U.S. Ice Dance 2017/18 season news & updates


Is the Dance Chicago competition being held again this year?
Yes, August 11-13 in Geneva, Illinois (entries are not yet published online): http://www.dance-pairschicago.com/

@Stephanie pointed out in the LPIDC thread in Kiss & Cry that Avonley Nguyen/Vadym Kolesnik were added recently to the ISP
Nguyen/Kolesnik competed at Skate Wilmington in Delaware (July 20-23) and scored 55.52 (SD)+71.36 (FD)=126.88

This club comp. has published protocols:

Junior SD result details & Junior SD protocols
Junior FD result details & Junior FD protocols

2 U.S. teams competed in Senior:
Julia Biechler/Damian Dodge 52.42 (SD only)
Cassidy Klopstock/Jacob Schedl 44.78 (SD)+67.92 (FD)

Senior SD result details & Senior SD protocols
Senior FD result details & Senior FD protocols
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Active Member
Which teams do you feel were scored unequally relative to each other at Lake Placid?

If you use total scores from both competitions at Lake Placid, you get very similar rankings to those handed out at the Chesapeake Open. I haven't double checked my math so feel free to correct it if any of the numbers are incorrect:

Junior Ice Dance Championships

Carreira & Ponomarenko. 149.76
Lewis & Bye. 132.88
Green & Green. 132.86
Gropman & Somerville 129.1
Nguyen & Kolesnik. 122.32
Gunter & Wein. 111.92
Amoia & Becker- 107.15 (missed a full set of twizzles and had a number of errors)
Cesanek & Usanov. 104.14 (had a fall)
Efimova & Petrov. 102.23
The Elders 100.75 (had a fall)
Haines & Koszuta 93.23. (had a fall and a couple other errors)
DelCamp & Gart. 89.62

DelCamp & Gart didn't compete at the Chesapeake Open, and considering that the Elders counted a fall, it is plausible that D&G were judged under a harsher standard relative to teams in the LPIDC. Based on Nationals and the Bavarian Open last year, the Elders and D&G are in the same ballpark when skating clean.

Otherwise, I see no major shocks in the results. I do have to agree that the Texas Open results seem more out of line; but with Gropman & Somerville and Nguyen & Kolesnik counting major errors there, that may be the explanation. N&K are new so they only have a short record and errors are not a surprise at this stage of the partnership, but the results they do have indicate that their scoring potential is higher than most of the junior teams. I think the top six teams on the list have made their case. I suspect Amoia & Becker will get one because he has JGP experience and their result here is an international score. Cesanek & Usanov and Haines & Koszuta haven't earned the required ISP score as of now. As for the remaining teams, your guess is as good as mine.

As far as last year's novices go, there were split placements throughout the novice event at Nationals. It isn't surprising that these teams have been swapping scores. The fact is that the JGP will be a very different test for anyone who wins a spot.

I would assume that teams will have to meet a specific score in their first event in order to earn a second one. We won't know how many teams will earn two spots until they go out and compete in their first event. (Gropman & Somerville defeated Lewis & Bye during the FD in the Lake Placid International last season but still didn't earn a second spot with their score in France on the JGP. And Gunter & Wein had the same placement as L&B at their first event but didn't earn one either so I assume there is a score that must be reached). Not everyone will get a JGP. A few teams--Haines & Koszuta and Cesanek & Usanov--probably lost their shot to be added to the ISP right here. And based on their relative placements, they had a shot. (Is the Dance Chicago competition being held again this year?) Last year, there were also opportunities to compete internationally at the NRW Trophy and Bavarian Open so some ISP teams may go there instead.

Regardless, sometimes you don't get in the first season out. Gropman & Somerville didn't make it out of sectionals their first season in Juniors. It's dance. It's a long journey.

My understanding was that skaters had to earn a certain score at designated ISP events to be considered for ISP. So, Chesapeake, Cannon & Lake Placid were the ones to watch. The top US officials are at these specific events, therefore, these results are taken in to consideration for ISP (from what I understood) I don't believe Chicago or the Delaware competition are listed as ISP events.

There are several teams I felt earned considerably lower scores than their peers of equal or lower standing (International VS Domestic) Dobre, Thank you for taking the time to research past scores of some of the teams. Some of the teams I had in mind are not American, but I will respond to your post regarding a few of the Junior Americans I felt were underscored:

I agree that DelCamp & Gart (N2) scored considerably less at LPI than they have achieved all last season (Novice in Utah International, sectionals and Nationals (Nationals score 109 in NOVICE) and they earned the bronze in advanced Novice at Bavarian Open-- not sure of points there) and this season at Cannon open (122.48 points total there in Junior event)

I know some posters here did not like the results of Cannon, but I thought the scores were pretty fair there considering it was early in the season and it showed for many teams as far as mistakes. Plus, the TS and some of the panel/officials were the same at Cannon as LP (Domestic) All very respected officials. So, I don't think its fair to write off Cannon unless you're going to write off the domestic event at LP. DelCamp & Gart won Cannon, beating some much more experienced teams, including Gropman and Somerville, Amoia & Becker, Elders, Nguyen & Kolesnik. Albeit, some teams made mistakes. However, I personally really really like DelCamp & Gart. They are so young and full of LIFE! I find both programs intricate, entertaining and upbeat. As opposed to all the slow/dramatic or overused pieces of music we're seeing this season. I am glad they are listed in an envelope and on ISP.

Haines & Koszuta were first in Novice last season and earned 114.66 in NOVICE at Nationals. I feel they are strong and would make a good showing at a JGP if they had earned enough points for ISP. I love their SD! In my personal opinion, I can't see why they were so much lower in the International event, but then I saw they were also fairly low at Chesapeake too, so that's discouraging.

Plus, there were several non-Americans teams I thought were underscored. But, C'est La Vie. Lets hope each country decides to use all their spots!


Well-Known Member
My understanding was that skaters had to earn a certain score at designated ISP events to be considered for ISP. So, Chesapeake, Cannon & Lake Placid were the ones to watch. The top US officials are at these specific events, therefore, these results are taken in to consideration for ISP (from what I understood) I don't believe Chicago or the Delaware competition are listed as ISP events.

Is this accurate @Sylvia? It would be nice to know. Efimova & Petrov were added to the ISP after a late competition last season. That much I remember.

DelCamp & Gart
Haines & Koszuta

DelCamp & Gart are on the list and there is no way to know at this point if they will or won't be selected. They skipped the Chesapeake Open so unfortunately the people deciding are left with one high score & one low one rather than two out of three in order to try make this decision. And there was no spectacularly visible error to explain the difference. As you said, I wouldn't expect their Texas Open score to be ignored; but it's not enough to make a clear determination over other teams either. (They lost to H&K here and H&K lost to the Elders at Chesapeake so clarity is utterly nonexistent when you get into these three teams). Personally, I feel for the people who have to decide. (Plus, we won't know how many teams earn a second GP until they do. I'm rooting for more teams to earn two rather than less; but we'll see). Personally, I would throw DC&G, the Elders, and Efimova & Petrov in one more competition and let them have at it. I would throw Haines & Koszuta and Cesanek & Usanov in there too, however, so you might very well come out with an even more tangled scenario than you already have.

H&K left too many points on the table in their FD at Lake Placid. I'd love to see them--and Cesanek & Usanov--go to Chicago and get another crack at it. But if they can't, they can't. These teams did two out of three. I can see either team coming into Nationals and upsetting teams already on the list, as Efimova & Petrov did against Gunter & Wein last year. But I don't know that they will.

H&K are an interesting case. They are tackling a very steep learning curve. Those placements at Sectionals & Nationals last season were almost implausible for a team as new as they were. It's entirely possible that they will need more time to tackle the junior requirements. And DC&G only have a year together as well. (Their showing at Lake Placid last season wasn't so stellar). Yes, the Elders & DC&G did very well for themselves at the Bavarian Open.

But Advanced Novices is still split between compulsories & the FD. You really never know how teams will come out when the format changes or when they start breaking onto the JGP. As far as I can tell, Gropman & Somerville didn't get a JGP their first season, and they were 2nd in novices. Grosul & Colluci didn't have one, and they were second as well. The Beckers didn't get one in 2014-2015 either, and they were novice champions. It's a long road. H&K are older so they aren't going to walk the same road as most of these young teams. It's a shame, in a way, because they don't have the normal amount of time to climb the junior ranks. But the road they've taken thus far is different than most teams that enter the field at this stage so they can take a different road in the future as well. (If there is room for Klopstock & Schedl in seniors, there will likely be room for H&K when they get there).
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I was told the other pre-approved club competitions for ice dance teams hoping to make the ISP are Skate Wilmington (results links posted above) & Dance Chicago (Aug. 11-13 in Geneva, IL - post #151 above), plus Philadelphia Challenge Cup (Sept. 14-17) in Ardmore, PA.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting article about Hawayek/Baker from Two for the Ice:

The focus of the article is why Hawayek/Baker chose to keep their Liebestraum FD this season. I'm among many who was doubtful about this decision, but they lay out their case for it well in this article.

H/B will be competing rhumba for the first time in this year's SD. They had some interesting comments on it:

In that 2011-12 season, rhumba key points bedeviled the world’s top teams; only two couples, ranked fifth and seventh, managed to pick up a single Level 4 sequence apiece at 2012’s Four Continents Championships, while the likes of Meryl Davis and Charlie White and Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir achieved the feat at only one and two internationals, respectively. Hawayek and Baker are steeling themselves for the battle. “It’s still going to be very difficult — you’ll definitely see who can skate and who can’t skate,” said Baker. “What looks simple is very, very difficult in terms of making sure the maneuvering of it’s done correct.”

“It’s pure skating skills,” added Hawayek. “You stay in hold the entire time and there’s not any crazy hopping and jumping around. In the sense of watching it, it looks very basic, but because of that simplicity of it, you need to be able to have super strong fundamentals for your skating, and I think it’ll separate the teams that kind of rely on tricks and those who have a really great base of skating skills behind them.”

With yesterday's U.S. Classic announcement, we know that Hawayek/Baker and Hubbell/Donohue will both compete at that event in September. Which, the more I think about, could be an interesting matchup. As someone pointed out elsewhere, their international season's-best scores in the FD last year weren't as far apart as people might think (based on what happened at Nationals). And Hawayek/Baker will have the advantage of being completely familiar with their FD, whereas Hubbell/Donohue will be debuting a brand-new FD. (And, as much as I sincerely love Madi/Zach, I think most can probably agree that they aren't necessarily a team that tends to start the season with a bang.) OTOH, at least on the face of it, rhumba should play heavily to H/D's strengths. Anyhow, it could be an interesting matchup at U.S. Classic. :watch:


Rooting for the Underdogs
As someone pointed out elsewhere, their international season's-best scores in the FD last year weren't as far apart as people might think (based on what happened at Nationals). And Hawayek/Baker will have the advantage of being completely familiar with their FD, whereas Hubbell/Donohue will be debuting a brand-new FD. (And, as much as I sincerely love Madi/Zach, I think most can probably agree that they aren't necessarily a team that tends to start the season with a bang.) OTOH, at least on the face of it, rhumba should play heavily to H/D's strengths. Anyhow, it could be an interesting matchup at U.S. Classic. :watch:

The raw numbers are close, but context is everything and there are reasons why they say don't compare scores between events. H/B's score was from Golden Spin if Zagreb, which tends to be among the most overinflated of the senior b events in terms of scoring if not the most overinflated. H/D's score came from an ISU championship event, 4CC. For further context, G/F scored 180.32 at Golden Spin. H/D's SB score is 180.82. At worlds, even with receiving no points for the twizzle sequence, h/d's overall score was 12 points higher than G/F and the fd score was still 3 points higher with a whole element missing.

I also have a feeling that h/d are going to start this season off stronger than past seasons. In 2013 and 2014, they had lost significant amounts of time to injury. In 2015, they had just changed coaches. Last year, I sort of wondered if they'd also lost some training time, they were in Japan for a very long stretch of time prettt close to the beginning of the season (unable to fly home between show weekends and train with coaches, as in SOI), and Zach was sick at Finlandia.

ETA: Another good example of don't compare scores between events, especially senior b events and events with traditionally more strict judging is I/Z. Their seasons best, from Tallinn, was 185. They only pulled in 165.16 at SA though and 167.40 in France.

In other words, they say not to compare apples and oranges. Comparing senior b scores to ISU championship numbers these days is like comparing blueberries and watermelons.

ETA 2: G/F's total scores from all of their other internationals last season.

162.12 at Lombardia Trophy
165.44 at SA
170.45 at Rostelecom.
163.68 at Euros

Their 180.30 at Golden Spin is just shy of 10 points higher than anything else they pulled in last season. Golden Spin is always super inflated and just not any indicator of how a team will stack up against another team (or even against itself) at any other event out there.
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Well-Known Member
Our entire group is looking forward to the first Senior B comp and official (upcoming) season début of the lovely Hawayek & Baker. The underdog ice dance couple of this season, true, but great ice dancers and beautiful, genuine people... and good things happen to good people! Best wishes to them as they venture into Olympic season territory. Our pom-poms and high hopes are ready!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
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Well-Known Member

I posted this over in The Dance Hall thread, but as this recap covered so many US teams I thought I may as well cross post this here.

I'm definitely interested in seeing H/B's match up with H/D! I hope we get video of H/B's SD from Dance Chicago, since we've already seen their FD. I really enjoyed their take on blues and hip hop so I look forward to their rhumba.

Jun Y

Well-Known Member

I posted this over in The Dance Hall thread, but as this recap covered so many US teams I thought I may as well cross post this here.

The writer clearly prefers McNamara/Carpenter, so I went back and rewatched their tango free dance. It's not as intricate or complex as Gilles/Poirier's last free dance, but it is certainly distinctive. G/P's tango was conventionally and appropriately stoic (especially Paul who was able to maintain a stone face throughout), while M/C's tango is not. But, to use a fashionable phrase, it's a feature, not a bug.

It's a funny thing. From the little bit of off-ice interactions I've seen, McNamara and Carpenter seem to be nice and ordinary young people. But somehow their coaches have created a kind of tense and conflicted and dramatic relationship for their on-ice persona that they (primarily McNamara) are able to convey for the past 3 years. Lorraine has been able to play a fierce little diva on ice since she was 12, but it looks like her acting skills have risen to a new level. :glamor:

Every ice dance team has a dominant and a supportive partner. There are infinite variations to this type of relationships. A successful partnership not only manages and adapts to its innate dynamic but turns it into an asset. Usually I believe this is of little importance, as long as the technical skating and partnering are good, but occasionally teams prove me wrong.
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Reaching out with my hand sensitively
The raw numbers are close, but context is everything and there are reasons why they say don't compare scores between events. H/B's score was from Golden Spin if Zagreb, which tends to be among the most overinflated of the senior b events in terms of scoring if not the most overinflated. H/D's score came from an ISU championship event, 4CC. For further context, G/F scored 180.32 at Golden Spin. H/D's SB score is 180.82. At worlds, even with receiving no points for the twizzle sequence, h/d's overall score was 12 points higher than G/F and the fd score was still 3 points higher with a whole element missing.

I also have a feeling that h/d are going to start this season off stronger than past seasons. In 2013 and 2014, they had lost significant amounts of time to injury. In 2015, they had just changed coaches. Last year, I sort of wondered if they'd also lost some training time, they were in Japan for a very long stretch of time prettt close to the beginning of the season (unable to fly home between show weekends and train with coaches, as in SOI), and Zach was sick at Finlandia.

ETA: Another good example of don't compare scores between events, especially senior b events and events with traditionally more strict judging is I/Z. Their seasons best, from Tallinn, was 185. They only pulled in 165.16 at SA though and 167.40 in France.

In other words, they say not to compare apples and oranges. Comparing senior b scores to ISU championship numbers these days is like comparing blueberries and watermelons.

ETA 2: G/F's total scores from all of their other internationals last season.

162.12 at Lombardia Trophy
165.44 at SA
170.45 at Rostelecom.
163.68 at Euros

Their 180.30 at Golden Spin is just shy of 10 points higher than anything else they pulled in last season. Golden Spin is always super inflated and just not any indicator of how a team will stack up against another team (or even against itself) at any other event out there.
Who are G/F? Blanking on this one. . . (ETA: Ah, the Italians, Guignard/Fabbri. Okay. Was thrown by mention of G/F in the US Ice dance thread!)


Well-Known Member
Any effort to expand beyond the alphabet nomenclature (X/Y) is so appreciated in the pairs and ice dance threads.

I love watching Lorraine and Quinn' intense chemistry and am thoroughly charmed when they collapse into unabashed bear hugs four seconds after the music ends.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Yes, August 11-13 in Geneva, Illinois (entries are not yet published online): http://www.dance-pairschicago.com/


Nguyen/Kolesnik competed at Skate Wilmington in Delaware (July 20-23) and scored 55.52 (SD)+71.36 (FD)=126.88

This club comp. has published protocols:

Junior SD result details & Junior SD protocols
Junior FD result details & Junior FD protocols

2 U.S. teams competed in Senior:
Julia Biechler/Damian Dodge 52.42 (SD only)
Cassidy Klopstock/Jacob Schedl 44.78 (SD)+67.92 (FD)

Senior SD result details & Senior SD protocols
Senior FD result details & Senior FD protocols

Does anybody have list of dance teams skating at Chicago dance this week?


I've started a thread for the Chicago competition in Kiss & Cry: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/threads/2017-dance-pairs-chicago-competition-aug-11-13.101682/

For those who can't access the Kiss & Cry, I've posted the list of international teams in the Dance Hall thread here: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...king-rhumba-magic.101001/page-20#post-5109366

U.S. teams:

Hawayek, Kaitlin Detroit SC / Baker, Jean-Luc Detroit SC
(rest are international teams)

Efimova, Alina Peninsula SC / Petrov, Alexander Hershey FSC
Elder, Sophia Louisville Skating Academy /Elder, Christopher Louisville Skating Academy
Fey, Nicolette Detroit SC / Niva, Caleb Everett FSC
Nguyen, Avonley Washington FSC / Kolesnik, Vadym Washington FSC
Popova, Daria Philadelphia SC & Humane Society / Colucci, Cameron Peninsula SC
Purnell, Claire / Purnell, Luke Louisville Skating Academy
Rose, Allie Philadelphia SC & Humane Society / Michel, J.T. Louisville Skating Academy
NOTE: Val Katsman's new partner for Israel is listed as Daria Fadeev (SD only) - they are coached by Krylova & Camerlengo.

Blahunka, Isabel Louisville Skating Academy / Shawver, William Louisville Skating Academy
Bratti, Emily Washington FSC / Wang, Jim St. Paul FSC (new)
Brykalova, Paulina St. Paul FSC / Brykalov, Daniel St. Paul FSC
Buckley, Gianna Seattle SC / Chen, Jeffrey Peninsula SC (new)
Nicklas, Anna Ann Arbor FSC / Ryan, Max All Year FSC
Wolfkostin, Katarina Peninsula SC / Zhao, Howard Detroit SC

Alexis, Bella Arctic FSC / Alday, Ethan All Year FSC
Brennan, Christine Maplewood FSC / Thorne IV, William Starlight Ice Dance Club (new)
Brown, Maria Pavilion SC of Cleveland Heights / Driscoll, Marius Pavilion SC of Cleveland Heights
Foti, Sabrina Carolinas FSC / Bennett, Christian FSC of Charlotte
Lassiter, Hope Noelle Lone Star FSC / Anderson, Luke St. Peters FSA
Peal, Elliana Skokie Valley SC / Peal, Ethan Skokie Valley SC
Schaub, Kelsey IceWorks SC / Haddad, Anthony All Year FSC (new)

Bland, Kristina Detroit SC / Francis, Gabe Detroit SC
Chaseley, Saige Skokie Valley SC / Bell, Aidan Skokie Valley SC
Forret, Grace Ames FSC / Gillette, Jordan Ames FSC
Golomb, Bella Northern Blades NSC FSC / Weirens, Skylar Northern Blades NSC FSC
Weishaus, Avery Detroit SC / Sainte-Marie, Laurent Detroit SC
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For those without access to the Kiss and Cry section, here is the official results document for Dance-Pairs Chicago 2017 (link also posted in "The Dance Hall" discussion thread): http://www.dance-pairschicago.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Results2017Dance-PairsChicago-1.pdf

Hawayak/Baker won both segments of the competition - fan cams:
Short Dance (67.84)
Free Dance (102.40)

Elliana Pogrebinsky & Alex Benoit | Catching Up With Team USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEcVYOUrFV4

P/B have been assigned to the ISU Challenger Lombardia Trophy, Sept. 14-17, in Bergamo, Italy.

Snippet of Hubbell/Donohue's FD: https://www.instagram.com/p/BXkzvhGlX-z/?taken-by=zachtdonohue
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Not Impressed.
I love that opening to Hubbell & Donohue's SD :inavoid: "Le Serpent" is going to be so much fun to listen to this year, talk about a fun song that really gets the voids rolling. :kickass: I have a feeling that's going to end up one of my fav SD's this year.

While their skating is cleaner, I'm not really feeling that SD from Hawayek & Baker. The opening is lacking in snap to their movement and a big presence in the performance to really bring it to life. Falls very flat in the first half artistically IMO. The second half is better but this program just isn't really for me. I've also seen that FD about 5 times now, but it's pretty and lovely and all that. :cheer: :coffee:


Active Member
I honestly think Chock/Bates time is over. It will be between the Shibutanis, who will skate clean competition after competition or H/D who improved so much and are artists.


Banned Member
H/B's SD at Chicago comp on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0eb6czxb4U
I love their cha-cha steps at the end. Their backs are to the camera and we don't see a full view.

H/B's FD at Chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE_eYj7wnaw

Posted before I saw Sylvia already posted these clips.

Elliana Pogrebinsky & Alex Benoit | Catching Up With Team USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEcVYOUrFV4

Alex: "I would say that we're best friends, but I think that's really her cat ... He has his own Instagram page." :lol:
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Not Impressed.
Last year at this time, Lynn Rutherford also predicted that Gracie Gold would be the 2017 World Champion, and before US Nationals last year (after the GP series happened), she predicted that Gracie Gold would win. :shuffle:

( :HA!: and the foul ball is caught by Karen)

I wouldn't really read too much into these ice dance predictions.


Well-Known Member
I think when you start defeating World medalists in major international competition, then you have already broken out. (Hubbell & Donohue did it last season against Weaver & Poje at Four Continents).

I think when you start defeating World medalists only in the SD or only in the free or you start winning the technical mark over those teams, then you are on the verge. (Hubbell & Donohue did this the season before last by defeating Chock & Bates in the SD at 4CCs and Bobrova & Soloviev in the SD on the GP. Stepanova & Bukin did it with their technical mark in the SD last season at Cup of China. Gilles & Poirier bested C&L at Skate Canada overall last season).

I think when you underperform and your final marks reflect a level lower than your potential score, then of course you are easy to predict to improve the following season. But going up in the standings after a lower-level performance is not breaking out, IMO.

Climbing the podium at U.S. Nationals or earning a spot on the podium at the Olympics would be a huge accomplishment for any team that accomplishes it. But I would say the top three dance teams at U.S. Nationals have all already broken out.
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Well-Known Member
I think when you start defeating World medalists in major international competition, then you have already broken out. (Hubbell & Donohue did it last season against Weaver & Poje at Four Continents).

I think when you start defeating World medalists only in the SD or only in the free or you start winning the technical mark over those teams, then you are on the verge. (Hubbell & Donohue did this the season before last by defeating Chock & Bates in the SD at 4CCs. Stepanova & Bukin did it with their technical mark in the SD last season at Cup of China. Gilles & Poirier bested C&L at Skate Canada overall last season).

I think when you underperform and your final marks reflect a level lower than your potential score, then of course you are easy to predict to improve the following season. But going up in the standings after a lower-level performance is not breaking out, IMO.

Climbing the podium at U.S. Nationals or earning a spot on the podium at the Olympics would be a huge accomplishment for any team that accomplishes it. But I would say the top three dance teams at U.S. Nationals have all already broken out.

I guess "who's got the buzz" doesn't carry enough drama ;) Anyways, whatever you call it, it's still just a poll. And as such it yields opinions and guesses, not much more. But, I'm always glad for any coverage of H&D. They're always relatively lacking in that department.

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