2023 Grand Prix Final - Free Dance: “China In Your Dance”


Home Sweet Home
Chock/Bates need completely different music for this program. The concept of time they are trying to portray is not working with Pink Floyd. That smile on her face through the whole program just doesn't work for me at all.

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
I don't usually go down the so-and-so was robbed route, but Lajoie/Lagha were robbed here. Nothing against the Danadians, I just thought L/L were better.

I'm okay with the final results. I personally prefered Guignard/Fabbri to Chock/Bates, and think the marks should have at least been a lot closer but I can also appreciate C/B's program.


Go Mirai!
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Simply looking
While I think the Italians program and the Canadians program are okay they don't have any wow moments yet.

How could G/F's Curve + Rotational lift combo not be considered a "wow moment?" :drama:

And Piper nearly clawing the accountants monitor onto the ice in the choreographic step sequence is a "wow" moment too, just maybe not in a good way. :p


Simply looking
I grumpily (in honor of Zac) admit that LaLa have grown on me despite the fact that they seem to be from two different species. They’re just too good not to admire.

I love me some Grumpy Cat and Eager Puppy!

:encore: My championing the Grumpy Cat moniker (despite my admiration of Zac) and seeing it catching on may be my greatest achievement on FSU in many years. :encore:


Doing all the things
They certainly perform the program, but I'm not sure I really understand what's going on in the story they're telling.
I keep telling myself that if I remembered the story of Wuthering Heights, I would understand what they are doing. But I don't, so I don't.

Also, whoever is directing the broadcast please don't pull away to an overhead shot ever, thank you.


Go Mirai!
How could G/F's Curve + Rotational lift combo not be considered a "wow moment?" :drama:

And Piper nearly clawing the accountants monitor onto the ice in the choreographic step sequence is a "wow" moment too, just maybe not in a good way. :p
You are right. That second one is a wow for all the wrong reasons.

I’m not a fan of g/f lifts in general but you are right the entry shocks me each time I see it. I just forgot about it. 👀 I did remember their stationary lift because I didn’t like the visual even though it looks like a nice balancing act.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
How could G/F's Curve + Rotational lift combo not be considered a "wow moment?" :drama:

And Piper nearly clawing the accountants monitor onto the ice in the choreographic step sequence is a "wow" moment too, just maybe not in a good way. :p
A wow moment for me would be something new I haven't seen before etc... That lift combination is well done and high quality but V/M were doing that lift entry in 2009 and her other positions we have also seen before so it's not like G/F are inventing any wheels here.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Just a reminder as we head into the meat of the season… there are two G/Ps actively competing in the top tier, the GP competition series, and the original G/P whose record 20 consecutive ice dance victories likely will stand forever. For those of us of a certain age whose synapses aren’t firing as quickly as they used to, please have mercy.


Watching submarine races
Chock/Bates need completely different music for this program. The concept of time they are trying to portray is not working with Pink Floyd. That smile on her face through the whole program just doesn't work for me at all.

The music and the smile do work with what the intent of their program is as Chock describes here:

... It reminds me that time is a concept we have created and can often be a heavy burden on the human mind until you realize the only time is now. Our program is about liberating yourself from the construct of time and using your time to be present and celebrate the beauty of living in the moment.

Smiling & celebrating go together.


Simply looking
A wow moment for me would be something new I haven't seen before etc... That lift combination is well done and high quality but V/M were doing that lift entry in 2009 and her other positions we have also seen before so it's not like G/F are inventing any wheels here.

Eh, I understand your argument but even if the lift entry isn't new, it still thrills me, especially since G/F are so close in height, unlike V/M. Visually (and probably technically) it's more difficult for a couple who are so close in height to make such impact, imo. 🤷‍♂️ Denkova/Staviski had similar issues of being great skaters who languished for years, despite their talent, before finally breaking through their last few years. Maybe because I've felt G/F have been long underscored, like DenStavs, I'm just thrilled they are now getting their due.


Yes, LaLa are growing on me too. Like a fungus.
Welcome to La La Land.



AYS's snark-sponge
The music and the smile do work with what the intent of their program is as Chock describes here:

Smiling & celebrating go together.
I don't like the choice of music at all. I appreciate all the thought that went into it, but I think the choice of music could have worked much better than this.

And I don't hate Madison Chock! :lol:


I had to steal that.
If you live near Columbus, Ohio you can hire them.

Price Range: $150 & up

Gig Length: 10 - 120 minutes

What to Expect​

La La Land Productions provides families and daycares with a full-service Immersive Fairytale Experience. We offer a comprehensive package of activities that are coupled with a commitment to service excellence.
Here are some of the ways that bring exceptional value to our clients:
  • We create fun atmospheres through well thought out activities and method acting.
  • We review all finished work carefully for completeness and accuracy
  • We maintain clear and open communication before, during and after the event if necessary.
  • Our management team is attentive and detail oriented.
  • We set up immersive décor that creates one of a kind photo moments.
  • We are a forward-thinking and creative company whose overarching value is for our clients to have FUN! We take care of the planning so you can relax.


Doing all the things
Imagine the most overwrought, toxic, teenage relationship you can, only with moors instead of instagram.
Which I just do not see in that program.

As for Chock/Bates' FD, the music doesn't match what they are trying to do. So something should change. I know it's scoring high now but it's a few months until Worlds and the other teams could definitely catch up. It's happened before.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
As for Chock/Bates' FD, the music doesn't match what they are trying to do.
Agreed. They picked an iconic song that doesn’t match their idea of what it means. It is one thing to take something unknown and create a theme but this music is not it. I guess they are banking on the general masses not knowing the music’s meaning. 🤷‍♀️


Needs a nap
I like G/P and their program, but I still think the costumes are a miss. However, I fully disagree that the choreo completely fits Wuthering Heights. Several of the lifts especially have me seriously wondering how they ended up in this story.


scratching at the light
I find almost all the RD’s unwatchable and not relatable to how I experienced the 80’s - there were no glampop albums in my stolen milk crate, and absolutely no neon Lycra outfits in my closet.

I always want to re-do Charlene’s makeup and the costumes for the RD are completely wrong for their music - did they not watch Bonnie Tyler’s video?

LaLa have the best combination of RD and FD. I would like to see them do a character piece next season and play up their personality differences.

Chock does nothing for me, except I like the stylized numbers on her FD dress.

Piper and Paul have been favourites for years, but both their programs are a miss for me. I wish Piper had knocked the judge’s monitor off and maybe that would have put a stop to all that weird reaching out beseechingly nonsense.

Danadians are boring, if they weren’t pretty, I wouldn’t look twice.

Fear and Gibson are fun, and Rocky definitely stands out amidst all the other FD’s, and that’s all I have to say about that.


Well-Known Member
I keep telling myself that if I remembered the story of Wuthering Heights, I would understand what they are doing. But I don't, so I don't.
I frequently have to look up the summary of movie plots or the lyrics of songs to make sense of skaters' programs. I've never been a big movie person and when I make up a story line in my head to go with a skaters program, it is often off by a lot (I guess a murder scene more often than not). And so many songs have mumbled lyrics, or maybe my ears aren't as good as they used to be, so I have to read lyrics in order to get what is going on. Man, I feel old.


RIP D-10
I have never been able to understand lyrics. I thought the lyrics were “a river” until I just recently saw that the song’s name was “Believer.”


Doing all the things
(I guess a murder scene more often than not).

ETA It's not that I remember nothing about Wuthering Heights. I know it's about a poor dude who falls in love with a girl considered above his class and that they are separated and then <bad stuff happens>. It's all the details that I don't remember. To the point that I'm wondering if I ever read the book. I think I just saw a movie.
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Needs a nap

ETA It's not that I remember nothing about Wuthering Heights. I know it's about a poor dude who falls in love with a girl considered above his class and that they are separated and then <bad stuff happens>. It's all the details that I don't remember. To the point that I'm wondering if I ever read the book. I think I just saw a movie.

I mean, I definitely read Great Gatsby (for summer reading before my senior year of high school) and, when we went to see the musical, I realized essentially what I remembered was "Gatsby loves Daisy. Daisy is married to an asshole. Gatsby dies. Green light. American dream."


Because I'm a nerd I rewatched Chock/Bates free dances from Skate America, Grand Prix Espoo, and the Grand Prix Final. Overall the program is very similar, but they completely changed the Choreographic Character Step from Skate America to this competition, and the pattern is now much larger, and it has a lot more movement, and a lot less posing around the centre of the ice. They still use some of the moves they used in Skate America, like when they bring their heads together, but now they do so from a series of steps that come around the width of the rink rather than the much smaller pattern they used previously, and I think it creates a better overall impression for the program, and their ice coverage.

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