Paul and Islam: "No Matter What"


Well-Known Member
Yes, looking forward to seeing how they fare at World's this year. Hopefully they will move up in the rankings. I would love it if they could get top 10 would be stretching it, but possible if they skate extremely well and they get a good draw.


Active Member
Yes, looking forward to seeing how they fare at World's this year. Hopefully they will move up in the rankings. I would love it if they could get top 10 would be stretching it, but possible if they skate extremely well and they get a good draw.

They should be able to benefit from some retirements. I highly doubt all of the top teams will show up. Besides, I don't expect them to be as low as 18th if the judging is actually decent. Even with the mistakes, they shouldn't have finished that low in Sochi. No disrespect to the other teams, but some of the ones that finished directly ahead of them looked pretty sloppy in comparison. I'd love to see them get at least a top 12 here, but I think it's even more important that they skate well and continue to make an impression on the international audience and judges. I think they made a really good start of that in Sochi. :D


Active Member
Here's the official world team announcement:[2797]/3346/language/en-US/Default.aspx

As expected, V/M are skipping this one. I assume we'll be getting their retirement announcement soon. What a phenomenal career they're had! :D

It's going to be tough for Canada to get three spots without them. That being said, I'm curious to see how P/I match up with G/P at an event this big. Also excited to see W/P skate those gorgeous programs one last time. Should be lots of fun!


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to see how these two fair at World's with these two wonderful dances they have. Go P/I!


Active Member
I hope Weaver & Poje come 2nd or 3rd and Paul & Islam top 10 to keep Canada 3 spots.

Me too! :D They're both excellent teams, and they're more than capable. I think the bigger question will be the quality of the judging.

On an unrelated note, I just wanted to say a huge congrats to Madeline Edwards and Zhao Kai Pang, who just won ice dance bronze for Canada at Junior Worlds!:D If you've never seen them, they're worth a trip to Youtube. Loads and loads of potential!


Ha, "quality of the judging", I like that, skatingfan04! It was decidedly lacking in P/I's case, among others, in Sochi.

I'm so happy for E/P, but may I also add that the champions Hawayek/Baker are ones to youtube as well! They train with Alex and Mitch, and have a very similar style. Gorgeous skating quality, lovely dance-based programs.

Also, it doesn't look like this has been posted yet. I follow this blog that dissects different dance styles used in ice dance, and there's a recent entry that features our P/I's SD!

I believe it's authored by Jacquelyn Thayer from and Two for the Ice. (She's the one who had that great interview with P/I last summer )


Active Member
Ha, "quality of the judging", I like that, skatingfan04! It was decidedly lacking in P/I's case, among others, in Sochi.

I'm so happy for E/P, but may I also add that the champions Hawayek/Baker are ones to youtube as well! They train with Alex and Mitch, and have a very similar style. Gorgeous skating quality, lovely dance-based programs.

Also, it doesn't look like this has been posted yet. I follow this blog that dissects different dance styles used in ice dance, and there's a recent entry that features our P/I's SD!

I believe it's authored by Jacquelyn Thayer from and Two for the Ice. (She's the one who had that great interview with P/I last summer )

Thank you! Those are great links.

Just for reference, here are two more entries from the same blog that discuss P/I's programs:

I took your advice and watched Hawayek/Baker. Wow are they good!
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Active Member
It's a shame that the ISU is blocking videos from the short dance, because P/I did themselves proud in that performance.


Active Member
It's a shame that the ISU is blocking videos from the short dance, because P/I did themselves proud in that performance.

They sure did!:D What a lovely SD it was! Smooth as silk, fast, powerful, and relaxed. They look so comfortable when they skate now. They were so animated and expressive, too! And I was particularly stoked when they nailed the twizzles (after what happened in the SD in Sochi).

I was surprised to see them sitting behind G/P, but I had noticed that P/I looked a bit upset when their program finished, so I figured they had missed something in the Finnstep. According to the protocols, G/P had a level higher than P/I in the Finnstep and also in the footwork sequence, so it looks like the placement was justified.

That being said, they're in 11th!!:D They must feel so amazing. I always figured they would fit in well with the best in the world, but now they've proved it. I think this worlds is going to be the perfect start to the next phase of their career.

For those in Canada:
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New Member
It's a shame that the ISU is blocking videos from the short dance, because P/I did themselves proud in that performance.

That is so silly of them to do. What difference does it make if people see it. It is not like they let you pay them for the videos anyway. Given the state of skating popularity today they should do all they can to help people see more.


New Member
P&I were amazing today and criminally undermarked. Cant believe they are behind that horrible Gilles & Poirier team.


RIP D-10
P/I did remarkably well considering how early they skated, compared to G/P in the final group. It will still be a challenge for the FD, as they skate before the ice resurfacing. Hopefully that will be better than skating 14 places earlier. I wish both teams were in the same group, though.


Active Member
Me ,too.. however I thought they might have been a little under marked considering how early they skated... and they skated beautifully. both they and W/P have good draws for their groups... crossing fingers and toes for both..


Active Member
I'd argue they could and should have ranked ahead of at least one of the top 9 teams, but a top 10 at a first Worlds and, I think, a guaranteed two Grand Prix spots is nothing to sneeze at! Beautiful skate, and it's so great to see them happy after their performances. Now that they've had the chance to start developing a stronger rep, time to get the judges on board -- P/I took care of their part of things.


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy for Alex&Mitch. Finally, the judges take notice of them and a top 10 finish means 2 Grand Prix for next season (finally!). Their tech score was really strong, now they only have to work more to get their PCS up. The good thing is with W/P continuing, they have the time to really work on their skating and don't have the pressure to get Canada the spots for next year.


Well-Known Member
Considering their place in the skating order in both the short and the long program, they did very well here. Congratulations to them on two great skates!

ETA: Link to clarie's post after Olympics:

I would love it if they could get top 10 would be stretching it, but possible if they skate extremely well and they get a good draw.

They did that without a good draw, which says something about the quality of their skating.

And kimGOAT was prophetic:

I hope Weaver & Poje come 2nd or 3rd and Paul & Islam top 10 to keep Canada 3 spots.

(although G/P did their part as well, of course).
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Active Member
I'm SO happy for them! :D What a gorgeous FD they did! It seems as it getting the Olympics under their belts was a big confidence boost to them, because they skated the two most animated and expressive programs (IMO) that they've had all season. I'm a bit annoyed at their placement finishing behind G/P in the free, who looked amazing (especially considering Paul's injury) but had a sloppier skate in the FD than the short. Then again, we have to remember that G/P already have an international reputation, and P/I do not. Like it or not, that affects the components score. They really proved themselves though. They jumped 8 places and about 12 points from where they finished in Sochi (proving just how ridiculous the judging was there). To make the top 10 at their first worlds is incredible (remember, G/P were 18th at their first, W/P were 20th at theirs, V/M took 7th at theirs), especially with so little international experience. I think this is going to be a huge confidence boost, and establish their place in the international rankings. I expect their components scores will be on a steady incline next season. And I'd just like to take a moment to celebrate that (A) they have two grand prix spots for next season, so they'll actually get to compete properly prior to nationals, and (B) with three sports to worlds next year, we'll be able to watch nationals without the constant fear of them not making the team. P/I and G/P are both too good to sit at home while the other competes. Now they'll be able to go together, regardless of who comes out on top at nationals.

Though not related to the topics of this thread, I have to give a huge Congratulations to the incredible and talented new worlds silver medallists Weaver & Poje!!! They were simply SPECTACULAR!


Well-Known Member
Well done Alex and Mitch. I love their programmes. They appeared to have so much more power in their skating this week. (By the way V/M were 6th at their first WCh).


Banned Member
I'm SO happy for them! :D What a gorgeous FD they did! It seems as it getting the Olympics under their belts was a big confidence boost to them, because they skated the two most animated and expressive programs (IMO) that they've had all season. I'm a bit annoyed at their placement finishing behind G/P in the free, who looked amazing (especially considering Paul's injury) but had a sloppier skate in the FD than the short. Then again, we have to remember that G/P already have an international reputation, and P/I do not. Like it or not, that affects the components score. They really proved themselves though. They jumped 8 places and about 12 points from where they finished in Sochi (proving just how ridiculous the judging was there). To make the top 10 at their first worlds is incredible (remember, G/P were 18th at their first, W/P were 20th at theirs, V/M took 7th at theirs), especially with so little international experience. I think this is going to be a huge confidence boost, and establish their place in the international rankings. I expect their components scores will be on a steady incline next season. And I'd just like to take a moment to celebrate that (A) they have two grand prix spots for next season, so they'll actually get to compete properly prior to nationals, and (B) with three sports to worlds next year, we'll be able to watch nationals without the constant fear of them not making the team. P/I and G/P are both too good to sit at home while the other competes. Now they'll be able to go together, regardless of who comes out on top at nationals.

Though not related to the topics of this thread, I have to give a huge Congratulations to the incredible and talented new worlds silver medallists Weaver & Poje!!! They were simply SPECTACULAR!

Well as long as V&M don't return, in which case it would be nail biting time at Canadians for P&I and G&P fans once again.


Active Member
Yikes, I can't believe I made that mistake. I watched the 2007 worlds back so many times you'd think the results would be engrained in my mind! Thanks for the correction girlscouse62!

kuztytalent, I've been operating under the assumption that V/M will be retiring as planned. I suppose that may not be the case now. I have mixed feelings on the subject. V/M are hands down my favourite dance team ever (in fact, I never really watched skating much before them), and they're obviously still on top of their game, so I would love to see them stay. On the other hand, they've tried every style imaginable and won pretty much everything there is to win, and I have a fear that if they stay in, they'll start to deteriorate and run out of new things to try, and I really don't want to watch that happen. I team as incredible as V/M deserves to go out in their prime. Returning to the topic, three spots is as good as it's going to get. If we have to watch G/P and P/I duke it out again, so be it. P/I have beaten them when its counted the most, and they're only getting better. I have no doubt they could do it again.

Is it insane that I'm already so stoked about next season? I've been listening to Paso Doble music all morning...

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