Ciprès investigation reopened in Florida; FFSG disciplinary committee hearing scheduled

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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Sending pornography to a thirteen-year-old is neither legal nor socially acceptable in France.
Just an FYI: pornogaphy has lately gone mainstream. Fashion designers are doing shows with nudity and sex, in USA and Europe. Madonna's daughter was recently in one of them. This is fashion for teens and young adults...

There are groups of people and individuals who still believe they are in a fight with conservatives over sexual issues and feel the need to give sexual expression more freedom.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Just an FYI: pornogaphy has lately gone mainstream. Fashion designers are doing shows with nudity and sex, in USA and Europe. Madonna's daughter was recently in one of them. This is fashion for teens and young adults...

There are groups of people and individuals who still believe they are in a fight with conservatives over sexual issues and feel the need to give sexual expression more freedom.

:rolleyes: tone-deaf.


Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with sending pornographic material directly to a thirteen-year-old in private communication and thus having her participate in a private sexual communication, which was the post you were quoting was talking about. That cannot be prepared to sexually-explicit art/performances aimed at general consumers that occur in protective spaces where the consumer has to make efforts to observe and will choose to consume and isn't aimed at enticing minors to participate in sex acts.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with sending pornographic material directly to a thirteen-year-old in private communication and thus having her participate in sexual communication, which was the post you were quoting was talking about.
Sending pornographic material to a 13-year old is ILLEGAL by US Law and Cipres was in USA, so this law applies to him.
De Jure - he is guilty and should carry the penalty. Even if the girls begged him for those photos - it is illegal and stupid. He is an adult.

De Facto - 2 teenage girls of 13 thought it is funny and fun to ask for dic pic's in exchange for pizza. Why these two 13 year olds thought a dic pic in exchange for pizza is an OK entertainment is another story..... parents? society? media?
Last edited:


Shut that door.
Sending pornographic material to a 13-year old is ILLEGAL by US Law and Cipres was in USA, so this law applies to him.
De Jure - he is guilty and should carry the penalty. Even if girls begged his for those - it is illegal and stupid. He is an adult.
De Facto - 2 teenage girls of 13 thought it is funny and fun to ask for dic pic's in exchange for pizza.
1. The two girls were pressured by adults in a position of power over them to ask for the pictures, which is not funny or fun.

2. If you think Cipres should be arrested, what is the point of writing a post that could have been written in 1980 aside from the reference to Madonna's daughter about pornography is mainstream and associated with the art world? Do you want to add some references to Jeff Koons art that was considered edgy 25 years ago? Did you just get a Discman?

Sadly, I won't be surprised if the Cipres investigation turns out to be as futile as this thread.


Well-Known Member
Same reason why child molestation and pornography existed before 21st century movements involving sex positivity and ideas regarding the sexual revolution.


Doing all the things
Anyway how would he (they) compete again at top level again when they haven't trained for 1 full season + 10 months ? That's far too long of a break.
I'm confused as to why they haven't been training that long. I thought they were training up until the pandem*c.

Jesus, what’s going on in France. That’s quite a high number, isn’t it?
They are having a reckoning.


Well-Known Member
This was not nudity It’s pornography. There’s a difference and sending pornography to minors is not acceptable in France

Don’t try to excuse inappropriate behavior based on cultural differences. Because they’re not that different. All you’re doing is letting your fandom get in the way of your common sense. This was an adult. This was not some teenage boy who just discovered what a penis is for. If he didn’t have a common sense to know this was a bad move than he’s not mature enough to be allowed out in public anyway

And how do you know that getting the picture Was not disturbing? you doubt? are you some kind of expert? No you’re just a person trying to defend an indefensible act.
When your child gets a picture of a penis remember this isn’t the least bit disturbing

Pornography is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for EXCLUSIVE purpose of SEXUAL AROUSAL. Nudity for pizza is not mentioned in the definition.
How the h*ell would you know about any fandom I have. You are blabbering on like a twit. I cannot stand Morgan Cipres as a personality (I have never met him so I will not say as a person) since I saw a livestream at an event where he had a temper tantrum against Vanessa in a Kiss n Cry at a competition like a 4 yr old and I find his skating so so.

He acts like an immature 14yr old with a low IQ but that does make him a child molester. Just an idiot. The idea of extradition for something like that is ridiculous. I was molested as a child and teen and do know the difference.

You most likely voted for someone to run your entire country who is a rapist and human trafficker so get off your soap box.


Well-Known Member
Is it too late for Vanessa James to find another partner and train for BJ Olympics?
She is 32 and has already been to 3 Olympics. The only scenario where that would happen is if she gets a call from Aliona: "Hello dear, I am pregnant again. You pair up with Bruno and I will be your new coach. Get your behind to Germany asap! " Chances: 0.01% but we can always dream.
She should have dumped Cipres right away and could have had the opportunity to skate with someone like Brandon Frazier. I don't like her silence, but she is in a tough position. Didier even put her in a PR nightmare she could not control, so I give her a break there.
If she wants to, she can have a nice show career. Find a Russian partner, or get back with Yannick Bonheur for 2021 shows. I don't know when Holiday on Ice, cruise ships, le lido,...will be back in business, but she could be in high demand.
(Don't tell me you would not want to see her and Bruno!!)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
There goes the thread! :(
That did not need to happen if people exercised tollerance for opinions contradictory to their own. I don't understand the tendency to want to shut up and vilify the opponent, instead of proving that you are the one who is right and without getting personal. Shutting up does not makes one stop thinking and acting on what one believes in.

Nobody is questioning the facts that the Adults in this case, Cipres and the coaches, broke the law and need to face the penalties.

But the "social" side and human motivations/intentions are not clear, and maybe interesting, not just for curiosity, but for future understanding and maybe even prevention.

13 year olds, with free access to internet and information, are quite more aware of many facts of life, including sex.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Without stepping into unknown territory, I agree that there are more layers to this case than just A to B. The thing is that Cipres did it and he is responsible for his actions.

I also agree (this will be an unpopular opinion) that pre-teens and teens are well-aware of things that some people on this board will argue endlessly against. We are all taught sex ed in fourth or fifth grade, right? I was 9 in fourth grade. Social media and things like SnapChat haven't... hurt.. this cause of learning earlier, if I had to guess. We had a 'send nudes' discussion the first time the story made news and so many people here were just bewildered that it even existed between of-age people.

I just find it tacky that you're comparing what Madonna's daughter chose to do as part of an art exhibit as part of a talking-point here.


Staff member
Nobody is questioning the facts that the Adults in this case, Cipres and the coaches, broke the law and need to face the penalties.


But the "social" side and human motivations/intentions are not clear, and maybe interesting, not just for curiosity, but for future understanding and maybe even prevention.

Maybe so. But its difficult to do that without speculating or making a lot of assumptions. Like this one:

13 year olds, with free access to internet and information, are quite more aware of many facts of life, including sex.

If you would like to start a general thread in OTBT about the sexualization of young teenagers, feel free. But I do not want to lock yet another thread because of your insistence on assuming and speculating about the motivations of a minor who is, by all accounts, the victim in this case.

We will either find out what went down or we won't, but speculating about the motivations of people being investigated for illegal conduct involving minors is ill-advised--especially if you want to focus on the conduct of the minor.

That goes for everyone else, too. The girl was 13.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
We are all taught sex ed? Aren't you American? I can promise you that we were not, not if you were raised in the Bible Belt like me. I think in 4th grade the girls were taught about what maxi pads look like and that was the extent of it. I always say that I went to an unofficial Christian school because I went to public school in Texas, it's pretty much samesies.

I agree that the mixture of social media and teen hormones make life more ... interesting. But the teens can teen and the adults can stay the hell away and not participate in sexual activities with children.

What I'm wondering is why all the Cipres defenders think this was all a joke and the girls thought it was funny. Who involved has ever said that? Even in the copy of Cipres's letter to her parents, there was no reference to anything being done because they thought it was haha funny. The gist of his letter was: Olympics are stressful, I wasn't thinking because I'm stressed and am going to the Olympics, please don't tell so I can go to the Olympics, which are stressful.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
We are all taught sex ed? Aren't you American? I can promise you that we were not, not if you were raised in the Bible Belt like me. I think in 4th grade the girls were taught about what maxi pads look like and that was the extent of it. I always say that I went to an unofficial Christian school because I went to public school in Texas, it's pretty much samesies.

My mistake. I'm from Ohio and it is mandatory. I can't find exact numbers of how many schools across the nation do teach it, but I found a chart that show it is mandatory in half of the states in the US. I just don't know how many other states/locales include it in their curriculums.

All states are somehow involved in sex education for public schoolchildren.

As of March 1, 2020:

  • Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia require public schools teach sex education, 27 of which mandate sex education and HIV education.
  • Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia require students receive instruction about HIV.
  • Twenty-two states require that if provided, sex and/or HIV education must be medically, factually or technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate" vary, from requiring that the department of health review curriculum for accuracy, to mandating that curriculum be based on information from “published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.” (See table on medically accuracy laws.)
Many states define parents’ rights concerning sexual education:

  • Twenty-five states and the District of Columbia require school districts to notify parents that sexual or HIV education will be provided.
  • Five states require parental consent before a child can receive instruction.
  • Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia allow parents to opt-out on behalf of their children.
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