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  • Thanks for the link to that Frasier's episode. I have all episodes on DVD, but I haven't seen this one in a looong time. Of course I started watching it now and can't stop...

    Martin: Hey, Fras, how was your dinner?
    Frasier: Not since Quasimodo strode the streets of medieval Paris have so many people uttered the phrase, "That poor man."

    Martin: You can't really judge what a person's like from the voice.
    Niles: That's true. I was once told that I sound -- imagine the impertinence -- "UP-TIGHT."

    Martin: Ever wonder why, on our anniversary, she'd make those gingerbread cookies with their legs kind of bent, and their heads kind of crooked?
    Niles: We thought they were dancing!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I love Frasier.

    PS. No wonder I didn't remember the mock apple pie; Sherry made it.
    :lol: It's sooooper simple and your friend will think you are the smartest thing on the block!
    Well, that makes sense, since Ryan's a twat (and keeps getting twattier over the seasons!)
    Hahaha, I hadn't read my current rep level before now! Who comes up with these things? Thanks for the heads-up! Happy New Year to you too! :)
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