Someone doing a skate camp this summer?


Well-Known Member
Sadly last summer was the first year that I didn't do an adult skate camp for the first time in years. I've been having more and more niggling injuries that mean it's a bit of a game of chance to book onto a skate camp and see if i'm uninjured enough to get the most out of it. The last time I went to one I injured myself at the end of the first day doing a flip and as a result couldn't do any of the jump or spin clinics the next day. A surprise bonus was doing the dance clinics instead which was great for basic skating and turns, but not really what I wanted to get out of the camp. I suspect that i'll pass this year as well as my jumping and spinning have deteriorated in the last year (mostly I think due to weight gain), so unless i'm back to a more "fighting" weight by the summer I think I'll pass again.


I'm going to my first adult camp in late June, in Sweden. Ice rink and swimming pool. I'm really excited, summer holiday with skating. There will also be an adult weekend in May, so I have two camps to look forward too.

@Hedwig Czech republic sounds wonderful. Do you have a link, so I can read what it's like. Maybe I'll go further abroad some day.

@antmanb hope you'll be injury free soon!


Antique member

ouch, antmanb - I hope this does not happen to me. How frustrating if you had to sit out most of the things you wanted to do.

@SmallFairy - that sounds like fun. Do you have a link for me as well?

I am excited but also a bit nervous since I do not skate very well yet. I did a skate camp in France like 6 years ago before my break and I was easily the worst skater there. Which is not bad per se but I couldn't do a lot of the exercises that the coaches told us and generally sometimes felt a bit uneasy.
BUt it was great fun anyway.


I can kill you with my brain
I used to do the adult camp in Hackensack, NJ, but they haven't had that in several years. But like you, I was often the worst skater in my group! :lol:


Values her privacy
Sadly last summer was the first year that I didn't do an adult skate camp for the first time in years. I've been having more and more niggling injuries that mean it's a bit of a game of chance to book onto a skate camp and see if i'm uninjured enough to get the most out of it. The last time I went to one I injured myself at the end of the first day doing a flip and as a result couldn't do any of the jump or spin clinics the next day. A surprise bonus was doing the dance clinics instead which was great for basic skating and turns, but not really what I wanted to get out of the camp. I suspect that i'll pass this year as well as my jumping and spinning have deteriorated in the last year (mostly I think due to weight gain), so unless i'm back to a more "fighting" weight by the summer I think I'll pass again.
A few years ago I had a hip surgery and after I returned on the ice, it was clear that I will never do jumps again. While I used to wonder how ice dancers can enjoy skating (to me ice dance on the lower levels seemed pretty boring at that time), suddenly I was facing a choice whether I would quit skating, or do just field moves (also quite boring), or whether I should switch to ice dance. After thinking hard about it, I decided that field moves are actually more boring than Ice dance and I did not feel ready to stop skating yet, so ice dance it was! Looking back, ice dance gave me a lot. The difference in quality of my basic and the general skating, it is unbelievable. I started with a proper ice dance coach, who made me do about a month just basic stroking, then about the same amount of time crossovers...yes, it was painfully boring at first, but getting rid of the bad habits from freeskating takes time. And then it clicked and suddenly it got easier. And with time I found out that actually I enjoyed it. Why I am sharing this, maybe if you keep getting injured on jumps, maybe it is time to give ice dance a chance.


@Hedwig Here's the link to Camp Skara. It's not really a website, just a pdf of the folder, and it's in Norwegian... sorry!

I'm sure I'll be one of the worst skaters there too, I just started figure skating after years of hockey, and I don't know the level of the other adults. I know some of our group in Oslo will be there, and we are about the same, so I guess I'll be fine. And our coaches are the organizers of the camp, so it feels safe.

The Czech camp looks wonderful. Otto Dlabola, my old pair skating favorite! I had no idea he has been coaching in Norway! Also Jurai Sviatko. I will never forget his bumble bee outfit at Euros 2002! I'm sure you'll have a great time, no matter what level. I find adult skating really relaxing, as we are just a group of 40ish ladies who likes to skate, it's no pressure of being able to hit moves right away or do tests or anything. Actually we have three men also.

@hanca, how wonderful that you enjoy ice dancing! I enjoy jumping for the first time at 39:lol: Hope I don't have to stop yet. I'll keep doing 1toe and 1 salchows some time more.


Antique member
thanks, SmallFairy! Then it looks like it is only aimed at Norwegian people. Pity - I thought about doing different camps across Europe in the years to come in order to also do a bit of sightseeing (if legs permit ;) I can remember that during our skate camp in France, @mella and I mostly just SAT on the sofa because we were soooo exhausted. ;)

I am also not ready to give up jumping yet. Yesterday I landed my first tiny tiny loops again after my 6 year break of skating (and it was never good before that either ;) ) at the ripe old age of 38. I was very proud of me! Especially since I learn most of it without the guidance of a coach and just via youtube and icoachskating videos. (which also means that I make a lot of form mistakes that no one ever criticises - therefore, I hope that the camp will help me!)


Antique member
My age is a sort of ongoing joke with Mr Hedwig at the moment. I took part in a learn-to-skate course this winter where I was the most advanced skater (first time in my life that I was best in skating in any group :) ).
Then the coach - a 17 year-old-girl - came to me after one lesson and said that I was so advanced if I would enjoy joining the competitive training (which is once a week for an hour... this is what competitive is in my town...). There would be skaters of ALL AGES and some would only do it as a hobby.
Once - the girl said awestruck - they even had a woman there who was already (she hesitates and thinks and thinks...), who was already 28-years-of age!!!!!!!

I nearly peed myself laughing (you know with old age comes incontinence ;) )


Well-Known Member
@SmallFairy Sounds awesome! I live in Sweden, would love to attend to two skating camps this year but my family will be here visiting me all the way from Brazil. Just two days before they arrive, Mishin will be coaching near Stockholm for the weekend! Then on summer there will be a nice camp in Lulleå with the Majorovs.
I wish, I wish...


@Hedwig I'm sure everyone can attend, but I guess everything will be thought in Norwegian or Swedish:( Great that there is more camps in Sweden @adelia! And I would just love to go to Mishin's classes. But I guess he would have a good laugh at my skills:lol: I just switched from hockey this winter... My coach tells me to stop bending my knees like 100% of the time:lol:

I'd love to go other places too, maybe elsewhere in Europe later. #plansandhopesanddreams!


Well-Known Member
@SmallFairy I have the opposite problem: I almost never bend my knees :biggrinbo
Mishin would definitely laugh at my skills also but the fun of saying "I'm being coached by Mishin" sure would be priceless! :lol:

@Hedwig totally support your idea! :40beers:


Antique member
Me too - is it possible to bend your knees too much??

True about the idea to be coached by Mishin.

I was at a skate camp in Berlin before my 6 year break and there I was coached by Marina Kielmann, Rico Rex and later by Alexander König.

I felt VERY important. :lol:


@SmallFairy I have the opposite problem: I almost never bend my knees :biggrinbo

Me too - is it possible to bend your knees too much??

Trouble is I'm bending constantly :lol: Sitting down in both knees, like a hockey player, instead of rising and going down in the knee again then rising, to create flow, speed and nice postitions.. it's getting better!

And about the famous coaches; I know! I would love to be able so say things like that too! Rico Rex, is he still :smokin:?

Victoria Helgesson is coming to our weekend camp in May. One of my coaches are Swedish and knows everybody. She says Vicky is coming to the kids sessions first, then she will be coaching us. "I haven't told her yet", my coach said laughing:lol:


I'm digging out this thread, as I'm off to camp in two weeks. As I wrote in the practice thread, I'm like a kid, who wants to start packing right away. I'm meeting three other ladies there, who I know from the last camp (weekend) and a fourth one, who's experienced and is giving us advise on what to bring and everything... If any of you have good camp tips, I'd be more than happy to hear them! Our camp is Sunday to Friday, but we haven't got the detailed schedule yet.

BTW @Hedwig several girls in my group are also going to the camp in Czech republic. Maybe you'll meet them there?

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