Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
Finally watched both SP & LP - Loved both of them and see lots of potential for growth in both tech and performance aspects. I also liked both of her costumes for perhaps the first time ever. Except for last season I always felt she was wearing just too much black, but this year it would be hard to get away from it in her long program so I am glad the dress has lots of netting on the top portion. I think it is a really classy outfit that adds to the mature confidence of her skating. That confidence just adds so much more to the performances - it amazes me.


Just came across this recent interview when I was searching for High Performance Camp news...

Kaetlyn Osmond, a silver medallist at the 2017 world figure skating championships, visited Regina on Monday [August 21, 2017] to promote Skate Canada International (Oct. 26-29, Brandt Centre). As part of her local media tour, the three-time Canadian champion spoke with the Regina Leader-Post’s Rob Vanstone.


Well-Known Member
Too bad. She should have gotten rid of that long program. It actually is not good, and I don't see why people think it is.


Well-Known Member
Funny! I just noticed emdee's opener for the thread, good luck and wishes for top 8! Wow! How far we've come since then! Really thrilled for her and entire Canadian team this season!

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Osmond vows to stay in the moment this season
21-year-old Canadian focused on achieving excellence, not perfection


She's bringing back her Édith Piaf short program from a year ago, which worked wonders for her, and spent much of the summer with Jeffrey Buttle (at times in Toronto) on her new free skate, set to "Black Swan."

"I love that program; it's such a strong character," she said, her eyes lighting up. "Hopefully that will finally bring a really consistent long program. (Jeff) brings out a different style of skating in me. He's pushed me how to be graceful on the ice and other little things that I was never really the best at when I was little. He's tried to bring out more of a maturity in me."

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
New article from Beverley Smith
Kaetlin Osmond and the dark side of a swan
I like Smith's snarky description of Med's new programs.
Sorry to say [no, you're not!], Medvedeva’s new routines look like carbon copies of the ones from last year. It’s the fragile, big eye, dealing-with-death look. The music titles might be different, the look is not. At the end of her short program, Medvedeva takes her last breath, apparently depicting a soul rising from the body to look back down on it, before death. (Oh my.) But resurrects herself for the long....

I really hope Kaetlyn stays healthy and does what she's capable of this season. She's such a delight to watch, between her personality and those big jumps. She has everything... when it works.


Well-Known Member
I blame TSL for the final 2axel fall for Kaetlyn. :lol:

While live tweeting on Kaetlyn's free skate, TSL was like Canada found its Sasha Cohen - and I immediately thought to myself - not unless she falls on that final 2axel. And lo and behold...


Well-Known Member
Kaetlyn's "I Love It" gala program has really developed since SOI and she was very entertaining at the Skate Canada exhibition yesterday.

Just throwing it out there though that I think she should do a show program to something from the broadway show Come From Away. I think you could cobble together the non-spoken word parts of "Welcome to the Rock" and "Finale" into something that would be really fun. A great nod to her Newfoundland roots and wouldn't she'd be so cute in a plaid skirt made of the green Newfoundland tartan? :D Just something to think about if you're listening team KO :p

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