"No one knows Mirai's mirai" Nagasu cheer thread

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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝

They shot this in my town? Do you know where in WeHo they shot?????

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝


Well-Known Member
https://youtu.be/gahUUUB6t4s Mirai skated her short program and exhibition. Still hoping she gets a new free program...

Looking in good shape for this time of the year :summer:
Did she go for the Flip in both programs? I do not think she normally do that in shows does she?
I love when she "stretch out" as in her beautiful spirals. It would be nice to see her use spread eagles more, she can do them nicely.

I am also very curious about if she will keep her LP or not..absolutely fine if she keeps the short but I do not think it will do her any favor keeping the long.. I would be over the moon for anything else, even bringing out a warhouse like Carmen if needed!


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Beautiful! Now there is a skater who wants to make the Olympic team. I am proud of her for putting out her jumps in a show in Skokie, Illinois! The audience definitely got its money's worth! And who knows what little skater might have been inspired by her? Her Ina Bauer is glorious too.
Agree! That was just gorgeous. Thank you so much for the link (whoever supplied it)
I haven't seen Marai skate like that in forever.


Active Member
that Charlotte spiral got so much better. Remember when she wasn't even trying it in her awful Spartacus program?


Not Impressed.
She looks so elegant! This is the best shape I've seen her in and it's been 6 weeks since Worlds. :kickass: I'd love to see her have a no regrets season next year, her quality of movement is transformed when she's in this kind of shape. Every movement is so stretched out and beautiful, she's finally coming back to where she was before here. Yay! :cheer:

I'm stubborn and still think TWTIA could work with some time spent revamping it (and really working on the expression and purpose of the program), and I still think David Wilson got it right in his intent with the program, but she was much more connected with that exhibition music.. (which basically says the same thing as TWTIA, but in a happier tone). So yeah, maybe time to rethink that one. :shuffle:

The short is looking :swoon: my goodness.
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https://youtu.be/gahUUUB6t4s Mirai skated her short program and exhibition. Still hoping she gets a new free program...

As do I...

I love love love Mirai's short program this year - but that long - I'll never get over the bad memories from Nationals - it was my nightmare come true. Please get a new and awesome long for the Olympic year Mirai!


Well-Known Member
She looks so elegant! This is the best shape I've seen her in and it's been 6 weeks since Worlds. :kickass: I'd love to see her have a no regrets season next year, her quality of movement is transformed when she's in this kind of shape. Every movement is so stretched out and beautiful, she's finally coming back to where she was before here. Yay! :cheer:

I'm stubborn and still think TWTIA could work with some time spent revamping it (and really working on the expression and purpose of the program), and I still think David Wilson got it right in his intent with the program, but she was much more connected with that exhibition music.. (which basically says the same thing as TWTIA, but in a happier tone). So yeah, maybe time to rethink that one. :shuffle:

The short is looking :swoon: my goodness.
I am in the minority, I know, but I love TWTIA. I hope she keeps both of her programs. Mirai has said she loves them and that is what is most important. The more she skates them, the better her expression will become.


Well-Known Member
She looks so elegant! This is the best shape I've seen her in and it's been 6 weeks since Worlds. :kickass: I'd love to see her have a no regrets season next year, her quality of movement is transformed when she's in this kind of shape. Every movement is so stretched out and beautiful, she's finally coming back to where she was before here. Yay! :cheer:

I'm stubborn and still think TWTIA could work with some time spent revamping it (and really working on the expression and purpose of the program), and I still think David Wilson got it right in his intent with the program, but she was much more connected with that exhibition music.. (which basically says the same thing as TWTIA, but in a happier tone). So yeah, maybe time to rethink that one. :shuffle:

The short is looking :swoon: my goodness.

TWTIA represents what is wrong with Mirai and why she never won as big as she was capable. Most people hated that program (it's ok. people like different things), including I gather her coach. She couldn't skate it clean or with expression. Never talked about it; threw away a season on it. Finally she skates clean but still expressionless at 4CC. What is her comment? "thank David Wilson for such a wonderful program". She had her back up about it and refused to reconsider her decision - even if it meant she'd loose. Frank C. talked about her stubornness 10 years ago. It's cute when your 15 but a character defect in your mid 20's. I predict this season she'll invent another scenario to keep herself from winning.


I think @SkateFanBerlin forgot he was in Mirai's FAN thread. ;)
Most people hated that program (it's ok. people like different things), including I gather her coach. ... Never talked about it
Zakrajsek nixed Mirai's initial choice (Avatar soundtrack) - this was the first article in the 4-part series about creating her TWTIA free skate and she talked about the music here: http://web.icenetwork.com/news/2016/07/05/188049996/creating-the-program-from-avatar-to-abba
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TWTIA represents what is wrong with Mirai and why she never won as big as she was capable. Most people hated that program (it's ok. people like different things), including I gather her coach. She couldn't skate it clean or with expression. Never talked about it; threw away a season on it. Finally she skates clean but still expressionless at 4CC. What is her comment? "thank David Wilson for such a wonderful program". She had her back up about it and refused to reconsider her decision - even if it meant she'd loose. Frank C. talked about her stubornness 10 years ago. It's cute when your 15 but a character defect in your mid 20's. I predict this season she'll invent another scenario to keep herself from winning.

There are literally hundreds of other threads where you can crap on Mirai to your hearts content, I'd suggest you go find one of those.


Well-Known Member
There are literally hundreds of other threads where you can crap on Mirai to your hearts content, I'd suggest you go find one of those.
Why should I go somewhere else? I love Mirai's skating. When I saw that short last season, I thought, "This is a champion's program". That said, I think she often gets in her own way.


Well-Known Member
I think @SkateFanBerlin forgot he was in Mirai's FAN thread. ;)

Zakrajsek nixed Mirai's initial choice (Avatar soundtrack) - this was the first article in the 4-part series about creating her TWTIA free skate and she talked about the music here: http://web.icenetwork.com/news/2016/07/05/188049996/creating-the-program-from-avatar-to-abba
Yeah, Zakrajsek didn't like Avatar. Thee article doesn't say what he thought of Winner. I recall in some interview he sort of said it was her choice but didn't say anything positive about it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Zakrajsek didn't like Avatar. Thee article doesn't say what he thought of Winner. I recall in some interview he sort of said it was her choice but didn't say anything positive about it.

Not true, Tom Z. said of her LP "It's Olympic music, recognizable and iconic". I don't necessarily agree with that and would prefer that Mirai skates at least one program to something upbeat, but honestly even if she could skate the next grand prix "expressionless but clean" like she did at 4CC, it would be an improvement. The program is not my fave, but it could be better if she also gave it her all (like how Elena R. does with her cheesy programs). I'm hoping that someone from USFS or a friend (like Adam) gets to her and Tom and convinces them to get a new LP personally...On another note, she looked amazing in her show programs! I wonder what she'll skate to on The Ice tour this summer.


Not Impressed.
TWTIA was David Wilsons choice, and Mirai followed suit. Love Tom, but the "send them to a choreographer for a week and you'll get an iconic program" formula doesn't work.

Even if it were a better vehicle, you need to spent time with a choreographer throughout a season to work on details/choreography.. or the program will be the same as when you had it choreographed that first week. I think Tom Z could use a better plan when it comes to working with a choreographer throughout the season, Mirai was too TES-oriented this season IMO and it's why her choreography/performance takes a back seat when things aren't going well in the performance. Hopefully they'll work more on the programs/expression this off-season. It's really the last thing she needs to address before the Olympic season, everything else is on track and much improved.


Well-Known Member
TWTIA represents what is wrong with Mirai and why she never won as big as she was capable. Most people hated that program (it's ok. people like different things), including I gather her coach. She couldn't skate it clean or with expression. Never talked about it; threw away a season on it. Finally she skates clean but still expressionless at 4CC. What is her comment? "thank David Wilson for such a wonderful program". She had her back up about it and refused to reconsider her decision - even if it meant she'd loose. Frank C. talked about her stubornness 10 years ago. It's cute when your 15 but a character defect in your mid 20's. I predict this season she'll invent another scenario to keep herself from winning.

When did Frank talk about her alleged stubbornness? I don't remember that at all. So she likes her program--so do I! If our current WC can win and set world records with her cheesy programs, the music a skater uses is not all that important. If Mirai can skate her long program as well as she did at 4CC, she can do very well with it. The more she does it, the more likely she is to be able to sell it more. Most important for Mirai is clean skating. If she can do it with TWTIA, she should go for it.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
When did Frank talk about her alleged stubbornness? I don't remember that at all. So she likes her program--so do I! If our current WC can win and set world records with her cheesy programs, the music a skater uses is not all that important. If Mirai can skate her long program as well as she did at 4CC, she can do very well with it. The more she does it, the more likely she is to be able to sell it more. Most important for Mirai is clean skating. If she can do it with TWTIA, she should go for it.
I remember it :)
There is quite the discussion from 2011 right Here


Rotating while Russian!
Honestly, Avatar would work better for her. And frankly, I get the feeling the ISU would be very receptive to a lady who chooses 'new' music. I'm sure USFSA still wants iconic, though. And I doubt they see Winner. as iconic, though.


Well-Known Member

New interview with Mirai. She is keeping her short, but will be getting a new long program choreographed by Jeff Buttle(!) in June. She grades her current Triple A as a C because it's not yet consistent, and is thinking of taking one class this summer and taking the Fall semester off. I am so excited that she is getting a new long! I don't believe that she has ever repeated a program before, so she is definitely allowed to keep her sp.


Well-Known Member
I remember it :)
There is quite the discussion from 2011 right Here

I don't have time to read that whole thread (and from what I read, he just said she gave away the gold; not that she was stubborn) but I do remember Frank acting exasperated with Mirai at 2011 Nationals. I personally thought Mirai should have fired Frank after that. I supposed he redeemed himself a bit when he criticized Rachael F. for not withdrawing from Worlds with her injury. I remember he said Mirai was well-trained and ready to go. She also was coming off a bronze medal at 4CC (which she attended without Frank, as I recall).

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝

New interview with Mirai. She is keeping her short, but will be getting a new long program choreographed by Jeff Buttle(!) in June. She grades her current Triple A as a C because it's not yet consistent, and is thinking of taking one class this summer and taking the Fall semester off. I am so excited that she is getting a new long! I don't believe that she has ever repeated a program before, so she is definitely allowed to keep her sp.

Refresh my drink.. wasn't the word for the past 1-2 months was that she was keeping TWTIA? Now she is getting a new one?

The sp is great, just surprised she was scoring low/low-ish with it last season.
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