The Mao cheer thread #3 - "For the love of skating"


Well-Known Member
My first experiment with figure skating photography after researching it a bit. Click to zoom in. These are raw images converted to high quality jpegs then converted through extra zoom website which was the highest resolution jpeg site I could find. I cannot upload the raw images which are the best quality. Click on the picture to get higher and higher resolution. Mao was the only skater that didn't wear their long program outfit as far as I remember. It is tough to take good figure skating photos. Many I took are way out of focus but Mao sure does make them look great when they are in focus.

Practice Mao appears to be in some pain or not feeling well here. I hope she recovers from her injury quickly.

Freeskate and warmup The red just pops off the screen. I think Mao is cute but tough when she jumps.

Podium I have to admit Mao's expression here made me sad and kind of hurt after giving such wonderful performances especially considering her injury and it being the first competition of the season. Mao, you have given far more than enough great performances. Please only skate for yourself and not fans or judges.

There are more photos, but I am exhausted. Maybe I will post more later.
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Not Impressed.
You did really well @gotoschool! I love your picture quality and am so happy that you had an opportunity to see Mao and her new programs this season (in person). That's really cool, you will always have seen them first! :D

She was actually 2nd because of judge #6 ;) but hopefully that'll be the only time this season that her PCS are bogus. :revenge::p All the same I'm happy for Kaetlyn (she needed it for confidence after her last competition IMO) and think it turned out to be a great podium! :kickass:
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I have to say... this is the most expressive I've seen Mao at the start of the season. Sure it is still far from perfect and not that smooth yet but I love all her pros: SP, FS and EX. That red dress is just... :love:

Considering there seemed to be choreo and blade changes recently it's already quite good that she has managed to still put out a pretty good performance despite the watered down content.

I just wish her knee will get better soon. Agree with Coach Sato not to put out the 3A at SA yet. I just want her to gradually build from her outings in Finlandia and improve in each event she enters. By going directly to Lori from Finlandia to make changes again I hope they take into consideration the reduced jump difficulty and add more transitions or whatever to help her get more GOEs and improve PCS.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it has been mentioned before but Mao did not practice spins during her practice for the freeskate at Finlandia Trophy and I heard somewhere that she was holding her back the day before. So, I think it is highly possible that Mao's back and knee are bothering her. I must admit that I, along with many others who have commented, feel that Mao is underscored for what she puts on the ice, though of course her injuries and the bone chilling cold in the arena on the night of the freekskate probably caused her jumps to suffer a bit, but every other ladies skater struggled with jumps and almost everyone more than Mao except for Katelyn. After comparing tech calls, Mao's low PCS scores and the huge amount of praise for her performances at Finlandia and being in the arena that night, I definitely think Mao should have won the competition. I admire Mao's commitment to continue striving to give great and innovative programs in artistry and step sequences and to perform them even when she likely has two injuries and even after achieving so much. Even though I feel her performances are undervalued by the judges, they are greatly adored by many fans including me. I certainly hope Mao is able to recovery quickly and I hope Mao will know that by far her biggest audience is the public, so many of whom love her performances. and that the big praise she received from debuting her two performances would bring a smile to her face and satisfaction.

Mao's performances remind me that the greatest gifts in life are often not rewarded the highest prize.

The praise and view counts are huge for videos coming from the first few competitions:

Mao's freeskate performance was expressive, mature and so alluring with fleet staccato footwork full of finesse, twirling pirouettes, beguiling expressions and sinuous movements that enticed and cast a spell with its resemblance to classical snake charming music. The effect of the deep red dress on Mao is fiery and sensuous and totally gorgeous. This is a skating display full of consummate femininity with a lyrical interlude that adds a hint of innocence. According to the The Skating Lesson, Mao said this about her short and long program performances in translation. "In the short program, my costume is black, and I express a black swan that turns into a mysterious lady with magical power, a witch. In the long, the lady does a passionate dance, very intense and feminine, wearing a red costume. I want to express a mature lady, something I couldn't do in the past and something the younger skaters cannot do."
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MTT Meter= 177
I don't know if it has been mentioned before but Mao did not practice spins during her practice for the freeskate at Finlandia Trophy and I heard somewhere that she was holding her back the day before. So, I think it is highly possible that Mao's back and knee are bothering her. I must admit that I, along with many others who have commented, feel that Mao is underscored for what she puts on the ice, though of course her injuries and the bone chilling cold in the arena on the night of the freekskate probably caused her jumps to suffer a bit, but every other ladies skater struggled with jumps and almost everyone more than Mao except for Katelyn. After comparing tech calls, Mao's low PCS scores and the huge amount of praise for her performances at Finlandia and being in the arena that night, I definitely think Mao should have won the competition. I admire Mao's commitment to continue striving to give great and innovative programs in artistry and step sequences and to perform them even when she likely has two injuries and even after achieving so much. Even though I feel her performances are undervalued by the judges, they are greatly adored by many fans including me. I certainly hope Mao is able to recovery quickly and I hope Mao will know that by far her biggest audience is the public, so many of whom love her performances. and that the big praise she received from debuting her two performances would bring a smile to her face and satisfaction.

Mao's performances remind me that the greatest gifts in life are often not rewarded the highest prize.

The praise and view counts are huge for videos coming from the first few competitions:

Mao's freeskate performance was expressive, mature and so alluring with fleet staccato footwork full of finesse, twirling pirouettes, beguiling expressions and sinuous movements that enticed and cast a spell with its resemblance to classical snake charming music. The effect of the deep red dress on Mao is fiery and sensuous and totally gorgeous. This is a skating display full of consummate femininity with a lyrical interlude that adds a hint of innocence. According to the The Skating Lesson, Mao said this about her short and long program performances in translation. "In the short program, my costume is black, and I express a black swan that turns into a mysterious lady with magical power, a witch. In the long, the lady does a passionate dance, very intense and feminine, wearing a red costume. I want to express a mature lady, something I couldn't do in the past and something the younger skaters cannot do."
Thank you gotoschool for all that you share with us. It must have taken lots of time and efforts. Much appreciated! I loved your photos from both FS and the practice. Mao looks more and more beautiful on the ice. In the red costume she looks a woman and not an angelic something.

I kind of devastated to hear she didn't practice spins during the practice. It sounds she may still have back pains. Ugh As posted earlier on this thread Mr Sato said the condition of her left knee is not good and they have to keep at the easier pace for her until it heals. So if she has back pains too, it can be costy at least during early season.

On the bright side, Mao went to Toronto for working with Lori on brushing up programs directly after Finlandia Trophy. So we can hope she'll be more comfortable in the programs even with the injuries. Also they'll add this and that little stuffs so that the programs don't look empty without big tricks like 3A. If she really has back pains, I think it's better to ditch Biellmann spins and pick up another position which can reduce the burden for her back IMO. Anyways I hope the impacts of the programs will not be hurt by her health condition at SKAM so that she herself as well as lots of her fans can enjoy the opportunity.


MTT Meter= 177
I'm updating so that we can be ready for SKAM which starts from Friday.

Article published on Oct 14th.
(my rough translation)

In figure skating GP series starts from Oct 21st. Mao Asada appears at the very first event of the series, which is Skate America. After placing 2nd in Finlandia Trophy in the beginning of October, Asada flew to North America directly to train there without stopping by Japan. Asada didn't say any excuse but her coach Nobuo Sato revealed back in Japan "Her left knee which she injured last season hasn't recovered yet." We asked him about her current condition as well as their strategy for this season.

Although Asada used to stuck with 3A, she openly talked about "avoiding" 3A this time in Finlandia Trophy prior to the competition. Now we know there was a pain in her left knee in the back scene.

"Regardless in the competition or not, even at the stage of preparations, she was on the borderline. If she went beyond the line, she could have fallen down back to the start line. In our feelings, we wanted to work more, but I had to keep her away from working too hard and leave her in peace. It was such a situation."

Finlandia Trophy is not a big competition. Even GP events, comparing to Nationals or Worlds, are not the ones that she "must" participate in. Wasn't there a choice of "skip"?

"Honestly speaking taking a complete rest is the best choice. That said, she is not at an age that allows her to do so. If she takes a rest, I wonder if it can be the end of the story. So what we can do is to go with "trying every trick in the book". This is the current situation. She has a strong will to participate in the competitions. I respect her will so that she can accept things."

In men's field difficult jumps like quad loop and quad flip were achieved one after another. On the other hand, in the current ladies' field triple axel still remains as the most difficult jump. Can't we see 3A which she has in her arsenal?

"She's been working on 3A. From what I see, 3A is not impossible. Of course she'll do it when the pain in her left knee disappears. Sometimes, not often, but I see triple axels of not bad quality. Just a little bit (under rotated). If she works on rotations, things will go fine. That said, if she starts working on gaining the little bit lacked rotations, I can't say there aren't possibilities that she falls down back to the bottom condition. So, what can we do? At this point I can't say what is the right answer.

Even without 3A Asada's artistry is evaluated highly nowadays. Mr Sato is originally a type who emphasizes on the flow of the whole program rather than focusing on each individual element. He must be good at teaching in that line. Supposedly she can be competitive with the strategy if she will not aggravate her injury.

"By each one of judging criteria is all expressed as a number, things are going toward a different direction from what we used to see in our sense. You do this and you'll be given this point. You do that and you'll be given that point. Everything goes in this way. Then, it doesn't allow us to make a decision in the way like "after all this is better as a total" based on seeing the flow of the whole program. I need to change my way of thinking, but it'll be never changed. I don't want to lose my ideal skating as the ideal. She understands my way of thinking as well."

"Her skillfulness is for real. Comparing to last season, even her skating skills are getting better and better. That said, figure skating is a sport. If up-coming young skaters' momentum doesn't make any sense, the sport will definitely decline. Young skaters have up-coming momentum. The thing is how to compete with it. Nothing more and nothing less."

A while back Asada was the very person who was the symbol of the "momentum". Supposedly the positions were reversed. In the end of the interview, we asked him about what he wants to see from her at Skate America.

"There is nothing like "this is it", but I wish she'll show what we picture "this is the figure skating" in our mind. I wish it for her the most."

I knew Mr Sato is stubborn too. :D What I wish is Mao as well as Mr Sato reaches what they picture "this is the figure skating". :watch: Fingers crossed for Mao's health condition. :cheer:
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Well-Known Member
I'd like to add that her spiral is perfect, I love how she holds her back so steady and with an extended arabesque before going into it. :swoon: that's the best posture in the biz.

The opening actually has a fair amount of transitions IMO, she's always doing something a bit extra (the little hop kicks, besti squats/ina bauer/spread eagles after the 2axel, etc) so it's not only crossovers. There are so many little details in this program that I didn't originally catch, I highly recommend a second viewing (or even a ninth-tenth-or eleventh, go you :summer: judge #6 should watch it twenty times)

I could give you likes ad infinitum for your new avatar from Mao's freeskate. Where did you find it? When I was in the arena that night, I remember how gorgeous I thought Mao and her skating were in the new fiery red costume. I like the little sideways glances and smiles Mao makes throughout the program. The crouching spread eagle and serpentine move out of it is just one of many that makes it one of my favorite step sequences ever.
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Well-Known Member
I'm updating so that we can be ready for SKAM which starts from Friday.

Article published on Oct 14th.
(my rough translation)

In figure skating GP series starts from Oct 21st. Mao Asada appears at the very first event of the series, which is Skate America. After placing 2nd in Finlandia Trophy in the beginning of October, Asada flew to North America directly to train there without stopping by Japan. Asada didn't say any excuse but her coach Nobuo Sato revealed back in Japan "Her left knee which she injured last season hasn't recovered yet." We asked him about her current condition as well as their strategy for this season.

Although Asada used to stuck with 3A, she openly talked about "avoiding" 3A this time in Finlandia Trophy prior to the competition. Now we know there was a pain in her left knee in the back scene.

"Regardless in the competition or not, even at the stage of preparations, she was on the borderline. If she went beyond the line, she could have fallen down back to the start line. In our feelings, we wanted to work more, but I had to keep her away from working too hard and leave her in peace. It was such a situation."

Finlandia Trophy is not a big competition. Even GP events, comparing to Nationals or Worlds, are not the ones that she "must" participate in. Wasn't there a choice of "skip"?

"Honestly speaking taking a complete rest is the best choice. That said, she is not at an age that allows her to do so. If she takes a rest, I wonder if it can be the end of the story. So what we can do is to go with "trying every trick in the book". This is the current situation. She has a strong will to participate in the competitions. I respect her will so that she can accept things."

In men's field difficult jumps like quad loop and quad flip were achieved one after another. On the other hand, in the current ladies' field triple axel still remains as the most difficult jump. Can't we see 3A which she has in her arsenal?

"She's been working on 3A. From what I see, 3A is not impossible. Of course she'll do it when the pain in her left knee disappears. Sometimes, not often, but I see triple axels of not bad quality. Just a little bit (under rotated). If she works on rotations, things will go fine. That said, if she starts working on gaining the little bit lacked rotations, I can't say there aren't possibilities that she falls down back to the bottom condition. So, what can we do? At this point I can't say what is the right answer.

Even without 3A Asada's artistry is evaluated highly nowadays. Mr Sato is originally a type who emphasizes on the flow of the whole program rather than focusing on each individual element. He must be good at teaching in that line. Supposedly she can be competitive with the strategy if she will not aggravate her injury.

"By each one of judging criteria is all expressed as a number, things are going toward a different direction from what we used to see in our sense. You do this and you'll be given this point. You do that and you'll be given that point. Everything goes in this way. Then, it doesn't allow us to make a decision in the way like "after all this is better as a total" based on seeing the flow of the whole program. I need to change my way of thinking, but it'll be never changed. I don't want to lose my ideal skating as the ideal. She understands my way of thinking as well."

"Her skillfulness is for real. Comparing to last season, even her skating skills are getting better and better. That said, figure skating is a sport. If up-coming young skaters' momentum doesn't make any sense, the sport will definitely decline. Young skaters have up-coming momentum. The thing is how to compete with it. Nothing more and nothing less."

A while back Asada was the very person who was the symbol of the "momentum". Supposedly the positions were reversed. In the end of the interview, we asked him about what he wants to see from her at Skate America.

"There is nothing like "this is it", but I wish she'll show what we picture "this is the figure skating" in our mind. I wish it for her the most."

I knew Mr Sato is stubborn too. :D What I wish is Mao as well as Mr Sato reaches what they picture "this is the figure skating". :watch: Fingers crossed for Mao's health condition. :cheer:

My favorite line from Mr. Sato is Her skillfulness is for real. Comparing to last season, even her skating skills are getting better and better. That said, figure skating is a sport. If up-coming young skaters' momentum doesn't make any sense, the sport will definitely decline."

It does bother me that signs that Mao's performances are consistently viewed much more favorably by the public than the judges are so often thought irrelevant and that others besides Mao receive momentum in scores for things such as skating skills and artistry when it is obvious how much she has worked on it this and in getting a good triple lutz edge and how big of an impact her performances have on the public that watches with so little reward. It's almost like two mutually exclusive "realities" at times. Ultimately to me and the other people I know who just watch casually, the scoring is subjective so any particular system could assign different values to different elements with different compositions of judges with various preferences, prejudices and alliances which could create a wide array of results, so the view of the public seems relevant to me because it kind of shows the gut reaction or unfiltered response to a performance from people around the world when looking at social media and youtube. Here are the numbers for the top three videos of Mao's Finlandia LP. The view counts, high praise for the performance and likes to dislike ratio show that the public had a much more favorable reaction to it than the judges. I am not saying Mao didn't make mistakes but that there are a lot more views about what makes a great performance than a handful of judges and a tech crew. 102, 249 views 581 likes and 46 dislikes 138, 666 views 438 likes and 71 dislikes 92, 374 views 380 likes and 26 dislikes

I won't mention the views of other skaters competitive performances this season but they are not nearly this high. Some may say that this is irrelevant or even sour grapes, but Mao worked very hard on these performances so I think she deserves credit for the big positive reaction people had to them.
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MTT Meter= 177
Re stories in the two programs, I'm copying my posts from a thread about Mao's programs in TC.

The highlights of the both programs are to the exactly same parts from Ritual fire dance, but she uses a few other musics from El amor brujo actually.

SP: Midnight -> Ritual Fire Dance
LP: In the cave -> The apparition -> Pantomime -> Ritual fire dance

Here is a clip where the story is explained. (from 1:02)
In the short program, Mao is a magician who helps the heroine (and battles with the evil soul of her dead husband.) In the long she is the heroine who dances with passion.

In another clip it was explained that in the long program Mao as the heroine was still a bit frightened by the evil soul (to In the cave and The apparition) but she gradually understoond that she got free finally (to Pantomime) and starts dancing with full of joy and energy (to Ritual fire dance).

Lori talked about Mao skating to Ritual fire dance in the first clip (from 1:18). Lori said something like she had this idea of Ritual fire dance over a year ago. But last season was Mao's comeback season, so Lori thought Mao was not ready to do this challenge. If you listen to the musics, you'll find different heart and soul are in them. This challenge will let Mao go further in artistry.

Reportedly her left knee which she injured last season has not recovered enough to do 3A. She still has pains in her knee. She went to Canada to work with Lori directly from Finlandia. So I assume they'll make changes here and there so that the programs go well without 3A or some elements that hurts her knee. Highly likely the entrances to the opening 3A (actually it will be 2A at least at the early stage of the season) will be changed.

My favorite lines from Lori is that if you listen to the musics carefully, you'll see different heart and soul are in them. I'm not good at catching English, but you guys are much better than I am, so please listen to her in the clip by yourself. I believe Mao is the one whose ears and body naturally react to the essence of the musics.
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MTT Meter= 177
Great article together with stunning photos from Inside Skating. Many thanks to Florentina Tone as always! :respec:

Intriguing and addictive: Mao Asada’s programs for this season
For the first couple of seconds you only hear the cameras’ shutter buttons being pressed, and the piano. And see a feathery, black dress twirling and twizzling, and running away with your attention. Just like an Alphonse Mucha poster, or an Art Nouveau jewel, with shades, and nuances, and details, Mao Asada’s new short program screams masterpiece from top to finish. And it’s only equaled by her intricate free skate, both of them choreographed by Lori Nichol and performed to Manuel de Falla’s “Ritual Fire Dance”. A mysterious black bird in the first part, a fiery young lady in the second – with the ending pose of her SP being the opening of the free skate –, the two programs make for a bold, intriguing ice story, one that pushes the artistic boundaries of the sport and highlights to the maximum Mao Asada’s skills and sensibility.

“Ritual Fire Dance” is, if you wish, the quintessence of the entire ballet, whose plot is disarmingly simple: an Andalusian gypsy woman called Candelas finds new love, but she’s haunted by the ghost of her dead husband. To get rid of the ghost, sorcery is needed, so all the gypsies make a large circle around their campfire at midnight, while Candelas will perform a mysterious ritual dance; the ghost will follow the flames and the dance and, soon after, with all the women and their dresses whirling faster and faster, it will be drawn into the fire, vanishing for good. In her beautiful, red dress, with embroidery resembling the flames, Mao Asada is Candelas, the young Andalusian, in her long program this season, and her alluring, flirtatious dance is the way to recapture her freedom.
As for Mao Asada herself, she might have just hit the jackpot with this set of programs: a combination of restlessness and calm, long notes and rapid sequences of music, commanding everyone’s attention; with that final part of the short program, and the brilliant step sequence, creating huge anticipation for the free. And the truth is Mao’s expression has become so complex and so fluid over the years that almost every other skater out there looks like a beginner; with some notable exceptions, of course. Not a single movement is out of place, out of tune, nothing is forced, or interrupted, just the music flowing effortlessly through her buttery arms. And if I were to choose a moment of her redemptory free skate – in my mind, I have already divided it in three: the tension, the quietness before the storm, the fiery dance – I’d choose the second part, with the soothing sound of the violins and the softness of her gliding. She’s an artist to the fingertips – in Mao’s case, that’s not just a figure of speech.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the information, rosewood, and thanks for your compliments for the photos. I was foolish and didn't switch sides to the kiss and cry after Mao skated or they would have been a lot more.

I don't know if this has been posted. I thought it was notable because there are a whole lot of great, translated comments from Mao.

IFS magazine article on Mao. Thanks to cathlen for posting:

I hope Mao turns the quick spiral into a change of edge spiral like in Madame Butterfly at Worlds. I remember looking through the view finder and seeing the spiral expecting a change of edge but she was out of it because I could take a photo.
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MTT Meter= 177
Mao's made it to Chicago.

(my rough translation)
Mao: "I won't do 3A here either." "[My condition is] better than at Finlandia Trophy. Hopefully I'll up my condition a bit more.""Having done my first competition already makes me relaxed in my feelings. If I reach my goals here, it'll lead me to the next."

When Mao was asked about her left knee, she answered "[My knee is] fine." But as we know, she never says excuses. So I'm not sure we can trust this "fine." We'll see at SKAM. I'm excited how Lori and Mao brushed up the programs. Wish it lightened burdens to her injury.
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MTT Meter= 177
Another article with an interview with Mao at the airport
(my rough translation)
On the 7th, without going back to Japan, Mao flew to Toront directly from Finlandia Trophy to work with Lori Nichol on giving changes to the programs. "Now my programs are brushed up so that I can receive all Lv4s for spins and stsq. My goals here is to receive Lv4s for all of them. It'll lead me to next step."

This article also says Mao selectively practiced spins and stsq. So I kind of think her back is not that bad - like she's unable to practice spins at the stage of preparations, anyways.
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MTT Meter= 177
One of her sponsor companies Lotte launched a new commercial prior to SKAM.

Her impromptu skating to the music which was new to her was great. Her butterly arms and blade works are :swoon: (from 0:42 to 1:24)


(@tamms it's highly likely Lotte will prepare Mao's clear folders around Valentine's day this season too. )
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Well-Known Member
Thanks to Tavi for this practice report on Mao for Skate America. Mao no jumps and not full program. Good footwork.

My comment: I hope her knee isn't hurting her. I wish her the very best of health, great performances that bring her joy and satisfaction and that she remembers to take care of herself.
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Well-Known Member
Here is a video of Mao's LP run through. Mao appears to have a great mix of light floating quality to her skatining mixed with power and agility. She looks fast, agile, fluid and musical.

Great pirouettes and silky smooth serpentine moves that are fleet and free like a dancing flame.

I remember now that I read that Mao didn't do any jumps in her run through before her Madame Butterfly routine at Worlds 2016 and it ended up being her best performance of the routine along with her performance at the Japan Open, so maybe Mao has some kind of system down.

I also got a message that Mao did do a lot of jumps in practice, but it appears that rosewood beat me to it

Side note: Usually it would appear that sitting on center ice would be the best place to see a performance live, but I have noticed with Mao's performances this may not be the case. Mao really zips deep into the corners and does a nice spread eagle and some great piirouettes and dance moves towards one of the corners right up to the boards. She really puts on a great show to the entire rink. With this being the case, the dilemma is trying to decide what are the best seats to see her live.
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MTT Meter= 177
TSL interview with Mao. You guys will confirm how Mao is super cute when she's speaking in your native/understandable language. :D :cheer:

One thing, I want to explain that when Dave asked Mao whether OGM is her goal by using the word "goal" I'm sure she heard it as "go" and answered "I want to go to Olympics." So please don't mistake it as she said that her ultimate goal is an OGM. She didn't answer Dave's question itself as a result.
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