Coughlin's Former Pairs Partner Alleges He Abused Her

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Well-Known Member
I’m not asking for you to stick to anything other than what you want to- but the facts aren’t there- at all- at this point. I didn’t say anything about their immediate snooping around after his death, but now that she has gone on record and said something that idiotic, the whole picture needs to be painted.

I know what the motivation was for the attempted contact, and I have no doubt now that one person has spoken up that more will follow- hopefully including more details about Modlin and Maurizi.

All I’m saying is that it’s an absolute joke for Maurizi to have gone through what he says he did and then they go behind the scenes to do some ‘work’... only to have her reappear and shut down any concept of someone being credible in a situation very much like her husband is dealing with. So yes, maybe it’s Tara texting now, but he was most certainly involved, too. So yes, still shame on him.

Thanks for your response. As I said, I don’t know either of them and nothing at all that hasn’t been disclosed, and I don’t feel that’s enough for me, personally, to form an opinion.


Mayor of Carrot City
@WillyElliot Tara Modlin was Weir's agent and appeared in his reality show. She also staged a 9/11 "benefit" skating show for several years that ended up being investigated by the IRS, over allegations that the proceeds from the shows were not going to the charities they were supposed to be supporting.


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
@WillyElliot Tara Modlin was Weir's agent and appeared in his reality show. She also staged a 9/11 "benefit" skating show for several years that ended up being investigated by the IRS, over allegations that the proceeds from the shows were not going to the charities they were supposed to be supporting.

That's what I was thinking. I remembered there was something unsavory about her in the news. I wonder who else she represents? Still with Weir?


Well-Known Member
I think one benefit of more survivors coming out and telling their stories is that I think people overall will learn that maybe their loved ones are capable of doing something heinous. This is something you think most people would have learned by now, but some times you sadly need these stories to become so "routine" that people won't be so surprised to hear that someone they know and are friendly with/loved has committed a bad act(s).

For many people who knew Coughlin, I do feel bad for them for reacting in a normal human way and grieving (not the ones who went OTT with defending Coughlin, attacking survivors, tried to discredit survivors, wearing red hats, etc. because they really did the most to extend the harm).

I think with social media still being new even for those who seriously grew up in it, people are trying to figure out what is right or wrong in how they communicate their feelings. Public figures who opt to share their emotions online through social media now will learn that even when they make isolated gestures that may have unintended consequences may some times have to make public statements of apologies for unintended harm they may have caused for something they felt was neutral or innocuous or understandable at the time just because they have a public persona and therefore they do have bigger influence and reach with what they communicate than most other people. The impact of their seemingly intended neutral gestures can't be controlled and if they did something that did help silence survivors or caused more harm, they should acknowledge it.

I will say one thing that might be a bit controversial in that I do understand why it might harder for some of the skaters to want to openly and publicly apologize if they felt they shouldn't be conflated with some of the more extreme actions of those who really defended Coughlin and actively tried to silence and/or discredit the accusers if they felt they were just expressing more neutral-toned views when the news first came out since they did not know all of the facts. To be bombarded with attacks and to be accused of having more nefarious thoughts than they did by a small but very vocal and seemingly self-righteous mob who may be using this tragedy to promote another agenda with bad motives (and celebrates when they "teach" a skater because it adds to their own ego and sense of self) and who are cursing at them and treating them as if they committed the crimes themselves. Some seem like they are shifting their anger at Couglin and others who were more active in perpetuating the harm to ones who did not do that because they are just so angry and want to destroy those who they perceive to be "enemies" everywhere. That said, even if they feel that way, they need to recognize there's a bigger picture out there and they should use their influence positively and understand they do need to learn their comments have power and recognize whatever harm they may have caused.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Neutral statements were the wise move in the lead up to Nats, with the media coverage confusing and the shock of Coughlin’s death.

Since then, with the well-known lawyer and the Safe Sport statements and now a named victim, neutrality should no longer be respectable.

I never knew he had a partner before Caitlin. How did his partnership with Namiotka end?


Well-Known Member
Neutral statements were the wise move in the lead up to Nats, with the media coverage confusing and the shock of Coughlin’s death.

You'd think so, but some people on social media are saying skaters who even did a neutral RIP gesture right after they heard the news of his death because they knew him personally but made no further comment are being accused of silencing survivors and perpetuating a culture of blaming survivors or disbelieving them because imagine how they would have felt seeing all these skaters they probably also knew or admired posting "RIP" or even bigger tributes to Coughlin even knowing he was being investigated by SafeSport. After Namiotka came out on FB and Brennan wrote her article, some people have been tagging skaters who did just that months ago and nothing more and cursing them out for not believing victims in the first place.


Staff member
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought she said the abuse happened at her parents' home in NJ. The legal age of consent there is 16. Hence, not statutory rape.

Are you talking about Bridget Namiotka? Because she skated with John Coughlin from ages 14-17 and says she was abused for two years. I think it's likely she was 15 at least part of the time, no matter when it started or stopped.

That's definitely true but if we've categorized a friend as one of the 'good guys', it can be hard to believe that they've done something very wrong.

I think that's true and I don't find it at all surprising that there are people who don't think it's possible that their loved one or friend did something terrible. I would have a hard time accepting it of my son, my husband or my friend. Who wouldn't? And it doesn't help at all to say that false reports are very rare, as that's statistics and statistics don't apply to individuals, so what does that have to do with my guy? And rare doesn't mean never, either.

Unfortunately in cases of sexual abuse and other crimes, you can't believe in your friend without at least tacitly believing that the accuser is a liar. Even saying "innocent until proven guilty" comes across as rejecting the accuser's claim, so if you offer any defense at all, you're in the wrong.

I don't know what the correct response is here, only that most people are not aiming for correctness when their emotions are running high.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Um why didn’t she leave that partnership and stayed in it for so long?

She did leave the partnership. See the quote from Jarrett's link.

I had no idea who Bridget was but I found this article/press release about John and Bridget's announcing the end of their partnership.

Namiotka stated

“I love competing and going to competitions; it's the every-day skating that has made me want to take a break,” Namiotka said. “It's no one's fault. I am a lot younger than he is, so he doesn't want the break. I feel like I need it right now.”

Her statement is chilling in light of what she reports she went through. And she only "stayed" from age 14-17. She was a child. She certainly didn't have the agency to just walk away like an adult does. Finally, why are you so focused on her? Why not ask "Why did he abuse her? Why did he think he could get away with harming his partner?"


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
Are you talking about Bridget Namiotka? Because she skated with John Coughlin from ages 14-17 and says she was abused for two years. I think it's likely she was 15 at least part of the time, no matter when it started or stopped.

Forgive me, I can not copy/edit/paste, so I will just bold my response. Yes, I'm referring to Bridget (Isn't she the topic of this thread?). She said she was abused for two years, which I would assume the last two years of her partnership with him, in which she would be 16 and 17, which is legal in New Jersey.

I think that's true and I don't find it at all surprising that there are people who don't think it's possible that their loved one or friend did something terrible. I would have a hard time accepting it of my son, my husband or my friend. Who wouldn't? And it doesn't help at all to say that false reports are very rare, as that's statistics and statistics don't apply to individuals, so what does that have to do with my guy? And rare doesn't mean never, either.

I have learned to never underestimate a person's loyalty even if they know deep down that an accusation is possibly true. I have seen that behavior many, many times. People do not want to accept that someone they love and admire or look up to could be guilty of something horrible. I will give his father and sister a pass for standing up for him. Dalilah, hmm, not so much. I was not at Nationals this year, so I was not able to personally feel the 'vibe' concerning Coughlin. Those red hats might have just been about mourning his death, and not any 'side' taken vis-a-vis defending him from the accusations.

Unfortunately in cases of sexual abuse and other crimes, you can't believe in your friend without at least tacitly believing that the accuser is a liar. Even saying "innocent until proven guilty" comes across as rejecting the accuser's claim, so if you offer any defense at all, you're in the wrong.

I agree with you. Sometimes it is probably just wiser to say "No comment" (which by the way is now how the family is answering).

I don't know what the correct response is here, only that most people are not aiming for correctness when their emotions are running high.
But how exactly do you define "correctness"? To each person on each side their feelings are to them "correct". I think we should just let both sides vent it out, provided they are not being provocative or downright offensive.

I apologize in advance for not knowing how to reply correctly with multiple quotes.
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Well-Known Member
Omg people if you read the USFSA article posted earlier in the thread from when she retired ... she was not even a junior in high school when she decided to leave the partnership. She and John has a promising career having success in the JPG, placed 4th at Jr. Worlds and had a decent skate at their first nationals. Reading the article in hindsight it’s obvious she quit abruptly.


Well-Known Member
I think for many of the skaters, it must have put them in an awkward spot. How do you reconcile the friend you know with the person accused of doing these serious offences? How do you grieve for him and acknowledge the victims? As a coach, Sappenfield should know better than to behave as she did. Did she know about what was going on? If she did and did nothing, she's complicit.

I think @Prancer touched on a key dilemma: These types of situations are a catch-22. We say people are innocent until proven guilty but at the same time, the allegations need to be taken seriously.

I think the figure skating community needs to do some soul-searching about this and take action before they're faced with their own Larry Nassar Scandal.


Staff member
She said she was abused for two years, which I would assume the last two years of her partnership with him, in which she would be 16 and 17, which is legal in New Jersey.

According to Wikipedia, she teamed up with Coughlin in late 2004 and they announced the end of the partnership July 3, 2007, so they skated together about two and a half years. She was born in January of 1990, so she would have been not quite 15 when they started skating together and 17 and a half when they parted ways.

So I still think it's likely she was 15 for at least part of the time. Of course, Wiki could be wrong (it often is), but those are also the dates in the announcement of their breakup that was posted earlier.

I don't think statutory rape is the issue, but still.


the uberdom chooses YOU
The one thing I hope that comes out of this is that USFSA takes this seriously, which I do not believe they have done or are willing to do, instead of sweeping it under the rug. I am sure there are far more cases than this. Not just in the US but in other federations as well, when someone has a position of power over someone else, and that someone else is often a minor.

As for her parents not knowing or doing nothing about it--my mother still refuses to believe she allowed my pediatrician to molest me as a toddler. The self delusion can be very strong if there is guilt involved. And it is easy to hide these things if the child will not tell the parents out of embarrassment, guilt, or any other feeling. Who knows.


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
I don't think statutory rape is the issue, but still.

I hope statutory rape will not be mentioned again, because that might not even have been the case. The grooming and whatever the abuse was is relevant though. And I am not defending him by any stretch. I am appalled that Bridget has received such a backlash on her FB and even here, before you wisely cut that poster off from the discussion. To that I say thank you.
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another sk8rmom

Active Member
I never knew he had a partner before Caitlin. How did his partnership with Namiotka end?

They trained at Skating Club of Wilmington as well as at UD I think. My daughter had recently started private lessons at Wilmington and I remember Bridget and John would sometimes be on the high level session that was right before the low level one we were there for.

At some of the club events like send offs for competition I had the opportunity to speak with her mother. She was always very friendly, spoke enthusiastically about the partnership and about skating in general. When the partnership ended however, in addition to the official announcement, her mother also mentioned to me that it had to do with a chronic illness that Bridget had recently developed. Her whole demeanor was different and from our conversation, I got the impression there was a lot more to the partnership ending than what was being shared. However, at the time my daughter was only about 5 and we were both very new to the whole skating experience and didn’t give it much more thought. In hindsight now with all this coming to light it makes much more sense to me.


Better off than 2020
An article I came across said that Delilah and her students were wearing the Coughin hats in front of the Safe Sport sign. And forcing her students to wear the hats even when they don't want to is not acceptable. She should be reprimanded.
Years ago at one competition practice sessions I overheard a couple of women - I assume moms - saying things that indicated to me that perhaps a culture of sexual harassment was par for Broadmoor. Just an overheard conversation - was disturbing then, but even more now.

I hope USFS and Safe Sport look into what Sappenfield knew and the force of Chiefs ball caps on her students.


Well-Known Member
The one thing I hope that comes out of this is that USFSA takes this seriously, which I do not believe they have done or are willing to do, instead of sweeping it under the rug. I am sure there are far more cases than this. Not just in the US but in other federations as well, when someone has a position of power over someone else, and that someone else is often a minor.

As for her parents not knowing or doing nothing about it--my mother still refuses to believe she allowed my pediatrician to molest me as a toddler. The self delusion can be very strong if there is guilt involved. And it is easy to hide these things if the child will not tell the parents out of embarrassment, guilt, or any other feeling. Who knows.

Look at how long it took for action against Callaghan. This has me wondering about Canada and if it has happened or is happening there. I hope not

Years ago at one competition practice sessions I overheard a couple of women - I assume moms - saying things that indicated to me that perhaps a culture of sexual harassment was par for Broadmoor. Just an overheard conversation - was disturbing then, but even more now.

I hope USFS and Safe Sport look into what Sappenfield knew and the force of Chiefs ball caps on her students.

I think parents need to open their eyes, and realize that they need to do some research before selecting a coach. Just because a coach is successful doesn't mean they're a good choice. See the Karolyis in gymnastics


Staff member
I wonder if a female coach had an inappropriate relationship with John when he was under age.

Please don't start with the baseless speculation.

her mother also mentioned to me that it had to do with a chronic illness that Bridget had recently developed

I believe Bridget had or perhaps still has pancreatitis.
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