Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir, #46 : Until the End of Time

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Hey, Kool-Aid!
In Toronto and Montreal some people get quite dressed up for sporting events. You see a lot of men in suits and a lot women are dressed to the nines. It’s a scene.

And there could be dinner before or drinks after.
Even beyond those two cities is it really any different to crowds watching a figure skating competition. Some wear comfy sweats and jerseys and others dress up.


Well-Known Member
And there could be dinner before or drinks after.
Even beyond those two cities is it really any different to crowds watching a figure skating competition. Some wear comfy sweats and jerseys and others dress up.

Well if you are in a box it it often a semi business/ social event not quite a pure sporting event.


Well-Known Member
Interesting piece from another country other than Canada. Though, am I wrong that they never actually did announce to retire after 2014 Sochi (as it was stated on video)?

I'm already in love with what they chose for outfits in both programs so far. Haha Oh I can't believe that I actually like the subtle leopard sheer print on Tessa. Different (good way) than what we can see from other ice dancers. And basically she totally worked it for SD. I also agree with marbri's comment on that their current FD outfits does give MR a modern take, similar to what they did with Carmen. The dress style and colour is just beautiful on Tessa. Maybe I do see a change with Scott's. Anyhow, I'm just excited to see what they'll decided to change in outfits for coming up GPF & at Olympics, but mostly, in their perfecting both their programs elements.

They never said they had retired. It was always a year by year decision of not this year we will see. Retirement and comeback nonsense came from Cdn media. All the skaters knew they could come back at any time but when they made the announcement early in 2016 our friendly commentator on CBC instead of saying what a great year and olympics it was going to be with V/M in the mix and how good the competition would be she said how terrible it was for the other skaters (as in unfair) and that there was no reason for them to continue. Then we lost most of our top teams as they retired.


Well-Known Member
They never said they had retired. It was always a year by year decision of not this year we will see. Retirement and comeback nonsense came from Cdn media. All the skaters knew they could come back at any time but when they made the announcement early in 2016 our friendly commentator on CBC instead of saying what a great year and olympics it was going to be with V/M in the mix and how good the competition would be she said how terrible it was for the other skaters (as in unfair) and that there was no reason for them to continue. Then we lost most of our top teams as they retired.
This!! (the part I bolded) So many times I have read in an article or on a forum that V/M had retired and decided to come out of retirement to make a run at a second OGM. I have read many an article about them during the two years when they were competing and not once did I read anything where they were quoted as saying they had retired. It was always along the lines of we're taking stock of how things are going, seeing how we feel about the possibility of competiting again, were they ready to move on or was there still an unquenched fire burning in their competitive psyche. I also read where people asked D/W if they were returning and not once did they ever say a firm no, more of a hesitant "not sure".
Man, I sure wish I knew where the narrative began that made it seem that
1) V/M had retired
2) they unretired
3) they are taking over spots that "should" belong to other teams ie. W/P
I don't think someone should retire just because of what they have won. You want to take their place, then do something that will score you better so that you beat V/M. Can't do it? Oh well, that's life. As we say around the rinks that I hang out in "suck it up buttercup. Want my place, do whatever it takes to earn it"


Well-Known Member
This!! (the part I bolded) So many times I have read in an article or on a forum that V/M had retired and decided to come out of retirement to make a run at a second OGM. I have read many an article about them during the two years when they were competing and not once did I read anything where they were quoted as saying they had retired. It was always along the lines of we're taking stock of how things are going, seeing how we feel about the possibility of competiting again, were they ready to move on or was there still an unquenched fire burning in their competitive psyche...
I don't think someone should retire just because of what they have won. You want to take their place, then do something that will score you better so that you beat V/M. Can't do it? Oh well, that's life. As we say around the rinks that I hang out in "suck it up buttercup. Want my place, do whatever it takes to earn it"

You are SO right, Professordeb! The venom directed at V&M because they came back is just :eek::eek:. "Suck it up buttercup indeed":40beers:.


Well-Known Member
This!! (the part I bolded) So many times I have read in an article or on a forum that V/M had retired and decided to come out of retirement to make a run at a second OGM. I have read many an article about them during the two years when they were competing and not once did I read anything where they were quoted as saying they had retired. It was always along the lines of we're taking stock of how things are going, seeing how we feel about the possibility of competiting again, were they ready to move on or was there still an unquenched fire burning in their competitive psyche. I also read where people asked D/W if they were returning and not once did they ever say a firm no, more of a hesitant "not sure".
Man, I sure wish I knew where the narrative began that made it seem that
1) V/M had retired
2) they unretired
3) they are taking over spots that "should" belong to other teams ie. W/P
I don't think someone should retire just because of what they have won. You want to take their place, then do something that will score you better so that you beat V/M. Can't do it? Oh well, that's life. As we say around the rinks that I hang out in "suck it up buttercup. Want my place, do whatever it takes to earn it"
Agree. Seems like wishful thinking from some that v/m to "just retire already". Occasionally saw those type of comments in YouTube too. I don't understand that sentiment at all. Like what? Just because they got the two Olympic medals/podium, they should now step down for other skaters "to get a turn"? Makes no sense. They've never been those athletes who just settled. Even after OGM, they were always honest with the media even about wanting to push the sport/boundaries. They did and tried that. Re: Carmen. Of course, much to some people's annoyance, I feel. How they coped with so much vitriol after that whole Carmen season and into Sochi, takes a lot of courage. In all this, some choose to conveniently forget is their evident love for the sport. That's why they "came back" and now, will leave by choice. Happy now??? (Again, sad to see them go but at least it's on a high)


Well-Known Member
I also ventured into other threads here too. One common thread of thought about v/m's return and announcement which somehow screwed up w/p's performance is just pure speculation and utter nonsense. Are w/p not athletes too? Aren't skaters expected to prepare and to put their own heads together before every competition? Funny because for all the talk about v/m being the nicest people (on record) and role models for other skaters who look up to them, they sure are talk of reasons why for everything wrong in ice dance somehow ...


Well-Known Member
I get that there's time to burn between now and gpf, but speculating/ruminating about something that happened 2 years ago is not my preferred way to burn it. ;) How about opinions on new SD/FD costumes? What choreo changes you'd like to see in the FD? Complaining about why Moir's Skate Shop doesn't have an online purchase option? ;) Come on, people! :)


Well-Known Member
I get that there's time to burn between now and gpf, but speculating/ruminating about something that happened 2 years ago is not my preferred way to burn it. ;) How about opinions on new SD/FD costumes? What choreo changes you'd like to see in the FD? Complaining about why Moir's Skate Shop doesn't have an online purchase option? ;) Come on, people! :)
SD costume change ! Since it's a "difficult" theme in terms of clothing (it's so easy to dislike a latin-skating outfit honestly), it might be one of their last chances to go with another try internationally. They did a million costume change before so I'm expecting one. And maybe for Scott in the FD too (I just love Tessa's dress I want her to keep it).


Well-Known Member
You are SO right, Professordeb! The venom directed at V&M because they came back is just :eek::eek:. "Suck it up buttercup indeed":40beers:.

The business of retire/comeback was CBC. The drivel of poor cdn ice dancers was from Carole Lane(piper and paul's coach) on national television and it was not concern for W/P. W/P have always known the real score and knew they had to reinvent themselves to go that extra mile and they did it with gusto.Kudos to them...they have done so much for CDN ice dancing and done it fair and square with a tremendous amount of work and talent. Canada is so lucky to have both of these teams.


Well-Known Member
Based on that teaser post from Tessa, definitely something in the works :) I liked what Caron have come up with so far. (Yes, I was not keen on the print at the beginning. Now it grew on me) Hope he keeps those dress (cut) styles on Tessa though. She looks sultry. I actually love how she had done her eye make up from one of the posts. One where she kissed (can't remember his name) on cheek for the media/interview piece. It made her eyes pop. Scott could do with a change. Don't know what. I say, surprise us, Caron :)


Well-Known Member
I know many are fans of Tessa's present FD costume, but I'm not. While it's great for the first half, it doesn't work for me for the second half.

As I've said before, my big issue with this FD is that it doesn't make much sense without knowing the story of MR, which is a problem as MR isn't a movie everyone has seen. I'd like them to sit down and really examine what they're trying to show with this program, so that the performance can stand on its own even if you don't know the story.

What is Tessa's character in the beginning? Someone who is challenging Scott? Thinks she's too good for him? Is teasing him? Wants to know more about him? It's not very clear to me. For Scott, it looks like his character is someone who wants Tessa but can't get her. But does he love her? Or does he want to own her? Not clear to me.

Then there's the change to Come What May. What happens here? What changed in their relationship and why? How am I supposed to believe these characters have gone from a tango to a lyrical love story? It's a common trope, so it's not too hard to make most viewers get there, but right now, I'm not seeing it. I think that choreographically, there has to be a suggestion in the tango that there's a possibility of love between the two, and it's not just all about lust.

Then the end. Tessa looks triumphant in that last lift; it looks we've reached a happy ending for our characters. Then what the heck happened? Why is she falling all of a sudden? Was she sick the entire time? Why is this ending unhappily? It comes out of nowhere. Can there be a suggestion in the choreography somewhere earlier that this story isn't going to end well?

There's so much going on that it's hard to get sucked in to the story without falling out somewhere due to confusion. And I think that impacts the PCS because it's hard for the viewer to connect to what they're seeing.


Well-Known Member
As I've said before, my big issue with this FD is that it doesn't make much sense without knowing the story of MR, which is a problem as MR isn't a movie everyone has seen. I'd like them to sit down and really examine what they're trying to show with this program, so that the performance can stand on its own even if you don't know the story.

Does it help you at all the MR was heavily influenced by the opera La Traviata?


Moulin Rouge

La traviata was also a significant influence on Baz Luhrmann’s glittering musical film Moulin Rouge (2001). Moulin Rouge tells the story of celebrated courtesan and star of the Moulin Rouge nightclub, Satine, who, though resisting at first, gives in to the unwavering love and devotion of a young poet/writer, mirroring the scenario of La traviata. Like Violetta, Satine learns that love can be true and idealistic, and she is able to experience. However, both romances are shattered by extenuating circumstances, and both Violetta and Satine selflessly sacrifice their own happiness for someone else’s sake. And most notably, both heroines suffer from the fatal disease, ‘consumption’, and, once reunited with their lovers, tragically die.


Well-Known Member
Even if you don't know the MR story I think you can still tell from the choreography what it's about.
In the beginning Scott is clearly jealous of a situation going on with Tessa's character who is with another man.
If you listen to the lyrics you can clearly understand it.
I agree it is less clear how Tessa's character feels about him here.
I do think they need a tiny bridge in between to show that the two lovers at odds in the first section come together despite the odds.
As for the end it happens like it happens in the film/opera.
They find happiness and their way back to each other only to sadly discover it's too late, Tessa's character is sick and dies.
I agree that they need to make the transitions clearer but I think both parts are there.
And easy to understand.
What they are attempting, telling a story is more difficult then just skating with emotions.
It'll take more time to gel.
As for PCS, it seems the judges are favouring the French team so far.
All of their 10's are definitely a concern for Tessa and Scott to win. I think they will need to be perfect in telling this as a clear story.
I'm both excited and trepidatious for GPF.
I have a sense I know where the season is headed. The GPF will be telling I think.


Active Member
I still feel though like that ending needs an extra beat. It's like listening to a chord without the last note.

After seeing many concerns on Tessa & Scott’s free dance ending music, I decided to take matters in my own hands and make a video where I explain some facts and express my own opinions regarding the ongoing theme.

In the past few weeks me and balletfever89 from tumblr have been working on this video:

I hope you take a look!

Full post on Tumblr: http://figureskatingqueen.tumblr.com/post/167773808478/p-i-after-seeing-many-concerns-on-tessa-amp


Well-Known Member
Does it help you at all the MR was heavily influenced by the opera La Traviata?

Not really, because again, I don't think many people know the story of La Traviata either.

If you listen to the lyrics you can clearly understand it.

What if I don't understand English? I shouldn't have to rely on lyrics to know what's going on.
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Well-Known Member
Not really, because again, I don't think many people know the story of La Traviata either.
Fair enough :) What about the lyrics of the 2 songs? This doesn't help either? I do not personally believe their PCS is affected by the program itself. Their PCS scores are linked to their tech. errors in my personal opinion.


I see the sea
Do you understand French and the intent of Weaver/Poje's Je Suis Malade? What Turandot/Nessun Dorma in Italian?
The question was not directed at me, but I do find Je Suis Malade easy to follow; it's very literal. Similarly, Umbrellas of Cherbourg was a very accessible program back in the day. And to use examples of retired teams so as not to invite comparisons, I think that the Kerrs had programs that were easy to figure out without knowing the story behind the music, as were many of Pechalat/Bourzat's programs.

I assume that this will be V/M's final season, and I do wish they'd chosen something other than MR as their farewell program.


Well-Known Member
Who didn't know MR and La Traviata? I think everyone watch at least MR, don't make drama from this.
And for some who didn't know about La Traviata they put music with words.
The other case is that not everyone like this movie, or music, or music they choose from this movie, or the way they show this storyline.


Well-Known Member
I assume that this will be V/M's final season, and I do wish they'd chosen something other than MR as their farewell program.

And I couldn't be happier about both of their program choices :) Especially Moulin Rouge! I think it's so very poignant and on point and breaks my heart.

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I´ve never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I´m loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day


Well-Known Member
I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. People will get stirred up by the movement matching the intensity and drama of the music and will fill in the blanks with their own feelings and thoughts that they get from the program and skating.


Well-Known Member
Like Eurosport commentators said - what song for last dance for VM.
But they like second part more, then the first. I think it's OK, becuase I remember Tessa's post about take a risk and will see what will come next.

double runner

Well-Known Member
From reading through all this, I gather many feel that V/M would have been better served if they didn’t try and tell a story and just danced. No theme, no storyline, just pure glide and movement with the music. Thoughts?


I see the sea
Who didn't know MR and La Traviata? I think everyone watch at least MR, don't make drama from this.
Here are the box office figures for Moulin Rouge! Clearly, many people have not seen it. I'm one of them.

And I couldn't be happier about both of their program choices :) Especially Moulin Rouge! I think it's so very poignant and on point and breaks my heart.
I'm glad you can enjoy both :) I guess I'm partial to their earlier programs, and still wonder what they would have made of the Pink Floyd FD if they could have skated it a full season.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you can enjoy both :) I guess I'm partial to their earlier programs, and still wonder what they would have made of the Pink Floyd FD if they could have skated it a full season.

I am one of the lucky ones as I have enjoyed every one of their programs since 2006 (their senior debut). And yes, even Funnyface AND Seasons. HAHA! It is their SKATING that makes me love them the most though. The programs are secondary to me.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I didn't watch MR movie before this or that it was based on La Traviata. I was drawn to this latest piece because it had all the styles they had done in some many of their previous programs. Bits of fiery tango, lyrical, drama, romance ... To me, they are dancing with confidence and conviction to their vision of what is should be.


Well-Known Member
OK, just wonder. Maybe this is question of age? Everyone know Malade, but didn't know MR? But Ok, I am not talking about this movie is one of the best, but at that time I thought everyone watched it.
I think this FD have a lot off layers, nuisances and the main thing - it shows there versality, body moves and yes, connection. The first part its a little bit of Carmen, second more soft and lyrical.
As for PF, you know, that not PF, not Carmen didn't bring them gold, maybe they didn't want to made full FD in that modern style.
This is the risky choice, but this is not the end. Honestly i am not sure TS will get different results with other music, because no matter what everything could happened.
I just hope they will gain more speed and power, wich visiualy will stend them from the others. And of couse I hope they will be capable to show 2 clean performances.
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