WADA confirm insufficient evidence against nearly all Russian athletes implicated in drug scandal

  • Thread starter Deleted member 40371
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Deleted member 40371

"The available evidence was insufficient to support the assertion of an anti-doping rule violation against these 95 athletes," said WADA director general Olivier Niggli in a leaked report seen by The New York Times.



I hope they pay up for this mess. Meanwhile Russian cyclist are planning to sue WADA after missing the Rio games.


The lawsuit has to be filed in freaking Canadian courts, fat chance of them getting justice.
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Go Mirai!
So a chief of the lab tips off the agency of the doping, the evidence (if there was any) is destroyed after being collected and stored by the accused country, surprisingly the accused country doesn't want to supply evidence against themselves during the investigation, and no one interviews the person that provided the initial allegations. What was the whole point of this thing?


Well-Known Member
Part of the fault for this obviously lies with Russia - who destroyed the samples. But, WADA seems to have done a bad job themselves.

Still, I can understand why they didn't interview Rodchenkov. If you watch the documentary Icarus (which is fabulous btw), you'll see that he had a huge hand in it and knew a ton of ways not being investigated that athletes could get away with doping (how many Russian athletes used is debatable, but certainly not just the one WADA was looking into). Because he was speaking up and therefore could potentially be killed, he was put into the witness protection program by the US Government - meaning that pretty much no one but the US Government could find him. I doubt they'd let WADA know where he was for their investigation.


Well-Known Member
Still, I can understand why they didn't interview Rodchenkov. If you watch the documentary Icarus (which is fabulous btw), you'll see that he had a huge hand in it and knew a ton of ways not being investigated that athletes could get away with doping (how many Russian athletes used is debatable, but certainly not just the one WADA was looking into). Because he was speaking up and therefore could potentially be killed, he was put into the witness protection program by the US Government - meaning that pretty much no one but the US Government could find him. I doubt they'd let WADA know where he was for their investigation.
Well, his lawyer could still find him. It seems that WADA just didn't bother to ask.


Well-Known Member
Well, his lawyer could still find him. It seems that WADA just didn't bother to ask.
I mean the point of witness protection is that pretty much only the proper authorities and your lawyer know where you are and they're not allowed to tell anyone, so I don't think the lawyer would be allowed to tell WADA.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
Looks bad for everyone involved. WADA and Russia. WADA has just opened itself up for major law suits from athletes - loss of potential earnings from sponsorships, libel, etc.


Well-Known Member
I mean the point of witness protection is that pretty much only the proper authorities and your lawyer know where you are and they're not allowed to tell anyone, so I don't think the lawyer would be allowed to tell WADA.
Of course. Yet, the fact that the lawyer spoke out about this points toward a lack of effort from WADA. They could have gone through the lawyer or the proper authorities to get an interview or any additional information they wanted, without having to know where someone is located physically...

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Poor Russians they used drog but they couldn't beat the other big clear! sport nations..

What? are? you? talking about?.... :lol:

At the recent Rio Olympics Russia has the 4th highest medal count while every Russian athlete was under a microscope, and the Russian team was missing 1/3 of their athletes in disciplines with high medal prospects... not say guaranteed medal prospects.

..... and no i am not listing all the sports events since the Olys where Russians won or medaled at the major international competitions...... :D

Actually RUSADA was given a permit to resume operations under western supervision quite sometime ago. For some reason it did not make the news.


Away (Workload)
ban Russia from having any Sochi London or Beijing medals

Seems like IOC must have some mechanism for impeachment and removal that all countries can agree to Remove Bach so Russia can be banned.

What rubbish you spouted. Russia from the top down in government was cheating and they shouldn't be punished? Sorry if clean athletes were going to get hurt if Russia had gotten banned but sometimes an example has to be made that this bullshit that Russia pulled will not be tolerated. Thomas Bach instead pulled a Neville Chamberlain and got on his knees for his buddy Putin. Hopefully when this corrupt clown is up for reelection this decision and the fiasco that was Sochi are remembered.

Oh dear - I imagine you guys must be quite disappointed with this news.

Ever heard of the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty'?

WADA will WADA. Accuse first, find evidence later.

Exactly, if you don't have sufficient evidence, you should never accuse
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Well-Known Member
Oh dear - I imagine you guys must be quite disappointed with this news.

Ever heard of the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty'?

Exactly, if you don't have sufficient evidence, you should never accuse
This scandal is about athletes sending information to the Russian sports ministry that allowed the sports ministry to switch dirty samples with clean samples. So why would Russia have stored dirty samples? They were storing clean samples. The athletes and the sports ministry should have tons of communications detailing doping control form numbers. This is not about Urine samples but email and text records. So if no one in wada is collecting the athletes phones and computers they aren't targeting the proper thing.


Well-Known Member
From the NY Times:

It doesn't mean they aren't guilty - just that the Russian Govt refused to cooperate & destroyed evidence.

"Richard McLaren, the investigator who spent much of the last two years deconstructing Russia’s schemes and identifying about 1,000 implicated athletes, indicated that many cases would be hard to prosecute given Russia’s lack of cooperation in providing lab data, and its practice of destroying tainted urine samples that would be plainly incriminating."

The investigation is not over yet - they only want to pursue the strongest cases.

"Mr. Niggli stressed that investigations into other athletes implicated in the doping system were continuing, and that officials needed to pursue the strongest cases first so that they would stand up against the inevitable legal challenges in world sport’s arbitration court. “Leading with a weak case or a poorly prepared case could negatively affect the outcome of all other cases,” the internal report said."

It's not the athletes they are really after, it is the system that encouraged and enabled the use of illegal drugs.

“We have to accept the fact that McLaren’s purpose was to prove a system, not individual violations,” Mr. Niggli said in the telephone interview. “There might have been more evidence out there in Russia for sure, but there was a limit to what he was able to get.”


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Someone should sue WADA. If you don't have evidence, don't destroy the sportsmen's careers!

Exactly. Bobrova Soloviev missed worlds. It cost Russia the third spot in ice dance. It was a relatively small loss when compared with some athletes who trained their whole life to just go to the Olympics but were not allowed to. WADA rushed, it seems, for whatever reason. I think they should be sued but I see no chance of the Athletes from Eastern Europe winning a case in a western court.

Deleted member 40371

Wake me up when NYT writes that Russians aren't guilty and doesn't accuse Russian govt. I want to properly enjoy the end of the world.
Exactly, they will always fall on 4 legs like a cat.

If a Chinese or a Russian based agency had made these accusations against American or Canadians with these level of standards, then all hell would have broken loose.

Remember the lead up to Sochi; terrorism, our beloved stray dogs, so called human rights... now where are those concerns with Korean dog farming for food, nuclear threat, terrorism treat for Paris olympics, human rights and what not for LA games... will they even let athletes from some countries participate.
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Well-Known Member
From the NY Times:

It doesn't mean they aren't guilty - just that the Russian Govt refused to cooperate & destroyed evidence.

"Richard McLaren, the investigator who spent much of the last two years deconstructing Russia’s schemes and identifying about 1,000 implicated athletes, indicated that many cases would be hard to prosecute given Russia’s lack of cooperation in providing lab data, and its practice of destroying tainted urine samples that would be plainly incriminating."

I don't understand: why did only Russia have incriminating urine samples from Russian athletes? Weren't these athletes tested in international competitions elsewhere around the same time and weren't the samples kept elsewhere?


Values her privacy
I don't understand: why did only Russia have incriminating urine samples from Russian athletes? Weren't these athletes tested in international competitions elsewhere around the same time and weren't the samples kept elsewhere?
Those samples from international competitions are of course clean. If they weren't, we would have heard about it already. So the theory is that the Russians took the drugs just for the Olympics I guess. Which is unlikely.

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