Davis and White #36: What a Wonderful World


Well-Known Member
Oh my, the back view of Meryl’s dress is gorgeous. I was surprised not to see the Shibs at the wedding.

Loved the back of her dress! I too was surprised not to see the Shibs there, but as busy as they've been lately, they may not have been able to make the trip. Ashley Wagner said she had planned to attend but she had a seminar in Finland that was scheduled the same week.


Well-Known Member
Meryl and Fedor's wedding featured in Town and Country magazine:

Article with lots of pictures:



Interview by MARY ROSE SOMARRIBA (AUG 5, 2019):
MRS: Would you say you’ve developed (or are you developing) a new capacity to “slow down” after the rigorous pace of Olympic training?

MD: I’m still working on it. My now-husband and I—we just got married a month ago—we love getting out into nature, going on hikes, going to the beach, and leaving our phones at home. Reconnecting and disconnecting, if that makes sense. It’s a great way to slow down because we’re also busy with work, and constantly available on our phones and our laptops, so just remembering to breathe and get out into nature is what inspires us to be our best.
MRS: You have hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. What do you enjoy most and least about social media today?

MD: I definitely enjoy connecting with people. I love getting messages from people—"What you said today really resonated with me," and so on. I enjoy sharing my adventures and inspiring others to be open and honest. And I think that's also the challenge—sharing real life. I think that social media has such positive elements to it, and yet I think it also can make people out of touch. When you're exposed to a constant highlight reel of other people's lives, it sort of makes you put your own life into question. And so it's great to try to remind people that everybody has highs and lows, and challenges and things are never perfect.

I think that as somebody who is followed, it’s important to me, every once in a while, to remind people that, while I'm sharing things and adventures I'm excited to share, no one’s life is perfect. That’s a major challenge with social media, and I try to strike that balance with my platform and social media accounts—being inspiring and real at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Meryl and Fedor had a small ceremony in Michigan too. Love this backyard wedding as well. Congrats to Meryl and Fedor :)

Actually, this appears to be the “legal wedding,” since there’s reference to a wedding license.

The reason for the second wedding appears to be a couple of family members, including a grandmother, who couldn’t travel to France.


Well-Known Member
From the Meryl and Fedor Instagram Fan Site - three video clips of the wedding reception:



Well-Known Member

Meryl & Charlie's Talks at Google interview from August has been posted.
Thanks for sharing. Anytime I get to enjoy Charlie's laugh is a good time! Love these two so much. Not just as ice dancers but as people. They have definitely brought joy and happy memories to my life. (but who else thought they were having a heart attack during the FD in Sochi?)


Well-Known Member
A beautiful message from Charlie about his experience choreographing V&M's Rock the Rink tour. (also posted by @believed in the RTR thread)
That's a sweet message. I would have never imagined this would ever be something that would be possible. It is always nice when people let bygones be bygones and do what they love to do. It makes me happy. :D


Well-Known Member
I was scouring the internet for any Carnival on Ice videos but nada. I hope some will show up after the next telecast. It feels like ages since we got any D/W skating videos.😭

Instead, I found this gem.

This is like all levels of cute. Starts at about 0:54. Dai is a little shy while Charlie wants him to show everyone some ice dancing. It leads to him doing some steps with Meryl while Charlie gives him some tips. But wait, the best part is Shoma's cute smirk as the camera pans away.:lol: He approves.
Here is another video from Yuki Saegusa's IG.


Well-Known Member
That's a sweet message. I would have never imagined this would ever be something that would be possible. It is always nice when people let bygones be bygones and do what they love to do. It makes me happy. :D
I dont think there ever were bad feelings between VM and Charlie and Tanith.
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Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
I don't believe there was ill-will between the Canton teams, either, but there was definitely some serious tension by the end. I'm glad they've all sorted it out as they continue to share such unique experiences.

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