Hold on to your fascinators, it could be a snarky ride! It's Royal Wedding Day! Wheeee!


Well-Known Member
Am watching Gogglebox UK and everyone of the families are taking the piss out of Bishop Curry. :rofl:

ETA: https://twitter.com/C4Gogglebox/status/1000107173404438529:rofl:

I'm just watching on catch up and I am in hysterics - they are saying everything I was thinking and saying on the day!!!!! Hilarious :D

I will add I heard an interview he did with on the BBC radio channels where he said that the address (not a sermon)was suppose to be 6 or 7 minutes but that he had forgotten to take into account the 'pauses' that occurred organically - I personally didn't hear a single pause - and that he did ad-lib a little - well as he went on for close to 14 minutes he ad-libbed a lot!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I read yesterday the dad and the wicked step sister got 100k for the staged photos. The sister has also been paid really well for childhood photos and interviews. It was in a US magazine like Harper's Bazaar or something like that. Pretty sad family is like that. But I know 1st hand that they are.


Well-Known Member
Jasper is gorgeous!!
I love Jasper, I like it better than Banff. And Jasper Park Lodge where they would have stayed is absolutely wonderful. The cabins are amazing. Unfortunately, the latest word is that the reports were wrong, and they are not planning to stay there.


Bunny mama
I love Jasper, I like it better than Banff. And Jasper Park Lodge where they would have stayed is absolutely wonderful. The cabins are amazing. Unfortunately, the latest word is that the reports were wrong, and they are not planning to stay there.

We stayed in Jasper for a couple of nights years ago.

We went and saw the glacier. Loved it!

We have stayed in Banff too. Beautiful but so crowded.


Well-Known Member
I think their deliberately putting out false reports to through reporters off the trail.

It could well be a false report - they don't usually announce ahead of time for security reasons. Of course no dates are mentioned so who knows. Still there will be a focus on Jasper now so no chance of them sneaking in.


Well-Known Member
It could well be a false report - they don't usually announce ahead of time for security reasons. Of course no dates are mentioned so who knows. Still there will be a focus on Jasper now so no chance of them sneaking in.

My guess is they’re taking a mini-moon in one of the Queens many countryside estates. They’ll take a longer honeymoon during the summer. By that point, so many places will be rumored the press won’t know the first place to look.


Active Member
I think they are already away. There’s been no mention or pics since Charles birthday. I hope they go to Africa where they wanted to go all along. I also hope that since they were so generous with themselves at the wedding, big carriage ride for the people, that they are shown some respect and left alone ... pipe dream I know.


Well-Known Member
Great minds think alike! DH and I honeymooned in the Canadian Rockies and are considering going back next year for our 24th anniversary! Jasper is beautiful, as is Banff and Lake Louise.

Aww man, it's going to get even more crowded than it already is with word that it's a royal destination.

Two years ago we had a 3-week Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise, Kootenay camping trip planned- booked camp sites the days they opened and got amazing ones. Then my husband got his by a car biking to work so we had to cancel the trip. I'm still anxiously awaiting my Canadian Rockies vacation. But now I have to let my daughter grow up a bit!


Well-Known Member
I think their deliberately putting out false reports to through reporters off the trail.
It could well be a false report - they don't usually announce ahead of time for security reasons.

Either it's false or someone (at the Lodge?) needed a few minutes of anonymous fame. I hope it's false and they're not forced to change the venue or hounded by Reporters on their honeymoon.


Well-Known Member
They are calling for snow today in the Alberta Rockies, so if they are there, I hope they don’t mind a little spring snow storm ⛄


Banned Member
Interesting viewpoints on Meghan Markle's fashion and cultural influence:



Nail polish mystery solved?
http://www.vogue.co.uk/article/the-duchess-of-sussex-meghan-markles-bridal-manicure-mystery :lol:

An- I see what you are saying the house. I was thinking you meant people.

Isn't it Windsor-Mountbatten now though? As opposed to just Windsor?

I believe it's mainly the Queen's male line descendants who are not directly in line to the throne and who do not have royal styles and titles who formally use the Mountbatten-Windsor moniker. Harry and William have used the name 'Wales' prior to receiving their respective titles (as their father is Prince of Wales). William's children use the Cambridge moniker, and Harry's will use the Sussex moniker. Of course, Prince Harry and Prince William are also members of the Royal House of Windsor. They rarely use Mountbatten-Windsor as a surname, but have on certain occasions.

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountbatten-Windsor
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discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Meghan’s sense of fashion has been pretty flawless before the wedding. The nail polish was one of my favorite features of her bridal look besides the veil, tiara, and earrings.


Well-Known Member
Janina Gavankar (the actress who wore the awesome caped orange dress) has spoken a bit about finding the dress, and about the wedding. Some tidbits:
- she compares her outfit to Carmen Sandiego
- many Americans discussed how difficult it was to find dresses that fit all the requirements
- Being seated in the quire, it felt like a small chapel wedding, but they could hear the crowds cheering from outside

And a bit about the evening reception:
- Dancing until the wee hours
- Sliders at 2am
- Each table was named for a food that is said differently in the US and the UK, like "potato, potato, tomato, tomato, oregano, oregano"
- Not surprisingly, Harry gave an amazing speech for Meghan, that apparently was extremely funny, self deprecating, and filled with love

And her evening look was great too.


Banned Member
^^ Thanks for pointing out that feature on Janina Gavankar. I love her obvious love for Meghan. And that quote:

"... When asked what she hopes for Meghan in her new life as a newlywed royal, Gavankar said simply, 'I hope for as much privacy as possible. As much as the world will allow them, I hope for more. Truly.'''

I dare say the world is not going to allow Meghan and Harry much privacy at all. But Harry and the royals are going to continue enforcing and maintaining as much privacy as they possibly can. William and Harry ain't playing games about protecting the lives and privacy of their wives and their young families. (In Harry's case, future young family :))

Interesting news has been released that HM the Queen and the new Duchess of Sussex (Meghan) will be sharing official public engagements together on June 14 (sans Prince Harry). Wow, that's an even bolder statement than was the subtle but significant shot of Meghan's dog Guy accompanying the Queen in her car to Windsor Castle in the lead-up to the royal wedding!

From the British publication, The Telegraph:
'After marrying into the Royal family less than a month ago, the Duchess of Sussex is to embark on a lifetime of public service from the most glamorous of events to the rather mundane.
She will do so, it seems, under the guidance of no less than Her Majesty the Queen, who has invited the newlywed Duchess to spend a full day of public engagements with her in Chester next week...'

Mad About Meghan blog effuses: "It is understood Meghan has spent quite a lot of time with the Queen and the two are said to be very fond of each other."

It certainly does seem as if Meghan has bonded very well with all the elder and very important members of the royal family, including not only the Queen, but also Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall. Meghan will surely also appear with Prince Harry for the June 9 Trooping the Colour ceremony.

Here are more details about the Queen's planned day of engagements with Meghan on June 14:
"Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex, will officially open the Mersey Gateway Bridge, at Catalyst Science Discovery Centre ... Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex, will officially open the Storyhouse Theatre, Hunter Street, Chester ... Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex will attend a lunch at Chester Town Hall ..."


Quite definitely, this is an important show of complete acceptance, support, appreciation and even admiration by HM the Queen for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as she begins her new life as a member of the British royal family.

Apparently, Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are on their honeymoon and will be returning to Britain shortly in advance of Trooping the Colour festivities.

Interesting info regarding what titles Harry's & Meghan's future children may hold:

The Learning Channel's take on fashions at the Royal wedding, etc:

Fascinating details about Meghan's Mom's paternal side of the family (Meghan's great-great uncle William Evans, Jr was a Negro league baseball player, and Evans' parents were famous vaudeville performers):
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Banned Member
Meghan and Harry are reportedly honeymooning at Ashford Castle in Northern Ireland (an historic castle turned into an exclusive resort). Obviously, there have been a lot of rumors about where they went for their honeymoon: Canada, Africa, etc. This report might be true...



This is a cute story:

A very sweet analysis (on CNN) of the royal wedding official portraits taken at Windsor Castle by Alexi Lubomirski

Ha ha, this is a very entertaining video revealing via a lip reader what principals and guests were saying at the wedding: :lol:
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Well-Known Member
^^ Thanks for pointing out that feature on Janina Gavankar. I love her obvious love for Meghan. And that quote:

"... When asked what she hopes for Meghan in her new life as a newlywed royal, Gavankar said simply, 'I hope for as much privacy as possible. As much as the world will allow them, I hope for more. Truly.'''

I dare say the world is not going to allow Meghan and Harry much privacy at all. But Harry and the royals are going to continue enforcing and maintaining as much privacy as they possibly can. William and Harry ain't playing games about protecting the lives and privacy of their wives and their young families. (In Harry's case, future young family :))

Interesting news has been released that HM the Queen and the new Duchess of Sussex (Meghan) will be sharing official public engagements together on June 14 (sans Prince Harry). Wow, that's an even bolder statement than was the subtle but significant shot of Meghan's dog Guy accompanying the Queen in her car to Windsor Castle in the lead-up to the royal wedding!

From the British publication, The Telegraph:
'After marrying into the Royal family less than a month ago, the Duchess of Sussex is to embark on a lifetime of public service from the most glamorous of events to the rather mundane.
She will do so, it seems, under the guidance of no less than Her Majesty the Queen, who has invited the newlywed Duchess to spend a full day of public engagements with her in Chester next week...'

Mad About Meghan blog effuses: "It is understood Meghan has spent quite a lot of time with the Queen and the two are said to be very fond of each other."

It certainly does seem as if Meghan has bonded very well with all the elder and very important members of the royal family, including not only the Queen, but also Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall. Meghan will surely also appear with Prince Harry for the June 9 Trooping the Colour ceremony.

Here are more details about the Queen's planned day of engagements with Meghan on June 14:
"Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex, will officially open the Mersey Gateway Bridge, at Catalyst Science Discovery Centre ... Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex, will officially open the Storyhouse Theatre, Hunter Street, Chester ... Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by the Duchess of Sussex will attend a lunch at Chester Town Hall ..."


Quite definitely, this is an important show of complete acceptance, support, appreciation and even admiration by HM the Queen for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as she begins her new life as a member of the British royal family.

I think it is notable that the Queen has increasingly been doing engagements in the company of other members of the family in the months since Philip's retirement from public life. She did one with Camilla this week. Are we going to all wax eloquently about their bond and Camilla's inherent specialness?

Yep. I didn't think so.


A bitch from Canada
I think it is notable that the Queen has increasingly been doing engagements in the company of other members of the family in the months since Philip's retirement from public life. She did one with Camilla this week. Are we going to all wax eloquently about their bond and Camilla's inherent specialness?

Yep. I didn't think so.

I don't understand why Meghan makes you so angry.


Well-Known Member
I think it is notable that the Queen has increasingly been doing engagements in the company of other members of the family in the months since Philip's retirement from public life. She did one with Camilla this week. Are we going to all wax eloquently about their bond and Camilla's inherent specialness?

Do you think we will be reacting to Meghan the same way when she has been part of the family for as long as Camilla?


scratching at the light
oooh....Ireland! I haven't been to the Ashford Castle (of course not!) but I have been in that area and it's gorgeous!

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