
  1. E

    Milano 2026 ticket prices revealed

    A pricing list for the Olympics in Milano Cortina 2026 has been published through their FAQs. https://milanocortina2026.olympics.com/s3fs-public/documents/2024-10/Olympic%20and%20Paralympic%20Games%20Milano%20Cortina%202026%20-%20Pricing%20List.pdf?VersionId=qsCOsCvQGkGJeOyZT4P_QYb_xCLS4p2H If...
  2. VGThuy

    Best Olympic Bronze Medal Winning Ice Dance Team

    Take the question as you will...it could either be best team overall, best performance at the actual Olympics, who you like the best, who had your favorite programs, etc. Here are links to all the dances I could find on YouTube. Watching these in order really gives you a look into an entire...
  3. Frau Muller

    Brisbane Is Awarded the 2032 Summer Games

    Congratulations, Australia! https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/21/sport/brisbane-2032-olympic-games-spt-intl/index.html
  4. Vagabond

    Scott Hamilton vs. Michelle Kwan: Who Wins?

    With special thanks to @bardtoob and @Rock2 for the inspiration. I'm adding in Kwan's 2002 in order to have a potential split between '98 and '02 and thereby be more fair to Hamilton. :saint: Scott Hamilton Sarajevo SP Michelle Kwan Nagano Olympic SP Michelle Kwan Salt Lake City Olympic SP...
  5. Bellanca

    Olympic teams cheer thread

    This is a cheer thread dedicated to all the figure skaters and ice dancers who are competing in PyeongChang. I will be linking and sharing information about the skaters' and their teams throughout the Olympics. I welcome you to share if you would like, your Olympic well-wishes, comments, links...
  6. Eislauffan

    Interview Papadakis/Cizeron: "It is natural for us to skate together"

    In this interview for the ISU website, Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron talk about the secret of their success, the pressure of winning and practical questions they have heading into their first Olympic Winter Games. Enjoy. :-)
  7. CantALoop

    Which US men would you have sent to the Olympics?

    The debate in other threads seems to be at the point where everyone's already got their opinion and people are repeating themselves. Since the decision has already been made by the USFSA and in everyone else's mind, let's settle this: Which 3 US men would you have selected to be on the...
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