Kavaguti / Smirnov have completed their careers and retired


Well-Known Member
Oh... :(
Not unexpected but... now it's real... :wuzrobbed

We'll probably see them doing ice shows in the future...?

(off to read the actual article)

"They were unlikely to be included in the Olympic team to participate in the 2018 PyeongChang Games so they decided not to tempt fate," Moskvina added.
Yeah, I already got this impression from an earlier interview with Smirnov (about them not participating in the test skates).


Well-Known Member
Well I will miss seeing Kavaguti/Smirnov, but they accomplished a great deal in their careers. Although they never made it quite to the top, they achieved more than most pairs ever will:

2 European championships
2 World bronze medals
2 Grand Prix Final bronze medals
15 Grand Prix medals! (wow)

Plus, they helped push the sport forward technically with their throw quad jumps.

Thank you Yuko/Sasha for all the hard work and great performances! :) I will always remember Manfred Symphony, Clair de Lune, and February.
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Let the skating begin
I always had mixed feelings about them as I was never a fan of Yuko's skating, but a huge fan of her as an athlete. She exemplified the sheer determination and courage a pair woman has to have. She even gave up her national citizenship in order to compete which is no small thing. I'm so sorry they missed the Olympics in their home country due to injury after so many years of hard work. I was so proud of them for coming back and winning that 2nd European title. I know Smirnov has begun coaching and I hope both of them find happiness and success in whatever they do moving forward.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Damn.. I have to say they are my favorite current Russian pair (and S&K were just a hair behind for me)

Does this mean the end of Moskvina as well?? Does she have any teams or is this now a legacy complete??? :(

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Does this mean the end of Moskvina as well?? Does she have any teams or is this now a legacy complete??? :(
Mrs. Moskvina will be 80 years old in 3 years ...... :lol:..... She and her husband have 2 daughters both economists with occasional jobs overseas, bunch of grand-children, few datchas, places to see..... She deserves some peace...:D


Well-Known Member
Their career was successful at least because the girl, the Japanese, wanted to go to Russia and represent Russia and she achieved it. They are two-time European champions, world medalists and three-time Russian champions. They were at the forefront of world pair skating and one of the first pairs who landed a quad throw.
I believe that they had the best program in pairs skating in recent years, which Petya Chernyshev choreographed for them ( "Manfred" by Tchaikovsky). It was a stunning program, and I'll remember it while I'm alive.
They had a lot of injuries but they always healed them and moved on, I wish them success on their creative path and selfless service to the cause that they themselves chose
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Well-Known Member
Maybe some of the ten years has already gone by. Maybe she can live there without having full citizenship yet?


Well-Known Member
Sad but certainly not unexpected. They had more setbacks and comebacks that I care to count but they always had such an amazing outlook to their skating and relationship to each other. They accomplished so much most skaters can only dream of. 17 Grand Prix medals out of 19 competitions and only one of a few teams who won gold in all 6 competitions. Medaling at the Grand Prix Finals. 3X Russian National Champions, 2X World bronze medalist. 4th at the Olympics.

It's so sad they missed out at the Olympics at home, I'm sure they would have a medal it just wasn't meant to be. But they sure had a great comeback in 2015, two quads and beating S/K to win another European Championship.

Smirnov seems to be in his element with coaching, I sure wish them the best!

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I remember reading somewhere -- maybe here? -- that she needs to wait 10 years before she can apply to have Japanese citizenship reinstated.
I don't remember the details, but i read it here too. It's very complicated (comparing to other countries) to get a Japanese citizenship OR! to reinstate it.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I hope Yuko applies for reinstatement of her Japanese citizenship.

Why do you hope so? It's really Yuko's choice. May be she loves Russia enough to continue living there, making a career off the ice. Many people change countries during their life times.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Why do you hope so? It's really Yuko's choice. May be she loves Russia enough to continue living there, making a career off the ice. Many people change countries during their life times.

I know it would be a tall order for you to use logic and apply principles of causation to “me hopping” and “Yuko acting”, but do try. :D

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I will miss Yuko and Sasha a lot. They've been my favorite pair since Shen and Zhao retired. They had so many odds against them, and they stumbled a lot, but they were capable of superhuman effort and magic when it counted. Plus, such a wonderful yin-yang thing between the two of them. They couldnt be more different but eventually they became a true couple on the ice. Yuko's warrior sprite and Sasha's power and emotion made them my heart team. They were underestimated overachievers because of all the injuries and lost time, and that made their victories all the sweeter.

And then there was the delight of the Moskvina sightings. :) They did her proud.

I wish them both (all) many happy challenges and every joy possible in their next lives.

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