The Skating Lesson


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I think it's safe to say that someone who puts as much time and effort into a project as this would hope for some bigger opportunities in return- he and Jenny started by only going to the smaller events (ie. SLC Classic), were denied press passes in the beginning, and then worked their way up to actually being approved for press passes at events like Skate America and U.S. Nationals. I wonder if the goal was the Olympic Games and/or the major internationals, and maybe at some point Dave was told that it wasn't going to happen and that is what made the whole thing lose steam. Maybe I'm completely wrong.

If he really is re-working the site for the better, then let's hope he comes back with solid (and dare I say.. stable?) content. It's amazing how much lack of coverage there is in skating now at least in America, but I suspect it's true of everything in general because skaters are able to share their own 'breaking news' on Instagram and Facebook rather than having to wait for a journalist to get the inside story.


Well-Known Member
For me, TSL died when Jonathan and La became regular co-hosts. I'm sure they are nice enough people, but I get much more out of discussing skating on FSU than I do from their opinions.

I like Dave and appreciate his efforts--I even donated a fair amount of money to TSL for awhile--but unfortunately, there isn't anything left to keep my interest.


Well-Known Member
This seems a bit of a knee jerk overreaction from TSL's Facebook? :saint:

The poster TSL is referring to should not concern anyone, despite what TSL says. All the athletes on the poster are both very popular AND a lock for their teams. Conversely, American figure skating is very competitive right now, with the composition of the team currently unknown with 6 skaters that could fill 3 spots. . .

. . . Although I do think Gracie could have been on this poster had things gone differently over the past year or so.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah NBC is going to ignore figure skating, which is why the IOC and NBC helped usher in the team event because they really wanted another figure skating event to showcase for primetime. :rolleyes:

Dave loves his conspiracy theories. He's probably doing that to gauge how much interest TSL can generate. Plus, that poster seems "snow" sport focused. If you check out NBC Olympics' Instagram, there's all sorts of figure skaters being promoted.

It's like what Christine Brennan said to him, we complain that figure skating has bad coverage compared to what it used to be, but NBC seriously does showcase it a lot more than most other sports other than football and on primetime. Not bad for a niche sport. I also bet NBC has given skating more prime coverage than the sports that the athletes on that poster represent.
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Well-Known Member
The 5 athletes in that ad probably have the best overall name recognition, though Gus Kentworthy shouldn't be considered an automatic lock for the slopestyle ski team (considering how deep Team USA is).


Well-Known Member
Huh well FWIW, during a brief lull in physical therapy today, I glanced up at a television screen only to see the Today show saying only SIX MONTHS to the Olympics, folks, and immediately featuring a clip of Nathan jumping (maybe his Nats FS) and then quite a lot of Ashley. So I don't think it's quite a desperate situation for FS yet.


Well-Known Member
It's always a gamble putting people in ads before an Olympics as they make not make the team. The problem being focused on is that there's no figure
Sister with the fame to even take a gamble on!


Well-Known Member
The poster TSL is referring to should not concern anyone, despite what TSL says. All the athletes on the poster are both very popular AND a lock for their teams. Conversely, American figure skating is very competitive right now, with the composition of the team currently unknown with 6 skaters that could fill 3 spots. . .

Not to mention the other 7 (is it?) spots in Mens, Dance and Pairs ;)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think he shot himself in the foot being so mean to skaters ? I mean, I'm brutally honest but he was cruel and isn't really a trusted advisor to any skaters I'm aware of.


Well-Known Member
Is TSL really over? I thought he was just quiet because it's the off-season.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Does anyone think he shot himself in the foot being so mean to skaters ? I mean, I'm brutally honest but he was cruel and isn't really a trusted advisor to any skaters I'm aware of.

I know that some skaters have been advised not to accept interviews and/or talk about anything at all with him, so it's definitely a possibility. I don't know how far it extends.

But really, I have no doubt that all of the catty inside jokes and 'this skater told me this' and 'this skater calls that skater this' comments that take up the majority of his tangents became the big problem. One of the only videos I attempted to watch had him and Jenny repeatedly bringing up Louann Donovan, and it was surely over some rink drama Jenny had with her over 10 years prior by that point. I think that tells the story in itself.


Mayor of Carrot City
This seems a bit of a knee jerk overreaction from TSL's Facebook? :saint:

Yes, it is.

I would be very surprised if this is the ONLY poster that NBC is ever putting out prior to the Olympucs. And even on the very unlikely chance that it is, the athletes on the poster are probably much better known to TV audiences than most of the current US skaters. I don't doubt that NBC collects all kinds of data on public awareness and perceptions of various Olympic contenders before deciding who to feature in their ads.

We can debate till the cows come home, and all the dead horses are thoroughly flogged, about why skaters might not be as well known as other athletes. But that really doesn't relate to why NBC made these particular choices for this one ad.


Well-Known Member
Dave could conceivably save The Skating Lesson from the ignominious tweeting, but he'd need a partner like Jenny (calm, shooting for a higher level of conversation) to do it. If it's him and La or Jonathan, it will be a has-been effort. He alone does not have the discipline to have a crisp show, and he gets bogged down in his personal stuff too often, and neither Jonathan or La will call him on his stuff.
I do wish him the best - for a time I watched every episode within the day of it coming out. The interviews in particular have been good. But if he is burning bridges with the skaters and coaches, there may not be more of those coming.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think he shot himself in the foot being so mean to skaters ? I mean, I'm brutally honest but he was cruel and isn't really a trusted advisor to any skaters I'm aware of.

There have been other tough interviewers, but it was not tough because of their personal taste. However, David clearly made comments about style that were strong and based on personal preference.


Well-Known Member
There have been other tough interviewers, but it was not tough because of their personal taste. However, David clearly made comments about style that were strong and based on personal preference.

Yes and he also acted like a messy queen repeating on air things skaters thought they were saying in confidence. Dave had valid points and pointed out things in a very real
Way. He did not have the ability to edit however and camemlff as Wendy Williams often. Repeating what Meghan Duhamel for instance told him one on one and throwing her under the bus while Trying to pretend to be her friend. That's petty and immature. Furthermore some of the interviews asked questions of skaters that were simple minded as hell. Ted Flett is doing well with his interviews though he's steering clear of any question that may be perceived as impolite. Lol.

TSL was a major step forward for the avid skating fan. I'm talking the fan that knows when a skater switches from pattern 99's to Gold Seals type of fan. I enjoyed it but also cringed during some episodes. I hope it returns though because for as annoying as it sometimes was, it was the best game in town.


Shut that door.
If Dave is really out of a job, I feel horrible for the Claire's Boutique in the Quaker Hills Mall and all its employees. I imagine Dave was singlehandedly keeping them afloat for at least the past three or four years.


Well-Known Member
I also think that Dave & Jonathan were extremely biased. However, the shows were extremely entertaining as well. Reality TV is a huge success because of the tasteless airing of dirty laundry which provides a voyeuristic experience for viewers.

Maybe Dave owes lots of people apologies. He could do a TSL reunion show (a la Bravo Network) where he can invite back the people who may have an issue with him, then Dave could "take it like a man" on those episodes.

The interest in figure skating could rise to a new high with more Reality Ice Shows such as:

"Project Ice Rink" - Contestants design costumes for skaters
"Ask the Judge" - viewers and figure skaters could ask judges or the judge from that competition why one skater was awarded a medal over another (i.e. Kerrigan vs. Baiul, Kwan vs. Lipinsky, Leonova vs. Kim)
"So You Think You Can Choreograph" - Contestants create a short program for a figure skater
"Ice Therapy" or "Mental Flutz" - Sports psychologists dispense advice to skaters who choke in competition
"Ice Tunes" - FS Universe posters pick out music for competitive skaters
"TES vs. PCS" - FS Universe posters duke it out over which is more important. The will be a security staff on standby just in case one or both guests flip out.
"Making the Team" - Skating federations from around the world pick out their World/Olympic teams.
"Blind Item Blades" - Very juicy gossip from the skating world without mentioning names

I would love to hear your ideas....

Yes and he also acted like a messy queen repeating on air things skaters thought they were saying in confidence. Dave had valid points and pointed out things in a very real
Way. He did not have the ability to edit however and camemlff as Wendy Williams often. ........
TSL was a major step forward for the avid skating fan. I'm talking the fan that knows when a skater switches from pattern 99's to Gold Seals type of fan. I enjoyed it but also cringed during some episodes. I hope it returns though because for as annoying as it sometimes was, it was the best game in town.
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Well-Known Member
What TSL was doing was/is very important and I really hope they keep going... but I don't enjoy the shows when it's just Dave and Jonathan. La was better IMO but even better would be another former ladies skater.


Well-Known Member
I also think that Dave & Jonathan were extremely biased. However, the shows were extremely entertaining as well. Reality TV is a huge success because of the tasteless airing of dirty laundry which provides a voyeuristic experience for viewers.

Maybe Dave owes lots of people apologies. He could do a TSL reunion show (a la Bravo Network) where he can invite back the people who may have an issue with him, then Dave could "take it like a man" on those episodes.

The interest in figure skating could rise to a new high with more Reality Ice Shows such as:

"Project Ice Rink" - Contestants design costumes for skaters
"Ask the Judge" - viewers and figure skaters could ask judges or the judge from that competition why one skater was awarded a medal over another (i.e. Kerrigan vs. Baiul, Kwan vs. Lipinsky, Leonova vs. Kim)
"So You Think You Can Choreograph" - Contestants create a short program for a figure skater
"Ice Therapy" or "Mental Flutz" - Sports psychologists dispense advice to skaters who choke in competition
"Ice Tunes" - FS Universe posters pick out music for competitive skaters
"TES vs. PCS" - FS Universe posters duke it out over which is more important. The will be a security staff on standby just in case one or both guests flip out.
"Making the Team" - Skating federations from around the world pick out their World/Olympic teams.
"Blind Item Blades" - Very juicy gossip from the skating world without mentioning names

I would love to hear your ideas....

If you were Meghan Duhamel, would you be his friend?
If you were Ashley Wagner, would you be his friend?

Initially, what gave the show credence was Jenny. She was the recognizable name and he was her skating obsessed buddy. Dave has reaaaaaally good insight and perspective though he's a bit obsessed. Still, I love that he calls a spade a spade. Still, A lot of skaters and coaches honored his interview requests because for one, it was an organized team gaining in popularity interviewing some true skating greats. Michelle Kwan, Miki Ando, Sandra Bezic. The people that skating fans adore. Early on, i was sometimes irritated by the sidebar conversations that were ridiculous... on and on about the way a skater turned their head...on and on about silly ass rink gossip. Still, the show was the best that there was and the skating version of a pregame show or recap show.

Over time, the more that Dave got comfortable being messy as hell and saying things about skaters on air, behind their back but in front of their face the more that skaters started shying away from him. I mean, he says things about some skaters that would be ok to hear from Phil Hersh who is a journalist and hardly any skaters friend. To hear the mousy little twerp saying it about you after you went out of your way to be nice to him because you thought that you were helping a cause that would increase knowledge and popularity of your sport... that shit aint cool.

In general, skaters are nice. I have had Meghan D. Aliona, Mic Brezhina etc. respond to me personally on social media. When i meet skaters in person, some are standoffish but most are beyond happy to talk to you, even coaches like Zueva and Tarasova. If you go behind their backs and talk smack, then try to cover it up and act like it wasn't what it was, that is NOT cool.

Tedd Flett, i respect. I do wish that he was a bit bolder with the questions he asked. Dave was not all bad. He has a mean, catty, Wendy Williams way about him though that turns skaters and their coaches completely off. If he ever fixed that, I think things would be repairable. The thing is, skating is a sport where it's not always ok to tell the truth, especially in North America. I hope TSL is NOT over but i could understand if the skaters being interviewed decreases


Well-Known Member
The loss of Jenny definitely affected interest in/quality of the show. But what was in it for her? They were essentially doing it for free. Dave has another job to keep him afloat. And even with Jenny, Dave too often veered off-topic and into irrelevancies and gossip. But I was still a fan. It's too bad, because I actually thought they were better commentators than Tara and Johnny. But Dave's excesses made them unmarketable to official skating, unlike more restrained/vanilla bloggers like Jackie Wong and Ted Flett.


Well-Known Member
I personally think Dave's strength is the interviews he conducts and not the commentary. When he interviews a skater or a coach he is usually very respectful but still manages to ask questions that others sometimes are not bald enough to ask. When he interviews he also comes off as professional since he is always well prepared both in knowledge and the questions he prepared in advance. He had some great interviews this season - the one with Tessa and Scott and the one with David Wilson were great imo.
The problem is that when he does commentary he can't help himself and his catty and gossipy tendencies get the better of him. I think with Jonathan it was even worst since I feel like they brought the worst out of each other and too many times they were disrespecting the skaters or just being bias. And don't even get me started on his Twitter rants... They were so out of line (some points were valid but the way he put it out there made no sense) and when someone start to criticize him (in a respectful way) on twitter he just lashes off.
I think he should stick with interviews since they are his strength and if he wants to continue with commentary (which I think is something really missing and I wish there were more people discussing the sport) he needs to find a partner who will bring out the best of him.

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