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  • Thanks for the birthday wishes, numbers123! Yes, I'm still amazed I made it to the big 52! I think this coming year will be an awesome one! Hug! :)
    Happy Birthday :cheer2: I hope that this coming year is all that you wish for and has blessings beyond your wildest dreams
    Very pleased to be friends! I hope you can relax and enjoy life a little more now that you haven't got so much to worry about. :)
    Yeah, I was pretty busy last week. One of the co-workers was on vacation. I worked her shifts along with mine. I'll put it like this. I caught up with much needed sleep yesterday. If you manage to steal Johnny's electric foot masseuse, please let me borrow it when you're finished with it! lol
    mmmmmmmmmmmm coke slush

    busy week. Seriously thinking about stealing Johnny Weir's foot electric foot masseuse.
    Thanks, taf. Things are pretty good here. I just wish there were more hours in the day. With my job and all other activities, the day is gone and I'm wondering what the heck I got done! :)
    Thank you, siouxdonym. May this holiday season be filled with the same for you, and wishing you a Happy 2010! :)
    Dear Simone,

    Have a splendid holiday season and may your days be filled with all sorts of happiness, joy, and love!

    best, best wishes,
    Hey! Well, I'd vote several times if I could. lol! Glad you liked the video! Keep checking back. I'll be adding more when I have a chance to do it. :)
    I would definitely love it if they could at least medal. It may seem like it's impossible, but my mom gave me some very valuable advice many years ago; Never believe in the word impossible. We never know what the future may hold.
    I would love them at least medal, but unfortunately, I think it is misson impossible.
    You're so right. Angelica and Oleg were breathtakingly spectacular! I'm glad you gave them a chance, too! :)
    i only just noticed you REPed me for that thing about AP being weak world champions. I was at their competitive days their huge day - i stick to it. I love them. Marina is giving me hard time lately - but she was phenomenal ice dancer so i better say nth bad.

    Also - only recently i gave Angelica and Oleg a chance. I figured - it's been over 10 years.
    let me tell you something - i think those 2 were absolutely breathtakingly spectacular !

    Thier programs were like from another time. I think they suffered a lot for being No2 Russian team and that they trained under the same coach as G&P.

    I'm glad i gave them a chance.

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