RIP Cecil


Well-Known Member
Public shaming affects so many more people that the one being shamed. And death threats and threats of physical harm go way beyond that. Most people seem outraged (rightly) that he did it, even I'm this thread, more than anything else. Because most people don't understand how someone can do something so awful. The other things are secondary.
You know, this is from a person living in a country where once had so many tigers, now we almost has none.

I wish these hunters for fun get the same ending as the wild lives that they hunted for fun. I have no shame saying this.


Well-Known Member
You know, this is from a person living in a country where once had so many tigers, now we almost has none.

I wish these hunters for fun get the same ending as the wild lives that they hunted for fun. I have no shame saying this.

Do you believe that murderers should be killed? Rapists should be raped? An eye for an eye, always? I believe hunting should be illegal, like murder, rape etc. but I don't think hunters should be hunted, murderers should be killed, rapists should be raped.

Meoima, I don't know where you live, but is hunting legal there? If not, what are you doing about that? If it is, what are you doing to conserve and educate about the issue?


Well-Known Member
Do you believe that murderers should be killed? Rapists should be raped? An eye for an eye, always?
Meoima, I don't know where you live, but is hunting legal there? If not, what are you doing about that? If it is, what are you doing to conserve and educate about the issue?
You know, as I have said, I have no shame that I would be eager to see if that man has some terrible ending. I have seen enough.
Trophy hunting is illegal here.


Well-Known Member
You know, as I have said, I have no shame that I would be eager to see if that man has some terrible ending. I have seen enough.
Trophy hunting is illegal here.

So trophy hunted gets someone hunted down and killed? You think trophy hunting is worse than murder?


Well-Known Member
I don't want Palmer dead, but I hope he is punished severely enough that he will never even consider hunting another animal. And I hope that this will be an impetus for changes when it comes to game hunting.

I wonder if what's happened already is enough?


Well-Known Member
Looking at his public statements - no. He doesn't understand how repulsive his actions were, he's only sorry that he was caught.

Maybe so, probably, but the public shaming and apparent closing of his business may quickly change his mind. It may not change his deep "love", but just the fear of getting caught again could be enough to mean he doesn't hunt again. Yes, we'd all love for him to be awakened and all, but in the end if he doesn't hunt again, that's enough for me.

Then again, maybe he writes a book, does interviews and earns a fortune, because we do live in a very odd world, after all.


Well-Known Member
Maybe so, probably, but the public shaming and apparent closing of his business may quickly change his mind. It may not change his deep "love", but just the fear of getting caught again could be enough to mean he doesn't hunt again. Yes, we'd all love for him to be awakened and all, but in the end if he doesn't hunt again, that's enough for me.
This bastard got away in the past for the same crime. He ONLY got 1 year probation. I am sure this bastard will do it again if people don't put him in jail or when he got no money to go for a hunt.

Then again, maybe he writes a book, does interviews and earns a fortune, because we do live in a very odd world, after all.
If that happened, I hope someone would shot him. No joke.


Well-Known Member
If that happened, I hope someone would shot him. No joke.

People don't become famous by themselves. Anyone who has written a book etc, needs people to read them. Society would make him a fortune, again that is a fault of society, not the individual. The individual has chosen to capitalise on the fault, yes, but the interest still needs to be there.

Your words, though don't surprise me, sadden me a lot. It's a sad world we live in where people would shoot someone for anything, breaking the law or writing a book. If that was/is the society we lived/live in, where would it end?


Well-Known Member
How about he repents and voluntarily makes a final exit to reduce the number of his kind in existence?

Would you believe him if he were to apologise? It would mean nothing to me, because I wouldn't believe it.
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Well-Known Member
I found this article interesting, titled "The Science Of Why You Are So Upset About Cecil The Lion":

For me, there is definitely a visceral reaction based on Cecil's beauty. And also a reaction to a selfish jackass who feels his money entitles him to take away that beauty from the world and keep it for himself. It's not enlightened, no, but I'm not crying if harm befalls the guy.


Well-Known Member
I think the reaction (and oftentimes overreaction) to Cecil's death has gotten way out of hand. Exotic animals are hunted everyday, legally and illegally, and the majority of the world doesn't give a sh*t.

Washing Post article:

"As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya's endangered elephants were slain." Where the public outrage on that?


Socialist Canada
Just want to share the story if Sudan the last remaining male northern white rhino in the world. He as heavily armed security following him 24 hours a day. And conservationists are going through the some extra ordinary messures to keep them safe includin; tracking devices and cameras attached to their horns, but are still losing the fight. If this keeps up, the only big game animals left alive will be in zoos. The same goes for lions and elephants etc.


I see the sea
I think the reaction (and oftentimes overreaction) to Cecil's death has gotten way out of hand. Exotic animals are hunted everyday, legally and illegally, and the majority of the world doesn't give a sh*t.
It's basically a variation of the identifiable victim effect - you have a compelling story, about a beautiful and popular animal who was hunted and killed for no good reason, and people rally around that one case.

I don't think anyone wanted those elephants slain, either - other than people who trade in ivory, which is gross. But I'll admit that I was sadder when I found out that Shimba, one of the elephants featured on The Elephant Diaries, had died (from injuries sustained in a lion attack, not hunting). I felt like I "knew" Shimba and was fond of him, so it had more of an impact. But the hunting to near extinction of certain animals, whether for ivory or for "fun", is something that needs to stop.


Well-Known Member
So now, he should commit suicide for what he did? Seriously?

What he did was wrong, obviously, but do people think it's really right to insist he dies, by his own or someone else's hand for what he did?
Sorry, I have no sympathy for the man (or many people like him) if someone killed him (and the like of him). It's my opinion.
And this applies for all animal abusers, or those that have killed animals for fun or exploited them in their lives.
Just think about it, we have no tiger and almost no bear now in our territory.


Well-Known Member
Your words, though don't surprise me, sadden me a lot. It's a sad world we live in where people would shoot someone for anything, breaking the law or writing a book. If that was/is the society we lived/live in, where would it end?
There are many people whom I don't think they should live in this world and I would be happy to see them being shot to dead, for example pedophiles and rapists.
The bastard we are talking about, to me, belongs to the same group. It's not just one exotic animal he has killed (and for fun) but many many, and if no one stops him, he can still get alway with this crimes and continue his killing, and society can do nothing about that.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people believe that.

Yes, so? I asked one poster. Few people actually believe that a crime committed should be given as the punishment. Here, some are saying that this man should have done to him what he did to the lion.

Japanfan, I didn't read your previous post correctly, but now that I have, I think it's appalling that you suggest someone kill themselves because of this (or anything, actually).

Meoima - what do you think should happen to the people who kill or mistreat other people?

And I ask again, what are you doing to educate and prevent animal rights violations, and uphold ethical treatment for animals? It's all well and good (but actually, disgusting, IMHO) to say kill people who abuse or kill animals, but are you doing anything to try and ensure this doesn't happen? Because I'm pretty sure every country in the world has animals for consumption that are mistreated by the minute - what are you doing about that? You seem passionate (though angry passionate, rather than action passionate) about animals in your posts - are you putting your money and actions where your keyboard is? I sure hope you are.
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Well-Known Member
There are many people whom I don't think they should live in this world and I would be happy to see them being shot to dead, for example pedophiles and rapists.
The bastard we are talking about, to me, belongs to the same group. It's not just one exotic animal he has killed (and for fun) but many many, and if no one stops him, he can still get alway with this crimes and continue his killing, and society can do nothing about that.

He wouldn't be able to kill animals if he were in jail, but you are suggesting he should be killed instead. There are things society can do about it aside from killing him: jail, removal of his firearm, revoking his hunting licence, sending him to volunteer at animal shelters for probation.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I have no sympathy for the man (or many people like him) if someone killed him (and the like of him). It's my opinion.

I'm not saying you or anyone should feel sympathy towards him, I certainly don't. I just don't advocate people being killed for their crimes. I don't believe in the death penalty. I understand people being angry about this, I really do, but when people's anger bubbles over into advocating killing other people, how exactly is that any better than the person committing the crime?


Lurker Extraordinaire
I just don't understand the psychology of why someone kills animals for "trophy" purposes, and has their photo taken with big smiles and the poor dead animal proudly displayed. There just shouldn't be such joy and "love" in doing such a thing. I don't get it, and I never will.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
The problem is that this man and others like him have no conscience. They enjoy killing animals that are no threat to them. Cecil's death has created attention to the problem of trophy killing. I hope there will be enough awareness so that in the future at least some wildlife will be saved. Before reading about this, I knew there were hunters (I lived in Idaho for a few years) and I didn't approve of hunting, but people like Palmer have carried it too far.

I wouldn't go to a dentist who enjoys killing. I hope many of his patients feel that way. If his practice suffers he may have less money to kill animals. I doubt that he will be punished in the court, but hopefully he will pay for his actions in other ways. Let the universe make that call.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, so? I asked one poster. Few people actually believe that a crime committed should be given as the punishment. Here, some are saying that this man should have done to him what he did to the lion.

I really don't get your outrage. This thread has generated a whole 4 pages, a signification portion debating the perils of public shaming. Lots of people believe in capital punishment--if you murder someone, you get murdered. Lots of people would have little problem if the dentist got killed by the lion. Kinda like the response to that person who got hurt after taking a selfie with a bison (and wasn't there something to do with a rattle snake?).


Well-Known Member
He wouldn't be able to kill animals if he were in jail, but you are suggesting he should be killed instead. There are things society can do about it aside from killing him: jail, removal of his firearm, revoking his hunting licence, sending him to volunteer at animal shelters for probation.
The point is this bastard will not be in jail. And he will have money for many more hunts. This kind of bastard is the same as criminals who would continue sexually harassing women and children if no one put them in jail for life, or kill them. That's my point. It's not like I want him dead no matter what, but he will never be punished for his crimes, that's the saddest part. If he will never get the consequences of what he has done because he's rich or because the rules are not enough, I'd better see him dead.


I say animal rights activists should take on these large game trophy hunters.
Other than exposing them and giving them as much grief as possible, what can they do?
One thing that can be done is to have these large game declared as endangered species, which then make it a crime for these trophy hunters to import their kills. Within the U.S., the Humane Society has launched a campaign within the U.S. to have the African Lion declared endangered:

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