
Mayor of Carrot City
@FSWer it doesn't have to be complicated. Just stand normally and then lift one foot, with your knee out in front and your free foot about halfway between the ankle and the knee of the other foot. And keep your free foot close to your standing leg like @Yazmeen says.

It is more difficult if you bend the knee of the leg you are standing on, so you might want to try doing the exercise at first by standing on a straight leg. When you feel comfortable doing that and can hold up your free foot without wobbling, then try doing it while bending the knee of your standing leg.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and girls...here's were I am now...I just heard from Nick,and he says he now won't be back until Nov. For reasons I'm not sure if I can share on a Message Board. So,it looks like I'll be training with my other coach for Oct. But I DO know that it would be a nice Holiday gift to get him back. LOL.

purple skates

Shadow Dancing

I had my second lesson last week with my partner. We worked on a new dance - one that we both know, but that I had only done a couple of times with a coach, years ago when I tested.

He’s used to being a partner. I’m not. I crashed into him a couple of times, and once I almost pulled him off of his feet because I did something that I was used to doing as a solo dancer that while being bad technique, was not going to hurt anyone. That bad technique sure can cause problems skating with a partner!

I’m glad you are still getting to skate @FSWer.


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
purple skates makes a great point. Skating with a partner is not simply 2 people coming together and magically skating together. They have to be matched well in skills and have excellent basic skating skills. And even then it can be tough to adapt yourself to work well with a partner. Good technique and solid skills are absolutely necessary to skate with a partner.


Mayor of Carrot City
@FSWer even if you won't see Nick for a while, you can still work on off-ice exercises like balancing on one foot. That will help your skating for the next time you have a lesson with him.


Well-Known Member
Ok my Friends!!!! Here is today's Report....my Girl Coach worked with me again today,and what we worked on was my 2-Foot Hop,and my 2-Foot Spin. She had me try to hop over the lines on the ice. Which I did very well with. We also worked on Swizzles, and Backward Skating. She also had me try to stand on one Foot myself away from the wall today,and amazingly I was able to get my Foot up the highest I ever have!! She also taught me about leaning a bit to the side to transfer my balance. She says though,that as I work at it,I should be able to keep my leg up with out it going down. LOL.,I did fall a couple of times. But...HEY!!!! I'm a young Trouper!!! We also glided holding onto each other...and I was able to glide with her, with one leg up!!!! She also worked with me on my Snowplow-Stop. Which looks like I might have down-packed!! I do believe Nick will be coming back next month.


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
Great work, sounds like you've made some great progress! As Dick Button says, "First rate!!!"


Well-Known Member
I'm so impressed with your progress! It makes me smile to read your lesson reports. How long are your lessons? (An hour?) are you able to stay after your lesson to practice more?


Well-Known Member
Ok friends. Another update...I just hear from Nick,and umm...before I go on...I'm going to level with you guys,and I'm not sure if this is something to be said on a Board. But Nick has been training for the 2022 Olympics (that's right,we already have Skaters training for that Olympics!!! LOL.LOL.,LOL.,LOL. Let's get through the 2018 Olympics first!!...GEIS!!! Just like Football Players rush the Football Season...we have Olympians rushin' the Olympic Season!!! But the good news is,he's coming back to CT. once a month to train me!!


FSWer, skaters who know they don't have a real chance to qualify for the 2018 Olympics sometimes will say they are training for the next Olympics. It usually means they hope to be able to continue to train in a serious way for the next few years.

It's good to hear that Nick is planning to teach you again when he can. :)


Well-Known Member
FSWer, skaters who know they don't have a real chance to qualify for the 2018 Olympics sometimes will say they are training for the next Olympics. It usually means they hope to be able to continue to train in a serious way for the next few years.

It's good to hear that Nick is planning to teach you again when he can. :)

Help me understand?


When I saw you type so many "LOL" in your post, I wanted to try and explain why it's not funny that someone like Nick would tell you he was "training for the 2022 Olympics." Many, many skaters have the dream of competing in the Olympics. Very few skaters are able to achieve this dream but they do what they can to be able to train as seriously as possible. I assume the majority of skaters want to feel like they have tried everything in their power to achieve their potential as a skater before they retire from competitive skating (pursuing the Olympic dream). This sounds to me what your coach Nick is doing.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys...a little update. I just heard from Nick,and he says that beginning in Jan.,he will be having me pay his whole $100.00. It turns out that he was just giving me a deal up to this point,and he says he does it with everyone. LOL. I can only say that at $100.00,he should be able to teach me the moves I've always dreamed of being able to do!!! LOL.


Well-Known Member
You make me smile, FSWer ;-).
If I had a fortune at hand, I'd buy myself proper three turns. And rockers...and speed and security....
But unfortunately, that's not in my coaches catalogue. It's something I have to bring to my lessons myself, or produce it, whatever the lesson costs.
Wishing you lots of fun and success with your next lesson!


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
Your coach will teach you the skills that are appropriate for your level and your ability. More money does not equal more moves. The most important thing now if for you to work on and learn your basic skating skills: one-footed skating, gliding, edges, crossovers/progressives, the basics.


Well-Known Member
Ok my friends...here is my Report from today's Lesson. Today Nick worked me on my One-Foot Glide. He had me do it on my own,without holding on,and he said a couple of Glides I did were some of the best I ever did!!! LOL. I feel a couple of times. But I'm a Trooper!! We also worked on Swizzles,as well as putting my toes together (LOL. which I hope I can learn to do). He also showed me the Hockey-Turn,and I DO believe I got it down-packed really quickly!!! He also worked with me on pushing-off with my Left and right Foot. As well as Toe-Picking. He is still going to be coming back from Training to see me once a month. As much as he can...and in the months he can't my other Girl Coach will be with me.

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