alilou's Adventures in Wonderland - all over the map.


Brazilian Eurotrash
I've never read your blog before, that was thoroughly interesting :)

Hope you had some asado while in Buenos Aires, it's about the best meat eating experience ever.
If you hadn't, there's always gaucho style barbecue to be had in Brazil (the "souther" you get, the better it is).


I loved the photos from Buenos Aires, and I'm so glad you had a stable, interesting place from which you could plan the next few months without having to worry about checkout times.
Thanks Kwanfan. BA was a good place to hang for a while, and we really needed the time to get Igauzu, Uruguay and Patagonia set up. Besides, the longer we travel the more we like to take it slow.

I've never read your blog before, that was thoroughly interesting :)

Hope you had some asado while in Buenos Aires, it's about the best meat eating experience ever.
If you hadn't, there's always gaucho style barbecue to be had in Brazil (the "souther" you get, the better it is).
Hey thanks beepbeep. I'm glad you enjoyed it. We didn't have asado, but will certainly keep it in mind as we have a day back in BA after Iguazu, and another after Uruguay, plus a lot of time in Patagonia, so I'll put it on the list as something to try. We're not going to Brazil - they make it too difficult, and too expensive for Canadians (especially Canadians on the move) to get visas.

Ahh....the "joys" of planning!
It's a shame that - for many reasons - you can't be as "spontaneous" as you would like.
It would be wonderful to be completely spontaneous, and I hope we become more so, but we also love the peace of mind of arriving in a place knowing we have a well recommended hotel room waiting for us, and a way to get there. We'll see what evolves as we continue our travels through South America. In the meantime I'm hoping for fast enough internet speed to watch SA men and dance tonight :cheer:


Well-Known Member
We also love the peace of mind of arriving in a place knowing we have a well recommended hotel room waiting for us, and a way to get there.

I'm sure of that!
Fingers crossed about the Internet.


Oh thanks so much, that's so sweet of you. I'm getting to see some now from the vid thread - enjoying the best skates from British Eurosport. Sometimes it buffers, sometimes it's good. Saw C&L's SD which I think is lovely and really suits them and Jason Brown's SP :swoon: Who did that extraordinary choreo :inavoid:
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I finally have a new blog post ready.
Drunken biscuits, Gauchos and rainbow buildings - more about Buenos Aires. Sig line link :)

I'm a bit slower with posts these days since we're on the road again - currently in Uruguay.


Definitely NOT a sonogram
If you've been following along you know I'm in Buenos Aires. The birth pace of the Tango. From the brothels.

Tonight I went to Tango show.

:inavoid: OMG OMG OMG :inavoid:

S.E.X. on the dance floor. Unutterably hot, sensuous, uninhibited, raw, and unashamedly brazen, while being classy at the same time.

AMAZING :swoon:

You're so right .. seeing it in person is just :smokin::smokin::smokin:


There's a new blog post ready - Liquid Thunder: The amazing Iguazu Falls. One of the most spectacular places I've ever been too :swoon:


MTT Meter= 177
Wow! The falls are just :swoon:
Excuse me, but a memory of a boat ride across the river above the falls??:eek:
I'll never try that ride.:scream:
What a brave man you are!


Mad for mangelwurzels
:eek: What an incredible, beautiful, thrilling journey! The pictures of the birds, flowers and butterflies are sublime; I love the green and yellow butterflies that, with their wings folded up, look like seedlings emerging from the earth! And the falls; what a glorious, scary adventure! :lol: I'm sure I would have screamed and laughed too; it made me cry to read and see it all. But I wonder, so sadly, whether in the decades to come, pollution and habitat destruction and climate change will have changed it unalterably. Perhaps it will be protected, but greed is winning out all over the world.:(

But for now, how well you have captured the myriad colours, all the different species, the butterflies that I cannot name, the lizards, the jays and the toucans, and the thundering falls. Thank you so much for documenting this magical trip. :)
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Well-Known Member
:eek: What an incredible, beautiful, thrilling journey! The pictures of the birds and butterflies are sublime; I love the green and yellow butterflies that, with their wings folded up, look like seedlings emerging from the earth! And the falls; what a glorious, scary adventure! :lol: I'm sure I would have screamed and laughed too; it made me cry to read and see it all. But I wonder, so sadly, whether in the decades to come, pollution and habitat destruction and climate change will have changed it unalterably. Perhaps it will be protected, but greed is winning out all over the world.:(

But for now, how well you have captured the myriad colours, all the different species, the butterflies that I cannot name, the lizards, the jays and the toucans, and the thundering falls. Thank you so much for documenting this magical trip. :)

She spoke for me, too,

Bless your skill at photographing the orchids and the butterflies, which I love,
You do justice to their beauty!


Wow! The falls are just :swoon:
Excuse me, but a memory of a boat ride across the river above the falls??:eek:
I'll never try that ride.:scream:
What a brave man you are!
When I think of that boat ride across the top of the falls now I think I must have been crazy. We really would have died if the motor had failed. But we didn't :) and it was really worth it to see the falls from the middle. This recent trip was different but just as exciting. The falls are indeed amazing :swoon:


:eek: What an incredible, beautiful, thrilling journey! The pictures of the birds, flowers and butterflies are sublime; I love the green and yellow butterflies that, with their wings folded up, look like seedlings emerging from the earth! And the falls; what a glorious, scary adventure! :lol: I'm sure I would have screamed and laughed too; it made me cry to read and see it all. But I wonder, so sadly, whether in the decades to come, pollution and habitat destruction and climate change will have changed it unalterably. Perhaps it will be protected, but greed is winning out all over the world.:(

But for now, how well you have captured the myriad colours, all the different species, the butterflies that I cannot name, the lizards, the jays and the toucans, and the thundering falls. Thank you so much for documenting this magical trip. :)
I can't multi-quote at the moment - very slow internet where I am in the mountains in southern Argentina. Isn't the Internet amazing! We are all over the world and can still connect. I think it's satellite connection here.
Thanks OP - you always say such lovely things. I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. I hope you were moved to tears in a good way :)
I think the falls are safe - it's all National Park now and Argentina seems to take pretty good care of its national parks. On the Brazil side too they have made it a national park too I think. There is a problem with development way upstream which has turned the water red which is having an affect on the micro environment of the falls, but so far all seems to be okay.


She spoke for me, too,

Bless your skill at photographing the orchids and the butterflies, which I love,
You do justice to their beauty!

Thanks skatesindreams. I love the whole photography thing - and I'm always so surprised and excited when I get a good photo :swoon: You've no idea how many are blown-out or blurry :(
It was a kind of miracle finding that yellow orchid - I was just standing at a railing looking out at the falls when I heard this inner voice say look down, look down, and there it was, right next to me on the other side of the fence. I hadn't even noticed it.


Away (Workload)
The Iguazu Falls were declared one of the new 7 wonders of nature back in 2011. Fabulous part of the world


The Iguazu Falls were declared one of the new 7 wonders of nature back in 2011. Fabulous part of the world
And deservedly so. They are quite magnificent. Breathtaking really.

I have a new blog post ready - Rodents of unusual size and a princess of a town: a short stop in Uruguay.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that Uruguay was disappointing.
However, I'm very grateful for the photos of those lovely flowers!


I'm sorry that Uruguay was disappointing.
However, I'm very grateful for the photos of those lovely flowers!
Well I have to say it was only Colonia that was disappointing. I don't want everyone to think all of Uruguay is awful, and I believe there's some wonderful natural/wilderness areas we could have visited it we'd had more time. I think Colonia was disappointing also because our experience there was so different from Piriapolis which was just lovely. Thanks re the photos :) I do love to photograph flowers!


I have just published a new blog post. This one is an introduction to the fabulous Patagonia - the scenic dreamland that is the southern part of the South American continent. We were in both Argentinian and Chilean Patagonia and saw llamas, much birdlife, spring flowers, glaciers and mountain scenery to make your heart melt.


a monkey stole my title
I have just published a new blog post. This one is an introduction to the fabulous Patagonia - the scenic dreamland that is the southern part of the South American continent. We were in both Argentinian and Chilean Patagonia and saw llamas, much birdlife, spring flowers, glaciers and mountain scenery to make your heart melt.



Well-Known Member
Great job again. Your paragraphs dealing with letting go, being present, and so on, remind me very much of Richard Rohr's book, Falling Upward. You might find it interesting.


Great job again. Your paragraphs dealing with letting go, being present, and so on, remind me very much of Richard Rohr's book, Falling Upward. You might find it interesting.
Well isn't that interesting. You're the second person today to recommend Rohr's book to me. Better go look at it!


Well-Known Member
Never fear, alliou.
Your blog is complete enough for me.
I believe it will make a wonderful book, as the opportunity arrives.

I'm having a great time following your "journey" and "discoveries", in every sense of those terms; wherever they lead you.
"Travel" can mean many things!

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