Fun YouTube Videos


Well-Known Member
My favorite commercial (yes, this is legit -- but was not made for the US Market)

Warning: Probably NSFW

Durex - Get It On

(the "bloopers" following the actual commercial are just as :rofl: as the ad itself)


Well-Known Member
So some sorority whackjob sent out an e-mail that Funny Or Die got hold of....and they enlisted the help of Michael Shannon to give a dramatic reading of said e-mail. From

Last week, an email sent by a sister from the University of Maryland Delta Gamma chapter went viral. In case you missed it, the expletive-filled rant was the most ridiculous and angry thing ever. It chastised her fellow sorority sisters for being “LITERALLY being so f**king awkward,” making plans with other fraternities besides Sigma Nu, and for being “so f***ing BORING.” The horror. It definitely showed the ugly side of the Greek system.

Funny or Die enlisted Michael Shannon to give a dramatic reading of said email.

Here'a link to Mr. Shannon's performance.

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