/B); and also everyone REALLY performed). I don't see that programme as having brought them as much as people think it has. Last year's free at Worlds was spellbinding until the fall.

PCS with regard to the short is another matter. That definitely saw an improvement this year.
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