U.S. Ladies [#20]: In a Week, Maybe Two, They'll Make You a Star

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Well-Known Member
While I’m no huge Bradie fan (though I respect and appreciate her technical content) she has way more transitions than Ashley. Transitions are into and out of the elements as well as throughout the program. Bradie is one of the few that I saw do many transitions out of jumps. She had a nice counter spread eagle right out of the combo at the beginning of the program, she was one of the few with true steps proceeding the solo jump, and she did a very nice spread eagle right into the double axel. Sure for presentation I would give Ashley the nod but not for transitions. Count the crossovers in the short programs...Bradie did 9 full crossovers with no more than 3 in a row (typically 1 at a time) Ashley did 22 full crossovers and twice it was 4 crossovers in a row (once was really 5 in a row but had a pump in the middle so I separated them). While yes Bradie was over scored slightly there are definitely good things about her skating that she is rewarded for!

ETA : Karen had 10 crossovers no more than 3 in a row, Mirai had 14 no more than 3 in a row, Angela had 13 no more than 3 in a row and Mariah had 16 no more than 3 in a row (for what it is worth she had 2 or 3 wasteful crossovers that didn’t gain her any power and took away from transitions). I’m only watching the top 6 again...

Well here are my two cents:

Tennell: A very nice program but just because she has long noodle like arms does not mean she is being artistic. She was the best of the night no doubt but I agree with those who said her component marks were PCS were too high. I mean come on, her transition marks were higher than Ashley's. However, she is the it-girl right now and she delivered.

Nagasu: I know I am going to be burned at the stake for this but I think she is the most over scored of the night. So she did a flawed triple axel, big deal. For the first 45 seconds of her program, she did not do anything but stand still and back crossovers and at one point (around the 25 second mark) she dropped her shoulders and looked like she forgot were she was. I seriously thought she was about to stop for some reason. The technical controller was also extremely generous on the triple tow. Snow does not fly up on jumps that are fully rotated.

Chen: A nice performance but I am confused how she can be awarded the highest skating skills score of the night YET she had issues on a jump and only managed two level THREE spins and a level three step sequence?

Wang: Was watching on Icenetwork...honestly cannot even remember her performance. The committee has absolutely no justification to put her on the Olympic team given the criteria anyway, unless she were to somehow win.

Wagner: She had an error but geesh, the rest of her program was good. I am not sure why the step sequence was marked at a level 3 even though it was a level 4 at Skate America. In fact, with two major errors at Skate America, Ashley's score there was only 1.82 lower than her score last night. Tara erroneously attributed it to Ashley's spins yet they were all level four and received positive grades of execution. Frankly it was very refreshing to not have to suffer through another gooey skate pretty program and see a skater actually have to respond to her music.

Bell: I liked how Weir talked all through the program about how she was selling the program but when the marks came up, he said she really did not stand out and was not selling the program. I liked it but again how does someone who has a major error on a jump and receives a level TWO step sequence and two level THREE spins score so high???

As for the rest, who cares. Edmonds cannot do a full arsenal of jumps.

I think it is pretty clear that the judges want an Olympic team of Tennell, Nagasu, and Chen. The skate order should be good for Wagner but I also think it will make it easier for the judges to keep her down. However, as much as I hate to say it because noone needs more drama, if Wang somehow medals and Wagner is fourth, again, given the criteria, Wagner would have to be named to the team. Now personally, I will be very surprised if Wang or Nagasu hold up to the pressure.
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Well-Known Member
Well then dang...Nagasu should have gotten 10.00. All those back crossovers were well done!

We know that the elements should not effect the component marks...but we all know they do. Show me a skater who does a lovely triple toe, double toe and gets in the 8's on skating skills for a terrific performance.

A fast skater who is fast because they just do crossovers doesn’t necessarily have better skating skills than someone who uses turns and steps and knee action to generate power and flow.

Deleted member 19433

Well then dang...Nagasu should have gotten 10.00. All those back crossovers were well done!

We know that the elements should not effect the component marks...but we all know they do. Show me a skater who does a lovely triple toe, double toe and gets in the 8's on skating skills for a terrific performance.

Well-done back crossovers alone won't fulfill all of the criteria for any of the components.

Javier Fernandez got a 9.11 for SS while doing a solid 3T+2T in his SP at Cup of China this year. I guess that still doesn't count. :p

Top level competitive skaters aren't likely to be attempting content like that today, at least in the SP. There would be many examples from competitive events in years past, or top notch pro skating today, where skaters might have excellent skating skills but not especially difficult jump content. Skating Skills marks were quite high at the Medal Winners Open, which is a rare example of an IJS competition (with modified rules) where top notch skaters (including pro skaters) weren't necessarily doing difficult content. In fact, Carolina Kostner scored over a 9 for skating skills with no triples in 2016.

I'm not saying for sure that judges are never influenced by technical content in their component marks, but they shouldn't be, so your confusion about how Karen still getting high SS marks despite lower levels (which again, the judges don't even see when marking, so they couldn't be influenced directly by the actual level called) doesn't make a lot of sense.


Banned Member
Yea with posts that long. Detached fan. Lol

:rofl: Yep, I'm detached from the ladies, but I'm not detached from the friggin' sport you guys (it actually might be good if I could be). And you know I always have a lot to say. ;) I'm def not afraid of sharing how I feel. You always want to give 'aftershocks' a hard time, eh. You guys floor me, but I love your sense of humor @alchemy void, and I'm not totally in disagreement with you. It's a complicated sport, and there are so many levels and intricacies.

Meanwhile, stop buggin' @Jarrett, and tell me who your fave lady is? :lol: Who you pullin' for? Who you detached about? It's such a sport for many fans to come into U.S. ladies thread and tear them down, Ashley in particular. I'll bet so many of you have other international ladies you are more crazy about, and find fun comin' in U.S. ladies thread as sport to laugh and gloat. No more MK, and U.S. ladies discipline has been paying the price for all those years of glory. But I still say, even Russia and Japan have a lot of work to do to catch up with U.S. ladies medal count since the 1950s, and that's the case even despite U.S. ladies having been 10 years off Worlds and Olympic podiums. Tell me more about your thoughts @alchemy void. You always have an interesting slant and unique way of looking at the ladiezzz!

It's just fun guys (even though it can also be intense and heart palpitating to watch). But don't have a heart attack. Don't attack in general. I'm passionate about the sport and about fairness to the skaters. But it's figure skating, and it needs to be fun. We need to laugh and debate and keep things in perspective. I will continue to have strong opinions and voice them, without thinking everybody needs to agree with me. :D
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Well-Known Member
In tennis? What networks? Because I've never once seen that watching a lot of tennis the past few years. Height sometimes, especially for a player that's very tall, but never weight.

ATP site lists it in every player profile. Same for most athletes in most sports.
Networks will vary in what stats they share. There is no consistency/rule of thumb.

Skating used to list height and weight on TV for all skaters.

I think we're being too sensitive. I mean, do we need to keep those kinda stats some big secret when you can pretty much see what it is just looking at people?

The problem is when there is context given to these stats ie it is commented on as being a bad or good thing. A stat is a stat. If it's just there in a benign way the choice is mainly yours in how you want to react to it. If you make it a non-issue, it's a non-issue.


Well-Known Member
Now personally, I will be very surprised if Wang or Nagasu hold up to the pressure.

I'm not going to burn you for this. It is just glass-half-empty realistic.

I do hope both Wang and Nagasu put out programs I enjoy and the end result is something like:

1) Bradie
2) Mirai
3 - 5) Angela or Chen or Wagner
6) Starr or Polina


Marquessa of Chartreuse
I would think it would be great exposure for Christian Dior.
Uho... Christian Dior is controlled by Mr Bernard Arnault who also administrates the world largest luxury goods group in the world : LVMH = Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy. Dior holds something like 45% of LVMH shares. It's even bigger than Kering (the group held by Salma Hayek's husband Bernard Pinault) which controls the entire Gucci group, Balenciaga, Boucheron, Brioni, Yves St Laurent, Stella McCartney and so on. They could not care less about figure skating or any sport with such a limited audience.

They're such an old guard, traditional house that needs exposure to a younger crowd.
Again, being the largest luxury goods group in the world shows they are perfectly able to know what exposure they need. And if you are talking of Dior Couture, it's only 5% of their global trade, their main bread comes from leather goods and ready to wear clothes, although Dior's sales strategy is openly elitist. Dior has presented its spring/summer "prêt à porter" collection a few days ago. It's hardly old guard and traditional. I don't see who, in an average skating audience, could afford half of the 10th of the quarter of one of those outfits :D Just an exemple : this small handbag, which is not Haute Couture, but regular Dior leather good, costs over $4200 !

A good Dior costume on a great female skater would bring them new fans.
They don't need fans. They need extremely rich customers ;) And they know where to find them : in the movie and music industry, at royalties horse races, in prestigious golf tournaments. Figure skating means nothing to them. You can hardly compare Christian Dior who was a "grand couturier" with Vera Wang who was 1st a figure skater before becoming a stylist and who must have been less than 10 y.o. when C. Dior died, i.e. when his empire was already built. You don't realize how huge Dior is. Christian Lacroix, who designed outfits for Surya Bonaly in the 90s is the same generation as Vera Wang (but also a "grand couturier" and not only a stylist) and can't even begin to compare with Dior in terms of sales. Do you realize what a Dior skating outfit would cost ? Who could afford such luxury ?


Well-Known Member
I really do think Karen can do it. Something about her expression leads me to believe, especially after that vote of confidence from the judging panel. Karen really seems to lack confidence at times and I think she is going to use the SP score as validation and do well to at least keep the third spot. That said, I learned to NEVER underestimate Ashley. Girl brings it even when we think it's over.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
However, as much as I hate to say it because noone needs more drama, if Wang somehow medals and Wagner is fourth, again, given the criteria, Wagner would have to be named to the team. Now personally, I will be very surprised if Wang or Nagasu hold up to the pressure.

Yeah but Wang has a long resume of solid SPs and fades away in the free? No? Also does she have a full jump arsenal?

Im surprised at Ashleys lower PCS. I mean most people inside USFSA thought she was a lock. She really only had one error the same error as Karen and to some extent Mirai, a step out and/or UR of one triple jump. Yes, Mirai's 3 axel has higher base.

Ash and Bradie are then only 2 gals who brought home a medal from GP series - both a bronze.

For me... if going by body of work at the end and then giving someone inflated PCS (Karen) I would be too nervous, well, more nervous of putting Karen on the Oly team versus Ashley.

Ive been raving about Amber since August/September. The most mature after Ash and Mirai and yes, for me, too she is Bobek-Like.

I think she needs to take away some of her ambition by getting rid of the arms over the head because she rarely lands them and just go out there and deliver clean programs for a bit.

Anywhooooo just confused about the message judges are sending Ashley. After all USFS chose her for all the Olympic figure skating commercials , marketing. promo material. And now they want to send her a PCS message? Whatever.

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
Yep, I'm detached from the ladies, but I'm not detached from the friggin' sport you guys. And you know I always have a lot to say. I'm def not afraid of sharing how I feel. You always want to give 'aftershocks' a hard time, eh.

You have to admit, @Jarret's post was kind of funny. I chuckled. :lol: It's all in good fun.

and I'm not totally in disagreement with you. It's a complicated sport, and there are so many levels and intricacies.

Yeah, the thing is I don't think we're all disagreeing that much, a point here or there, maybe a couple of placements.

I'm just kind of confused by some of the outrage I'm seeing (especially on twitter) regarding the judging--I thought the judging was fine overall.

I'll bet so many of you have other international ladies you are more crazy about, and find fun comin' in U.S. ladies thread as sport to laugh and gloat.

I think that's only one or two posters. I think lots of American fans don't expect miracles overnight--obviously we aren't going to be Japan or Russia overnight. But just looking for progress, that things are moving in the right direction towards being more competitive internationally.

Tell me more about your thoughts @alchemy void. You always have an interesting slant and unique way of looking at the ladiezzz!

Well since you asked.... :p

I've never been a huge Mirai's skating but I have SO much respect for her pushing the technical content forward this season and never backing down. So like many others, I'm definitely rooting for her to make the Olympic team.

Again, regarding Bradie, I totally respect the tech content and consistency. When was the last time we had an American girl with this much TES and show the consistency we've seen through 3.5 competitions so far? I honestly can't remember. People are bitching about the PCS, but it's comparable with what she received internationally at Skate America.

Karen Chen has by far the best skating skills in this field, but the program switching and jump problems really have left her in a precarious position. I really wish she would have just kept Carmen and put all her energy into jump consistency. I honestly don't even know what her LP is anymore. The 3z3t is almost hopeless...the lutz is way too big without enough flow to rotate a 3toe aftwerwards. I find it hard to believe she couldn't be more consistent with 3toe3toe or 3sal3toe.

I love Diva Wagner but the 3flip3toe has been a hot mess all season long, and with mediocre spins, inconsistent levels, she's just not competitive internationally. I feel like sending young blood to the Olympics would be smart--but the young ones have to earn it. Having said all that, I am REALLY looking forward to La La Land, and am rooting for her to absolutely crush it. If she nails it, her Olympic spot is deserved.

I like Wang quite a bit but she lacks a little bit of the wow factor for me to get heavily invested. I can't get into Bell at all.

Andrews, even though I was defending her harsh PCS, is one of my favorites, and I'm really looking forward to her LP. You better believe I'll be singing along the entire time! :lol: I think the LP is a better vehicle than the SP, anyways, and would love to see her move up a couple spots.

I hate Send in the Clowns but I thought Amber Glenn was stunning and could be a couple spots higher. I hope the LP goes better than the disaster at Cup of China.

Franchesca Chiera would be a fabulous OES. :D She needs perkier/trashier programs, though.

The biggest disappointment by far was how poorly many of the promising juniors performed: Hong, Le, Chan, Ma. Hoping for some redemption skates in the LP.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it would be so awkward for USFS not to send Ashley after she's already hooked up to all the sponsors - not to mention the Reddit AmA, the ESPN Body Issue, the fact that she's the one quoted in most of the skating news articles, featuring her in tons of commercials/NBC Olympic promo...

I was shocked by Ashley's scores. She and Karen made the same mistake. I also felt like the crowd reacted much better to Ashley, and I felt her performance was much better than Karen's. Maybe home ice advantage? We'll see how this free skate goes...


Banned Member
I really do think Karen can do it. Something about her expression leads me to believe, especially after that vote of confidence from the judging panel

Hmmm, I like Karen too. But let's be honest: Karen is like a roller coaster ride. Fun if you can survive those uncertain dips and curves. I wouldn't put too much stock into Karen's 'expressions'! I think Karen is perpetually in the process of trying to talk herself into being confident. At this point, she needs to be exuding full confidence and self-belief if she truly hopes to be consistently competitive internationally. I say heck with it! I just want to see all these ladies with huge largely unfulfilled talent (Karen, Amber, Angela, Mariah, Courtney), actually believe in themselves for a change and go for it with confidence and stop with the over-analyzing and over-anguishing. You want it, go get it! No excuses!!! Hopefully Bradie's confidence will continue to shine, as that's what's needed to persevere.

Mirai as an older veteran is somewhat of an exception in the sense that she was over-hyped as a junior and she got burnt out with wrong coach issues and family problems. Then U.S. fed left Mirai for roadkill, and even actively campaigned against her as someone who they felt was washed-up and a problem. That was obviously never true. But in the process of fighting back, Mirai has always seemed to internalize having something to constantly prove, which she needs to shake off in order to be one with her performances. It's been a long road for Mirai, and I'm glad for her that Tom Z has believed in her and helped her tremendously. I really hope she believes in herself and puts something together that's worthy of her exceptional talent.

Ashley is also an exception as a veteran lady who has battled hard and pulled herself up by her bootstraps so often, the straps are weakening. She has never been fully appreciated for all she's contributed to the sport and to U.S. ladies. She's always had to work harder. Her accomplishments should not be taken so much for granted and dismissed with such disdain. It's never been easy, and it's only become harder for her the last couple of years. She's a role model for self-made champion, and diva extraordinaire.

Snow does not fly up on jumps that are fully rotated.

Are you sure that's always the case. Snow flew up on one of Tennell's landings, but she usually does not have UR issues. There are other reasons snow flies up (involving not having a clean landing edge), without it meaning a UR.


Well-Known Member
From in person reports I've read, they were in agreement that Karen outskated Ashley and received higher applause after the skate. Karen has it over Ashley where it counts, in the skating skills. Having better SS means the execution of elements are of higher quality.

All this talk about Ashley getting endorsements and being the face of US figure skating, if Ashley fails to place in the top 3, maybe it's a much better message to everyone else if they leave her home because it'll show that all the endorsements, publicity, and popularity cannot buy you an Olympic berth.


Banned Member
... All this talk about Ashley getting endorsements and being the face of US figure skating, if Ashley fails to place in the top 3, maybe it's a much better message to everyone else if they leave her home because it'll show that all the endorsements, publicity, and popularity cannot buy you an Olympic berth.

^^ Oooohweee! Shade-almighty! Drop the f'ing microphone, why don't you! Ash is gonna have to slam dunk with La La Land, and then some. Gosh darn, no sympathies for former champions who held this discipline up in the lean years. My word. :p But I'm not surprised at the utter disdain.

Don't blame Ash for having endorsements @VIETgrlTerifa. Gracie Gold had plenty of endorsements too, and Karen has some as well. WTF. The top-ranked athletes with well known names and achievements will be getting sponsorships, which does not always mean things turn out hunky-dory and glory days. But please don't suggest the sponsorships are in error. It's just that there should be an effort made to spread around the investment to other talented but lesser known and lesser accomplished athletes.

You have to admit, @Jarret's post was kind of funny. I chuckled. :lol: It's all in good fun.

Yep, and my reaction was in the same spirit of good fun, believe it or not. ;) It will be time to get serious and put on game face in another two hours. :watch: :fan21: :nopryde:

How many of you are actually in San Jose having heart palpitations? ;)
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Well-Known Member
Can somebody in-technik tell me what Raf is teaching Mariah Bell regarding the 3/3? It looks so underpowered and I don't believe she's ever hit it. The second jump always looks so whippy and weak and it looks like she launches it with all of her might and is hoping and praying she makes it.


Well-Known Member
People are bitching about the PCS, but it's comparable with what she received internationally at Skate America.
Bradie received 29.38 PCS in the SP at Skate America (mid 7s) and 32.98 at Nationals (mid 8s). That's a pretty good boost even with Nationals inflation.

Her GOEs skyrocketed, too. She got about 5.5 points in GOE at Skate America and 8 points at Nationals.


Well-Known Member
You have to admit, @Jarret's post was kind of funny. I chuckled. :lol: It's all in good fun.

Yeah, the thing is I don't think we're all disagreeing that much, a point here or there, maybe a couple of placements.

I'm just kind of confused by some of the outrage I'm seeing (especially on twitter) regarding the judging--I thought the judging was fine overall.

I think that's only one or two posters. I think lots of American fans don't expect miracles overnight--obviously we aren't going to be Japan or Russia overnight. But just looking for progress, that things are moving in the right direction towards being more competitive internationally.

Well since you asked.... :p

I've never been a huge Mirai's skating but I have SO much respect for her pushing the technical content forward this season and never backing down. So like many others, I'm definitely rooting for her to make the Olympic team.

Again, regarding Bradie, I totally respect the tech content and consistency. When was the last time we had an American girl with this much TES and show the consistency we've seen through 3.5 competitions so far? I honestly can't remember. People are bitching about the PCS, but it's comparable with what she received internationally at Skate America.

Karen Chen has by far the best skating skills in this field, but the program switching and jump problems really have left her in a precarious position. I really wish she would have just kept Carmen and put all her energy into jump consistency. I honestly don't even know what her LP is anymore. The 3z3t is almost hopeless...the lutz is way too big without enough flow to rotate a 3toe aftwerwards. I find it hard to believe she couldn't be more consistent with 3toe3toe or 3sal3toe.

I love Diva Wagner but the 3flip3toe has been a hot mess all season long, and with mediocre spins, inconsistent levels, she's just not competitive internationally. I feel like sending young blood to the Olympics would be smart--but the young ones have to earn it. Having said all that, I am REALLY looking forward to La La Land, and am rooting for her to absolutely crush it. If she nails it, her Olympic spot is deserved.

I like Wang quite a bit but she lacks a little bit of the wow factor for me to get heavily invested. I can't get into Bell at all.

Andrews, even though I was defending her harsh PCS, is one of my favorites, and I'm really looking forward to her LP. You better believe I'll be singing along the entire time! :lol: I think the LP is a better vehicle than the SP, anyways, and would love to see her move up a couple spots.

I hate Send in the Clowns but I thought Amber Glenn was stunning and could be a couple spots higher. I hope the LP goes better than the disaster at Cup of China.

Franchesca Chiera would be a fabulous OES. :D She needs perkier/trashier programs, though.

The biggest disappointment by far was how poorly many of the promising juniors performed: Hong, Le, Chan, Ma. Hoping for some redemption skates in the LP.
Probably the last time the US had an american girl with this much TES who was also consistent was Gracie in her Junior year from her summer competitions to winning her only JGP then Junior Nats and finally a silver medal at Junior Worlds. She was nailing 3-3 combo's like they were nothing when the Senior ladies were still doing 3-2's but as it turns out she hadn't really competed enough to know how good of a competitor she was and as it turns out over time she was a nervous competitor.


Well-Known Member
Can somebody in-technik tell me what Raf is teaching Mariah Bell regarding the 3/3? It looks so underpowered and I don't believe she's ever hit it. The second jump always looks so whippy and weak and it looks like she launches it with all of her might and is hoping and praying she makes it.
I like Mariah a lot but her jumps have never looked secure to me - a bit of wobbly edges, tilted air positions, etc. Her technique has improved a bit with Raf but not consistency. She did the 3-3 OK at Rostelecom.

I'm more :confused: about the L2 steps.


Banned Member
... we aren't going to be Japan or Russia overnight...

Eh, say what? Nope, I ain't interested in U.S. ladies becoming either 'Japan' or 'Russia' overnight or at anytime. ;) :p U.S. ladies simply need to be themselves and to show the world who they are on a consistent and confident basis! That's more than enough, IMHO. But politics is something else again, as well as the balance of power shift among feds re who holds the leverage and the money; who holds the political savvy and vaunted rep.

To be honest, Russian and Japanese ladies is simply following in U.S. ladies' tradition to a degree. Eteri didn't spend time in the U.S. for nothing -- she was soaking up a thing or two to take back and apply to the Russian traditions and proven ways of doing things.

Japanese ladies are amazing, but some of them need to stand out more. I do not like Satoko's jumps, but she's a gem otherwise. I love Wakaba's overall talent and power, but she is still only 16 and having issues with a bit of complete confidence in big moments. Plus the inevitable looking down on her in some quarters for the 'lookism' stuff which is beyond the bounds. I love how Wakaba skates and how she looks. Mai Mihara is quite lovely and she's still growing. Sakamoto has talent but she's still young and somewhat indistinguishable from Rika Kihara, IMO. I like Mihara best of these latter three ladies.

The Russians are technically talented but are way over-gifted on PCS. And that's a fact.
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Well-Known Member
I like Mariah a lot but her jumps have never looked secure to me - a bit of wobbly edges, tilted air positions, etc. Her technique has improved a bit with Raf but not consistency. She did the 3-3 OK at Rostelecom.

I'm more :confused: about the L2 steps.

It's just really odd judging all around-- from the technical controllers to the judges. I can't think of a weirder US Nationals from a judging standpoint under IJS.


Banned Member
^^ Probably because some judges favor this one or that one, and they are also judging based on rep with a mix of what happened in the performance. And then there's the issue of scoring earlier skaters a bit lower than they might otherwise be, in order to leave room for rep skaters who go later.

If Karen was not defending U.S. National champion, the judging might have gone differently. And as I said earlier, Angela has performed this well previously and never received that kind of score. Hopefully, Angela will keep her level up in the fp. And can Amber please concentrate throughout her performance and not have a silly lapse. :drama: I was hopeful for Karen and Courtney at the start of the season. By now, I'm just, whatever regarding whatever happens for them, but I'm also giving a bit of side-eye for Karen being in front of Angela. We do know why though.

Mariah is so pretty and talented, but yeah, I lost some interest in her skating competitiveness awhile ago, because she doesn't seem to have her feet under her, and she lacks the aura of "Take no prisoners 'tude." There's nothing wrong with not having that quality. I mean it is what it is what it is. Someone has to come in second tier.

I actually don't even think that U.S. fed as a whole has the power of convictions regarding what went down in every instance re the sp scoring, ya know. But some judges and individuals who call the shots, may actually be resolute in what they want to happen regarding placements and team selection. We shall see.
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Well-Known Member
Quite frankly i don't think the judges know what to do with these ladies since none but Bradie have stood out this year. No Nationals in an Olympic year has been more wide open so they probably will decide to send Bradie and whoever brings it and not worry about reputation.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling the LP will be very interesting and hope to see more attack than nerves from the ladies.

No idea what the outcome will be but "IF" Ashley manage to skate as she has done in practice and if she can draw in the audience and create a moment with this new LP, I still believe she has a good shot at the podium and a ticket to Korea..
Now, will it happen..I feel her motivation has never been the same after Boston and I have no clue where she stands mentally at this point of her career.

I was pleased to see Karen "on" in the SP and I thought she and Ashley should receive the highest PCS. LP is another story and it will be interesting to see if she can hold it together for a full LP. I remember her skating very well at a summer (?) competition but since then, it seems as things were not going in the right direction.

I expect Bradie to skate crystal clean and most likely to be the new National champion if Mirai will not surprise us with the skate of her life?? I always have high hopes and it is always tough when she struggles BUT I do have some hope she is mentally stronger this year along with being in such a terrific shape. The reasonable me would think the podium would end up being Bradie, Karen and Ashley but I actually hope it will be Mirai, Bradie and a great fight between Karen,Ashley, Angela and Bell for the Bronze.
It seems as Bell has completely been flying under the radar and if some of the other top ladies fall under the pressure, I can see Bell raise to the occasion.


Well-Known Member
Karen has the talent, but her confidence is rather up-and-down. She could be great, she could deflate.

To me, Chen is like a bad Bebe Liang. She has her speed & attack yet none of the style or interesting choreography.

Tennell has great pure jump teknik but for a 19 year old she sure looks Junior. :shuffle: The musical choices don't help.

Mariah Bell and Tessa Hong are more my cup of tea, hopefully at least one of them crack the top 3.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Bradie Tennell Interviewed by Andrea Joyce

Homegirl must have binge-watched old Fleming, Lynn, Hamill, and Kwan interviews on Youtube while she was recovering from her injuries. :)
Nope, she's just a nice Midwestern girl who gets straight to the point without all any pretentious blathering. I love Midwesterners. (My family partly comes from KS and MI.)
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