Beautiful men in films


Active Member
I know I'm old, but I just don't get Channing Tatum. His appeal is a mystery to me.

A couple have mentioned the young Gary Cooper. The young John Wayne was also very handsome. Another one I haven't seen mentioned, although he wasn't ever a major star, is John Gavin.


Socialist Canada
Tom Cruise is absolutely on my most beautiful men list. However, I prefer him in Rainman ( ), in A Few Good Men ( ) and in Jerry Maguire
( ). I think he looked a bit too young in Top Gun.

Well I was 16 the summer the move came out, and it was the first movie I Had seen in quite a while so he and the movie made quite the impression. LOL

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications šŸ˜
Too late, two of my Facebook friends and I have already claimed Tom Hardy as our husband. (I don't even care that I'm already married! Well, so is Tom but anyway. :rofl: )

Clearly, the answer is to clone him. Yes. :swoon:

No way, Jose. Tom gave an interview where he said he has been with men. SInce that interview (maybe 6 years ago) HES MINE!!!!!

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications šŸ˜
Ben Cross. Richard Chamberlain. Gary Cooper. The young Peter Firth. Courtney Vance. Leslie Howard. Leonard Nimoy.

LOL. HERES A STORY FOR YOU.. I just returned from my DAILY morning cup of coffee... west Hollywood Starbucks and Richard Chamberlain came in, as he did yesterday and Sunday. He lives (when he is in town) kiddy -corner from me 2 blocks up the street. I watch him in the coffee line and I think ... this is the man my Mom always had the hots for... LOL

Anyway I see Richard almost daily when he is here.. always in the same adidas track suit tho...... makes me laugh.

He is friendly... we live on same street so over the years we usually wave hi to each other...


Active Member
It's funny how your opinion of attractive men changes over a lifetime. I remember having huge crushes on Robert Conrad (remember Hawaiian Eye?) and Roger Smith (77 Sunset Strip) as a kid. Both were handsome men, but in my old age I find Tim Roth and Gene Hackman (as he was in Mississippi Burning) very attractive. Same for Christopher Walken, mainly in that movie where he was the horrible dad of Sean Penn. I wouldn't call any of them handsome at all.

I think Alain Delon, whom I mentioned earlier, is probably the most what I'd call "beautiful" man I've ever seen onscreen, but he's not particularly appealing to me.

For my money, there's middle-aged Cary Grant way up there in the stratosphere, followed by the young Robert Redford and Paul Newman and then Denzel Washington at any age.

Of course, a lot of the men mentioned in this thread I've never heard of, so I may be missing out. :)


RIP D-10
Richard Chamberlain has remained crush-worthy for over four decades, even with the mental image of him in a track suit :swoon:.

Many thanks, AngieNikodinovFan! (I love her, too: she's one of my all-time favorites.)
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Well-Known Member
Robert Redford (I had a friend who, when she married she said.....I will love you forever....but if Robert Redford calls, I am sorry, but I am out of here!)
Paul Newman ( I had a friend who saw him at a pay phone downstairs in the building where our ballet studio was. She went charging up the stairs to tell the ballet mistress............Screaming :"OMG OMG Paul Newman is downstairs!! discover that the mistress was speaking to Joanne Woodward (awkward!)
Yves Montand (GiGi)
Clark Gable (duh)
Spencer Tracy (something very sexy about him)
Jimmy Stewart (don't ask why, cause I have no clue. But I find him utterly attractive).
Humphrey Bogart (be still my heart).

And, has Taye Diggs been in any movies? He is one fine looking man.

Ita...I totally got why Katherine Hepburn fell for him. In fact if I had a chance to meet someone from the old Hollywood era Spencer Tracy would be my first choice.
I think Sean Connery is handsome young or old.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications šŸ˜
Richard Chamberlain has remained crush-worthy for over four decades, even with the mental image of him in a track suit :swoon:.

Many thanks, AngieNikodinovFan! (I love her, too: she's one of my all-time favorites.)

Yea, I would give the shirt off my back for Angela.. Just LOVE HER!!!!!!! I got to meet her once at the boards and it made my day/week/month/year... she would go on to win that event... Skate America 04!!!!

About Richard... He's nice... interesting..unique..always the same black/gold stripe adidas track suit, walks with a slight limp... I never wanted to ask him how it happened.. is out as gay, is always by himself when I see him... But Nice.

My Starbucks is very interesting. I also spoke with today the guy who played Beverly (Karen Walker's arch-nemesis) on Will And Grace. He always sits with my friends and I and has such colorful stories to tell. HE IS WAY OUT of the closet and its always about men and boys..... Every time I see him...more stories.... including Will and Grace ones lol

UMBS Go Blue

Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°Ń—Š½Ń–!
Heath Ledger. :swoon: :swoon: :swoon:

RIP. :fragile: :wuzrobbed :fragile:

And I see nobody has mentioned Matt Damon from Good Will Hunting, among other films. :swoon:


papillon d'amour
Guys, quit with the embedded images in this thread!

I tried linking with shortening the link name like the others did - but my reply window only has the option to post a looooong link, or embed an image (using Chrome). Those were the only options, so I used the least annoying one to read not knowing it was not allowed ...


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone remembers him but there was a British actor whose career was starting to take off when he died in a motorcycle crash: I thought he was lovely and his name was Mark Frankel.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
Not that I expect anyone to be as crazy as me, but just in case... from the (many) films I have recently seen, this one I can actually recommend as a good adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray with Shane Briant playing the very beautiful Dorian Gray of course. The full film is on youtube...


Well-Known Member
I remember this from years ago.
It was shown as a "movie for television" here in the US.
Many of the cast became well-known later.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
I remember this from years ago.
It was shown as a "movie for television" here in the US.
Many of the cast became well-known later.

I think the cast are very good and thankfully they kept some of the dialogue from Oscar Wilde's novel. Shane Briant as Dorian Gray ( ) actually looks like Lord Alfred Douglas
( ) who I am guessing was the model for the Dorian Gray character. but any changes to the plot (from the novel) aren't the best and of course there is no reference to homosexuality whereas the book was very homoerotic.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone has mentioned Bradley Cooper but I think he's hottttt, those eyes can stare at me all day long :inavoid:. I'm also crazy for Eric Dane, not sure if he's in films but he's my McSteamy in Grey's anatomy. One from the "old" days was Robert Hossein, something very attractive about him, a bit of mystery and aloofness.


Well-Known Member
IDK if anyone has said this yet, or maybe I already have and don't recall, but John Krasinski.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
One actor I forgot to mention, but whose beauty and incredible personalty have taken my breath away is Karl Heinz Boehm, the legendary Austrian actor best known for his role as Franz Josef I in the "Sissi" trilogy:

He was not just a truly great actor (Fassbinder loved him) and stunningly handsome, but in 1981 he gave up everything he had to go start a humanitarian movement in Ethiopia. A true great.
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Well-Known Member
Oh another dick pigs thread. Well, here's my contribution: Peter O'Toole and Laurence Olivier. EDIT: and James Dean

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