Shibutanis thread 3: Evolution


Well-Known Member
I'm still over the moon that I suggested that piece of music for them (it was a piece that I loved before I knew what After the Rain was) and then they ended up using it the next season. It's all a coincidence, but that never happens to me. :lol:

Where did you suggest it? to know where to go to leave my suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
Where did you suggest it? to know where to go to leave my suggestions :)

It was in the first Shibs thread back in December, 2015:

It's funny reading my post now. Only @topaz and kwanoverrated liked my suggestion at that time though you and @Coco liked my subsequent posts defending my suggestions haha. I even said they should consult with Asian-American hip hop crews and do hip hop for the SD. I know they ended up consulting with Quest Crew and Aye Hasegawa because of their connection with Dante Brasco, so that wasn't me, but I love that a lot of my suggestions came to fruition even if I had nothing to do with it other than having some cosmic meeting-of-the-minds with them.


Well-Known Member
^^ I always thought the Shibs might have checked out the Hip Hop thread in Trash and been inspired by my random idea for hip hop music selection: a Frank Sinatra hip hop mix :D

That was the first thing I found when I looked up Frank Sinatra-Hip Hop when I found out the Shibs were using "That's Life" for their SD (we didn't know if they had chosen Hip Hop yet at the time and I think most people assumed they were going to do swing with that music choice).


Banned Member
wow, her hair looks so fabulous in that picture!!. I don´t love the look of Alex, he looks soooo young in that picture.

Their faces kinda look photo-shopped, but why on earth why? :)

Re the controversy over U.S. teams and placements, I just shrug and say I love both the Shibs and Hub/Don, plus I enjoy watching all of our exciting ice dance teams. Let the battle play out to its fullest, cuz the fight makes everyone better. And it will be a great battle at U.S. Nats. Then I want all our teams to bring it and to make some fierce noise going for Olympics and Worlds podiums. I don't doubt the Shibs can prevail. They got the balls and the experience. They don't blink either! Witness Helsinki, eh. :respec: Politics will be politics and IJS/COP will be a b$#ch, as usual. Athletes control whut's in dey powah!
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Banned Member
^^ Judging panels should be neutral, independent and unbeholden, not to mention non-corruptible. But that's like asking for the moon and getting a kick in the a#! :kickass: :drama:

I guess China and Canada will do well in team comp? Canada of course may very well win gold. With good pairs and good men, but lagging a bit in ladies and ice dance, China could break even. U.S., Russia, Japan will battle for the other team podium spots.

Under draw 'disappointments,' IN forgot to list U.S. pairs being wuzrobbed by the rules. That's too bad about Michael Christian Martinez only making first alternate for the Olympics. I always enjoy watching him skate.

I don't know enough about the ice dance judges from the chosen countries to comment on that panel.


Well-Known Member
^^ Judging panels should be neutral, independent and unbeholden, not to mention non-corruptible. But that's like asking for the moon and getting a kick in the a#! :kickass: :drama:

I guess China and Canada will do well in team comp? Canada of course may very well win gold. With good pairs and good men, but lagging a bit in ladies and ice dance, China could break even. U.S., Russia, Japan will battle for the other team podium spots.

Under draw 'disappointments,' IN forgot to list U.S. pairs being wuzrobbed by the rules. That's too bad about Michael Christian Martinez only making first alternate for the Olympics. I always enjoy watching him skate.

I don't know enough about the ice dance judges from the chosen countries to comment on that panel.

I expect that the usual politicking among federations conspiracy theories :sekret: will abound, especially in ice dancing. I would love to see a MAJOR upset in this event since the skating boards have been predicting that only one medal, the bronze, is up for grabs. The rest has been preordained by the skate gods :rolleyes:.


Well-Known Member
It's funny reading my post now. Only @topaz and kwanoverrated liked my suggestion at that time though you and @Coco liked my subsequent posts defending my suggestions haha. I even said they should consult with Asian-American hip hop crews and do hip hop for the SD. I know they ended up consulting with Quest Crew and Aye Hasegawa because of their connection with Dante Brasco, so that wasn't me, but I love that a lot of my suggestions came to fruition even if I had nothing to do with it other than having some cosmic meeting-of-the-minds with them.

I have not access to that section, I knew you suggested it here, but I thought maybe you did it in another place too.

^^ I always thought the Shibs might have checked out the Hip Hop thread in Trash and been inspired by my random idea for hip hop music selection: a Frank Sinatra hip hop mix :D

OMG, 2 coincidences?!!!! no way, Honestly it is very uncomfortable for me to think that they could be reading forums, though they definitely read all the comments in their instagram, youtube and twitter. I can´t help to think about all the nonsense that I have said here :duh: :rofl:, but my main concern is that it is not a very healthy thing to do, I prefer to think it was a coincidence, or maybe their parents read it.


Well-Known Member
i think skaters (or their parents/friends/coaches) read these boards to get updates on rivals or simply on the skating world. all of them are young people with computers and smartphones, raised in the internet-obsessed era ( :
every person is different but if i were them i would keep an eye on a thread about myself ( :


Well-Known Member
i think skaters (or their parents/friends/coaches) read these boards to get updates on rivals or simply on the skating world. all of them are young people with computers and smartphones, raised in the internet-obsessed era ( :
every person is different but if i were them i would keep an eye on a thread about myself ( :

I don´t, but like you say, each person is different. To read only the fan fest is more acceptable, but even the negative comments come here, but the other threads are what worry to me the most. Like Tessa and Scott, imagine they would read that stripper comment, I know it was only a way to compare the programs but it was very bad taste anyway, and even if that comment was not wrote in their fanfest, it somehow ended in there too :duh:. I even felt kind of uncomfortable reading some comments in her instagram, I was thinking , ¨this is not the place, there are forums to say freely your thoughts without bother to the skaters¨ .
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Well-Known Member
well, luckily Shibs have a safe zone in here ( : Tessa for example was regularly called "fat", not sure if it ever happened on fsu (probably yes), and she herself addressed the issue joining a campaign. so yes it seems she's aware, anyway i hope she's somehow able to get some little love from here as well (,:


Well-Known Member
well, luckily Shibs have a safe zone in here ( : Tessa for example was regularly called "fat", not sure if it ever happened on fsu (probably yes), and she herself addressed the issue joining a campaign. so yes it seems she's aware, anyway i hope she's somehow able to get some little love from here as well (,:

Not so safe, we criticized some programs like MJ program, I criticized the Blue Danube and for a long time we criticized Marina. Maia´s photos of Skating Magazine were criticized while poor Maia was very proud posting those photos in instagram and twitter, her musical elections have been criticized. And there is always someone who is not their fan who comes to leave any negative or out of place comments. Those might seem slight criticisms, but for the person who reads them it can be hard. For example, they could to think ¨ this is my fan fest, they are supposed to be my fans and even they did not like the program or performance I worked on so much, I must be very bad¨ . I do not know, maybe I'm underestimating them and they're mature enough to handle criticism, I hope so.

About Tessa being called fat is worse because it was a constant in the youtube videos, I guess she and her family watch those videos, probably some of them read the comments too :(. And in fact , read comments in youtube or here is helpful because they need feedback, but I hope that this job is delegated to someone else.

eta. Team USA athletes showcase their style off the ice in the October 2017 issue of SKATING magazine
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Banned Member
I expect that the usual politicking among federations conspiracy theories :sekret: will abound, especially in ice dancing. I would love to see a MAJOR upset in this event since the skating boards have been predicting that only one medal, the bronze, is up for grabs. The rest has been preordained by the skate gods :rolleyes:.

Preach!!! :kickass:

And FGS, Tessa Virtue is far from fat! Good grief! :drama: I'd love to have Tessa's muscles, her fitness and her dance skills, even tho' I'm not V/M's biggest fan. I think sometimes as fans we may say something in our excitement that we wish to rephrase, or that we should have thought about twice before posting. The juniors and younger skaters probably shouldn't be following fan threads that contain insults and over-criticism that can be snarky and non-constructive. Parents and coaches should try to intervene in those cases.

Generally, in this age of the Internet and social media, as an athlete you've got to have tough skin and just know what you are about, and not allow the outside chatter (as Meghan Markle recently called it 'the noise') to distract or take anything away from your routine and your focus, much less your sense of self.

The Shibs and many of the top skaters strike me as smart enough not to take any of the 'sh!t' critiques to heart. Probably they separate the wheat from the chaff, i.e., filtering and discarding crap while retaining positive suggests and compliments. The drama and the trolling they would have sense enough to ignore completely.
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Well-Known Member
well, luckily Shibs have a safe zone in here ( : Tessa for example was regularly called "fat", not sure if it ever happened on fsu (probably yes), and she herself addressed the issue joining a campaign. so yes it seems she's aware, anyway i hope she's somehow able to get some little love from here as well (,:
This is what makes me angry. It's one thing to express favour/'disfavour' to a certain athlete, but it should be done in a polite way. I don't think that any athlete spends much time by reading all the comments, but it's inevitable for him/her to read some. And sometimes it doesn't take much, one comment full of hatred may be enough for one to doubt his/her skills, appearance, etc. This issue is probably the drawback of being a successful athlete, I guess. Especially of those who are on the top of their game. Yet it doesn't make it any less terrible.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
New vlog
70 HOURS IN JUNE! - ShibSibs (Vlog #47)

Monitoring, VidCon, Olympic Day, costume fittings and working on their music.

Maia looks great with the new dress :swoon:. I always wanted them to show something of how they design their costumes :respec:.
Is that a bit of the LP music?!?!? I'm desperate for anything at this point.


Well-Known Member
Is that a bit of the LP music?!?!? I'm desperate for anything at this point.

It is Paradise but I do not know if that is a part for the program or maybe they were only listening the whole song to decide the cuts.


Well-Known Member
I’m watching Six By Sondheim, a documentary on Broadway legendary composer Stephen Sondheim and there’s a part where he’s talking about his mentor Oscar Hammerstein and the present he gave him as he was on his death bed, and then it segues into Sondheim speaking about Sunday in the Park with George and the backing score is “Spiegel im Spiegel”. It really is a beautiful piece of music. I’m glad the Shibs used it and had that top performance at 4CC where it seemed to come together for them. I’m glad that the Shibs are mentioned in that piece’s Wikipedia page. I swear I did not edit it to include them, haha.


Well-Known Member
I’m watching Six By Sondheim, a documentary on Broadway legendary composer Stephen Sondheim and there’s a part where he’s talking about his mentor Oscar Hammerstein and the present he gave him as he was on his death bed, and then it segues into Sondheim speaking about Sunday in the Park with George and the backing score is “Spiegel im Spiegel”. It really is a beautiful piece of music. I’m glad the Shibs used it and had that top performance at 4CC where it seemed to come together for them. I’m glad that the Shibs are mentioned in that piece’s Wikipedia page. I swear I did not edit it to include them, haha.

Really? I did not know that they were mentioned in there. I do not know how to add information in Wikipedia, maybe I should learn it to add them in the page of Coldplay :fan: :p.


Well-Known Member
Rostelecom is next week :eek: , finally the season will begin for me :watch::cheer2:.

The schedule is here :confused:, I guess the practice is thursday 19th 12:00 pm, and the competition (short dance) is friday 20th 16:00h, Free dance saturday 21th 15:45h Moscow time.

USA east time:

Practice thursday 19th 05:00am
Friday SD 20th 09:00am
Saturday FD 21th 08:45am
And they just broke 40,000 subscribers on their youtube channel!!

They have a contest for their new banner.


Well-Known Member
Realistically speaking...
Against Brob/Sol in Russia, can they possibly win ? If they skate better obviously... I'm talking about something a little more politic.
(Disclaimer : I have nothing against B/S of course. But they will be at home, and it could go a bit wrong)


Well-Known Member
I can see B/S wanting a bit of "revenge" for having to start their season at Skate America last season. However, I think the Shibs should just focus on hitting those levels hard and skating, dancing, and performing to the music as best they can and just not focus too much on their scores. I think the scores will follow if they do that.

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