Big Brother 19 (US)


From the Bloc
Not that much older than usual - 10 are in their 20s (with half the cast 26 or younger), 4 in early 30s and then one 37 year old and one 55 year old. I think at least a couple of them look older than their reported ages :)


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Not that much older than usual - 10 are in their 20s (with half the cast 26 or younger), 4 in early 30s and then one 37 year old and one 55 year old. I think at least a couple of them look older than their reported ages :)

Just comparing to last year which was 75% 20-year olds, and the one 50-year old was booted on the first night. :lol:

Read some of the bios, and the girl who said Nicole is her favorite BB player is dead to me. :scream:


I was mildly surprised (in a good way) to see that there's numerous houseguests who are over 30. One in their 50's, nobody in their 40s, but 4-5 who are in their 30's. And considering how young the recent casts have been, this is a nice improvement. Hopefully there'll be some maturity with the strategizing and less catty personal drama. Then again, this is Big Brother, so that will probably happen anyways.

I'm hoping that since there's no returnees that I'll keep interest well into the season. The last few they've had a mix I ended up getting burnt out so quickly because all the focus was on the veterans.

Anyone hear what the twist is? I did hear that Battle of the Block is gone (THANK GOD).

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Hopefully Cody isn't a total creep and is someone that can go on a comp run and get rid of Paul as I can't take another summer of "friendship" and "your boy".

But then Paul is just going to win the Power Pendant and be safe till Christmas so I'm not sure if I'm going to bother really watching this season or not. I guess I'll see how the first week or so goes once the feeds come on before deciding.


How was Paul considered a fan favorite? Was Boogie too busy getting warts removed again to make it back?

Besides that, I think I like most of the cast so far. Of course it's only day 1 and I can see some dumbass potential, but I'm hoping there are some awesome people to balance it out.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
After further review, I think the only person I really hate is Paul so that's a plus. No idea if that will change once the feeds come on and we see what these folks are like when they aren't being edited by Grodner. Last season she made Nicole seem like a master player when on the feeds all she did was whine and lay in bed with Corey.

As for what's coming up, Cody needs to be careful, if and when Paul gets the power pendant--he needs to rely on his military training and stay calm and just let the first few weeks play out. And he needs to sniff out the other Paul haters like Alex and her little band of friends. Now watch when the feeds come on tonight, Cody is in some friendship alliance with Paul, which actually wouldn't be a bad idea as Cody needs big targets in the game besides him.

And FWIW, if the pendant vote is real (and I never trust Grodner), its going to come down to Christmas, Cody and Paul, from what I can tell on the various boards.


From the Bloc
Forgot this was on, stumbled on it and was totally sucked in for all two hours :lol: Initial impressions, all based on this show as I haven't read anything else as yet:

Cameron - glad he's gone as he seemed to be the usual nerd casting without actually being smart or endearing or amusing.
Christmas - I like her, and particularly applaud her risk in going for the vote over the competition to play down her strength. I feel like she's going to have a hard time chilling in game mode though, and before long will start pissing people off.
Cody - with apologies to those who might like him or think he's cute, I find him shifty, and most definitely unattractive. One of a long line of meathead/heartthrobs (half of which I think have been named Cody :lol:) on this show who know nothing about the game but get far anyway.
Megan the military interrogator/dog walker - could we have another Derrick here? She seems too nervous to have a master plan, but hopefully we will see her skills come into play.
Ramses - CALM DOWN.
Kevin - normally as an old person myself (ie anyone over 32 on BB) I'd cheer for this guy, but initial impression is that I don't like him. Predict that he will do what he can to ingratiate himself into an alliance by trying to be Cool Dad and they'll hang onto him only until there are no bigger targets left.
Cowboy Jason scares me - there are hints of misogyny and likely homophobia there, and a ticking timebomb type personality.
Meaty Mark seems like a good guy, and I guess Buffalo is about as close to a hometown boy as I'll get on this show, so for now, I'm cheering for him.
Raven will be either a helluva lot of fun or a helluva lot of annoying.
Paul - just no.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Cody - with apologies to those who might like him or think he's cute, I find him shifty, and most definitely unattractive. One of a long line of meathead/heartthrobs (half of which I think have been named Cody :lol:) on this show who know nothing about the game but get far anyway.

I'm praying that the fact that he's originally from Iowa and was in the Military for 10+ years will mean that he doesn't turn into a total loser as he's my big hope to get out Paul sooner than later.

And agree, I don't find him attractive at all. I do find Matt and his grey hair very attractive and it seems like most of the female cast agrees with me:D. He could pick a new showmance each day and just rotate them: Christmas, Dominique, Raven.


From the Bloc
:lol: @Catherine M

Just read Hamsterwatch and the vote breakdown is quite interesting (at least to me!):

Cameron: Alex, Dominique, Elena, Jessica, Kevin, Megan, Ramses, Raven - so all the women, plus the gay guy and the dad not interested in working with the nerd who probably would have been happy to be part of whatever they offered?
Jiliian: Cody, Mark, Matthew - three obvious candidates for showmances reject a girl who would perhaps be the most hurt to find out they'd be fine if she was gone
Christmas: Jason, Josh - two most macho guys want to get rid of the strongest woman, could they be more obvious?

There was little time for strategizing - perhaps a few of them quickly agreed on Cameron, but otherwise in theory this vote will be the only time it represents their true instincts. I wonder if unedited Diary would have included "OK so what's the name of the blonde girl again?"

Also, Paul passing out friendship bracelets would have been far more interesting a few days later when there would be some rhyme or reason for his choices. As it is, it was so random he didn't even know most of their names, and it's doubtful there was even time for Diary manipulation, unless they tipped him off in advance.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I think some of the girls that voted were like "if a girl goes, we are down 9 to 7" so even if they were interested in working with Cameron, the fact that he was the only male up on the block worked against him. Plus his :yikes:attempt at being sexy made it even easier for them to say the word "Cameron" in the diary room.

I know it must have been very hard for him to leave on night one but that's the breaks. He did have a chance at getting a friendship bracelet so I don't feel that bad at all as there was an out, besides the safe challenge which he had no chance at winning as no one was beating Cody in that challenge, even though he lamented that he shouldn't have thrown it.


I also thought it was interesting that the women controlled that vote. Obviously they didn't know each other all that well yet, but I can't disagree with their choice. After Ian and Steve it seems like a safe choice to get rid of the "nerd" right away.


Well-Known Member
I am glad they are showing another 2 hours tonight - will help me know who is who.
Glad the girls voted the way they did.
Paul - ugghhh! And it just strokes his ego.
It was amusing the scenes with Paul one on one with everyone. So true - if it had been a few days later - may have been more substantitive. Again just strokes his ego.
Jenny & Catherine M - as always - your observations are spot on. I enjoy watching shows with you both.
As an older person (I am 56 and I looked at Kevin and thought - he seems old) - I appreciate that multiple ladies like the silver hair guy. I think it was smart of Kevin to push the button. As an older person - you know you are at risk - might as well get some $$. And fun to stir the pot.

The comment about 'no model's - is interesting - but is the new flavor of the month - folks with social media presence that are over the top???

I have been rewatching old seasons of Survivor on Hulu, and just the enthusiasm in the first show with BB is such a contrast. I highly recommend rewatching -I am enjoying it immensely!!!!
As with Survivor and BB, I feel like in the beginning - certain people remind me of someone from the shows past. Like casting is thinking - oh they are like XX, they were popular/controversial/troublemaker - lets cast them.
Example - Ramses - with his kick - Frankie Grande like?? (perish the thought)
Christmas - athletic version of lady that hooked up with Clay (younger guy)
They have types/categories and want one of each.

I recently 'cut the cord' (got rid of cable). I watched on tv with antenna. I think I will have to subscribe to CBS All access for the summer - as the show is on too many days, and if I get behind - too hard to catch up.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
The comment about 'no model's - is interesting - but is the new flavor of the month - folks with social media presence that are over the top???

We can thank Frankie for that.

At least there are a few with real jobs--Dominique, Cody, Matt--besides those that are just there to promote themselves (looking at you Paul & Christmas) or increase their online presence (looking at you Jessica & Ramses).


From the Bloc
I can actually see bringing in people with established social media presence as it will help BB's numbers, which are as important and ratings at this point.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I don't think I've ever heard a nomination speech go like this:

Cody: "Megan, I just don't like you that much."

And he is doing all the BB cliche's:

Bro alliance with Matt and Mark
sub alliance with the hot girls: Dominique, Raven, Christmas, Elena
showmance with Jess

Hope he doesn't go postal when Paul wins the three week temptation


Well-Known Member
I missed the first several minutes of the show tonight (Thurs). Why does Meg have so much hate against her? Did I miss something?
Or is it that others figured out she has an alliance??
Is Josh off his meds, or does a grown man really miss his mommy that much? If I was in the house - I would be afraid.
Kevin must be relieved he was on Josh's team.

Catherine M - so true with the cliches.
And why be so mean!!! You do not know who will be evicted and who will be HOH next week.
Also they could make the jury. Just be polite and neutral. Why make enemies unnecessarily?

I am realizing one of the reasons I like this show - makes me feel so intelligent!

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Well Cody doesn't have to worry about making an enemy of Megan as she's gone--when the feeds came on, Jillian and Alex were talking about how "they" were on the block. So at first, watchers thought POV had been played already but actually Megan self evicted and Cody nominated Alex in her place.

Seems like she got caught in a lie about telling Alex that Jessica had said bad things about Alex and when Alex confronted Jessica, it all blew up for Megan. Or something like that. So it Be interesting to see what they show on Sunday.

I feel bad for Megan that her week in the house was such a mess but I guess she'll be better off at home as some people just aren't meant to play the game.

As usual, there is a divide in the house. Cody's unit that we saw formed in the last episode is pretty intact:

Mark/Dominique--platonic friends but I think Dom likes the big lug but he 'likes' Elena
Christmas and Elena are around them too; and Paul is trying to get in with them, mainly through Mark

Big groups like this never last but as for now, they are in charge.

The "outsiders" are all over the place, mainly cause Josh is such a mess and now with Megan gone, down in numbers to Cody's unit.

Since Paul's 3 week safety is coming (you know he had to have won the vote) so Cody can't backdoor him, Alex is probably the one the target will be on but you never know with this game.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Oh more thing, please don't hate me but I'm team Cody right now as my 3 favs are in his unit so I need them to stay together so Dominique, Mark and Christmas get far.

Mark had a great moment on the feeds earlier this morning for me when he told Dom 'I'm happy in this house cause you are here with me'. I thought that said alot about their connection. He just now needs to get over his Elena infatuation as I can't stand her.

Now watch by next week, they'll do something to annoy me and that will all change. But for right now, Go Unit Cody!


From the Bloc
That was something last night - we've all seen that person who cries the first week because they miss home, but who would have guessed it would be Josh? And this is in the first few days! And talk about putting a giant target on your back by a) taking the apple (which directly cost Jillian as she is now nominated) and b) blowing up at Megan while everyone did their best to not make eye contact and stay out of it. And insecure! "I'm intelligent, I've got a brain, I'm smart" is a sure sign you are not. He's lucky there's so many people still in the house, and that he's playing BB, because on Survivor he'd be out for selfishness, dramz, volatility and unpredictability at the first TC.

So Megan - I too was wondering what she did in just two days to make so many people dislike her to the point of calling her out publicly (Josh, Cody), but thinking back now, the fact that no one came to her defense or at least tried to calm the situation down when Josh went after her - twice - tells us she was already seen as poison that no one wanted to be associated with. I thought she was playing too hard trying to form an alliance and declaring they're the misfits within the first few hours, and from Catherine's notes above and the feed summaries it appears she was also spying/listening in, and attempting to passive/aggressively stir the pot and make others fight among themselves. Points to Alex for having none of it and taking swift action. So anyway, not surprised she quit - she got off to a terrible start and it was only going to get worse.

Cody - what an arrogant jerk, but sadly for my wish to hate him, he seems a bit different than his predecessors in that he actually seems to have some insights and strategies. Normally winning the first two comps and openly showing who you are with and who you're not with would be the death of a player, but my bet is that bro alliance lasts until the end.

In my fantasy world, the girls attached to that alliance would get smart and form their own alliance that lets the boys think they are in charge to carry them through to the jury, then turn on them by ensuring they have at least one more person in theirs.

But alas, we all know that won't happen.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
In my fantasy world, the girls attached to that alliance would get smart and form their own alliance that lets the boys think they are in charge to carry them through to the jury, then turn on them by ensuring they have at least one more person in theirs.

But alas, we all know that won't happen.

Yeah that will be great if the five girls in Cody's Unit would go rogue on him and form a sub alliance that ends up taking him and his bros out but I really can't see that happening as:

Jessica is too busy giving him (I'll keep it PG and just say TLC)
Raven is busy cuddling up to Matt and fixing her make up
Elena is all over the place, one minute with Mark and then the next, flirting with Paul

I do think Dominique and Christmas would be open to working with the stragglers on the other side as the game continues, so we will see what happens as Cody culls the outsiders. I have to admit, Alex has been a huge miss as a "super fan" as doesn't she know during the first few weeks, do NOT antagonize the alpha male. Calling him out and then telling him that he's going on the block when she's HOH is just well stupid. So unless she wins POV, she's probably going out the door next Thursday.


From the Bloc
Checking out the feed transcripts on Joker's and looks like Paul had a long private talk with the camera about just about everything. Confirmed: he's safe for three weeks, however he says he will only reveal it if he has to and otherwise will just try to stay off the block. Also, this is interesting - he was the one who put a bug in Jessica's ear about the alleged racist remarks knowing she'd blow up at Alex and Megan - a bit too complicated for me to follow, but in any case, he's stirring up trouble and says his strategy is to get each of them to blow up their own games.

Not sure I like him getting that power - everyone knew he'd get it - because if he's that good a player he should have been up to the challenge of getting through the first few evictions. Now he can do all kinds of stuff knowing he's safe and that he has time to mend any fences along the way. Last season of BB Canada had a similar situation when a returnee got a huge power that allowed her to essentially run the house for weeks.


Well-Known Member
I don't really pay enough attention to know anybody's name yet (just that Paul still gives me the creeps), but...........why would they bring back a veteran to be safe for three weeks. If he wasn't there, they'd be evicting a current house guest, so they will be evicting a current house guest anyway. Why does there always have to be a twist and returning people. The first time I watched this was 10 years ago (just moved into this house and got the DVR package <at my garage sale, I was telling my cousin that I was so tired from the garage sale the day before that last night I fell asleep without recording it and a customer I didn't even know told me who was evicted! hee hee) and didn't they just play the game?


(Late to the party)

Of course they would bring back Paul and immediately have a fan vote that offers a month of safety :rolleyes: I wonder who the hell was going to win that one?? Nice producer manipulation right off the bat.

Also the season is approximately 37 years long, I really didn't see the need to boot somebody on the first night. I also didn't see the need to bring back Paul to scream at us for another consecutive summer.


You guys who watch the live feed are the true heroes. I tried to watch BBAD last night and it was 75% Josh saying what a good heart he had while most of the house hid in the HoH room.

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