Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir # 47: Come What May...


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there supposed to be a press conference or announcement from Tessa and Scott.
Did I miss it or has it not happened yet?
It was mentioned in the other thread.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Wasn't there supposed to be a press conference or announcement from Tessa and Scott.
Did I miss it or has it not happened yet?
It was mentioned in the other thread.

The had their final media day before Olympics last friday so maybe that is what you are thinking of?


Well-Known Member
Kurt's comment had me thinking that he may have insider information or if he was just going from a gut feeling.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Kurt said it as a joke, then later in the conversation said he was only half joking when the conversation turned to how many skaters he thought might drop out because of the travel and that in an Olympic year your goal is February and the other competitions weren't as important to you to put up with the back and forth. They talked about 4CC and he doubted any of the Olympic team would go to that because of the timing and then PJ, I think it was her, implied that some are considering 4CC because they would just stay over in Asia so the adjustment wasn't as difficult and use it to their advantage. I didn't get any feeling he had insider info.

Skate Canada put up a tweet today showing those who qualified for Canada in the GPF and V/M are there with D/R, Kaitlyn and the junior dance team. D/R are definitely going according to her twitter.


Active Member
I read that KB was not the first to say that one of the two top ID teams is not going to show up at GPF. It apparently came up in the secret sources thread of this forum during IDF. I don't have access to the thread so I can't check. Did somebody read that thread? I'm having a hard time imaginig VM not going to the GPF, they need a head to head with PC and they also need points for the ranking. Why is everybody thinking it could be VM and not PC? While I don't think it would be a smart move for either teams I think it would be less a suicide for PC someway? I hope both decide to go, I want to see them head to head. Btw the fact that KB said this and the rumor on this forum are a weird coincidence (if this is actually in the thread).


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I´m not sure what you are talking about but GPF starts in 9 days. I mean I suppose we could speculate endlessly about which team will or will not show up or we could just wait a few more days to see.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the poster above that if I had heard someone say there were rumours that one of the two top dance teams would not show up for GPF, my immediate guess would be PC, not VM. PC are riding high with their world record FD scores right now and losing to VM at GPF would knock them off that pedestal right away. VM have a lot more to "lose" by not showing up to GPF because the story would inevitably be that they w/d because they were "scared" of PC.

tabby cat

Back from Lake Placid and after sitting through the free dances on Sunday, now more than ever, I really think V/M made the right choice for their free dance. All that "soft", "lyrical" music was making my eyes glaze over. Dance is normally my favorite discipline but not this time. There were a couple of programs I enjoyed and surprisingly S/K had one of them, but the majority of the programs were underwhelming to say the least.

I don't think either V/M or P/C are dropping out of the GPF, they will want to see how they stack up against one and other. And in the long run, the GPF results don't always mean anything when it comes to Worlds or Olympics, as we have seen numerous times in the past.


Well-Known Member
I respect V/M and their process so much that I translated the Sam Chouinard interview on Salut Bonjour with my speaker phone ;)
Gino: Sam Chouinard is a talented choreographer. This is his second appearance on our show.

Sam: Yes. Thank you for having me again.

Daniel: He’s choreographed numbers for two renowned Canadian ice dancers, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, who are one of the teams to watch at the next Olympics in Pyeongchang. Believe me, ice dancing is one of the most popular disciplines to watch. Sam, can you tell us how you became involved with this renowned pair, who has already been so successful on the international scene, and what your work involves?

Sam: I became involved in skating after my ballet instructor introduced me to Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, who have an ice dancing school where many athletes from around the world train. She was looking for a hip-hop instructor who could give her skaters more dynamism and punch. She liked the work I did with the skaters. Afterwards, she was on a tv show on CBC, Battle of the Blades, which paired a figure skater with a hockey player, sort of like Dancing With the Stars — .

Hosts: Yes, on ice.

Sam: On ice. Exactly. She asked me to help them with a number that had some hip-hop in it, which was set to the music of Gangnam style. The number was well received and helped them move back up the rankings. Then one day, I received a phone call from an unknown number. I answered and it was Joannie Rochette, who asked me to choreograph a number for her for a show she was doing in Japan. I was freaking out. Joannie Rochette? So I started learning more about figure skating. From then on, I started getting more calls from skaters, including Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, who had heard about me through Joannie Rochette. They were doing the Canadian Stars on ice tour.

Host: So you became an important member of their team.

Sam: We bonded and developed a friendship. We loved going to the studio to dance, like in the video you see right now. (Video of them dancing in studio.) And then they started asking me to choreograph some programs for them.

Host: How much work is done off the ice compared to on the ice? Is it 50-50? Does a lot of the work have to be a lot done on the ice?

Sam: That’s a great question. It’s true that I take care of choreography, but there are some required elements that are set by the skating federation, like step sequences, that must be included throughout the program. I don’t have the skating knowledge to teach those elements.

Daniel: Yes, we must clarify that you are a dancer, not a skater.

Sam: That’s right. I am a dancer in hip-hop, contemporary. But recently, I bought some ice skates, because I was getting tired of standing at the boards. I wanted to be with them on the ice. What could be better than learning to skate among some of the greatest skaters in the world?

Gino: You’re working with one of the best teams in the world. That’s extraordinary.

Sam: Yes, it is. Figure skaters must wake up early, like both of you do for this tv show. I have no trouble getting up early at 5am - I say to myself, “Yes! I look forward to working with them.” So that’s really cool.

Daniel: The figure skating world can be - I’ll call it conservative. How has your work as a hip-hop dancer with this world renowned duo been received?

Sam: I would say it’s changing. With the choreography we’ve done, the programs that have been presented... Even last year, with the Prince program.... more and more, we see people following this wave and making small adjustments. I actually think that the fact that I am not from the skating world is an advantage, because I come with some ideas to which skaters will say, “But that’s never been done before in skating, can we —“

Host: You’re pushing their limits.

Sam: Exactly.

Post: On our screen, we see another couple you work with, Seguin and Bilodeau.

Host: What I find interesting is that you work not only with Virtue and Moir, but with teams from other countries. So there are some secrets that you can’t reveal to other teams.

Sam: There aren’t really any secrets. That’s what’s so cool. At the skating school, there are a lot of coaches, and skaters from around the world who all share the same ice. It’s fun to watch the other skaters and what they’re doing. It keeps us on our toes and aware of what is being done.

Daniel: You see what they’re practising, but you don’t see what they will present in Pyeongchang though.

Sam: Actually, yes, the programs they are practising are the same ones you will see at the Olympics. There’s such a beautiful energy there. It’s great to compete this way... They encourage each other and applaud at the end of run-throughs. There’s no tension, you don’t sense jealousy. It’s a really beautiful energy.

Gina: Samuel, before you leave, I absolutely want you to speak about this video that you have made with kids from school. Why did you make this video?

Sam: each year I work with the kids on a project and this year I wanted to make a video about bullying. (Cute video if you want t watch. I will stop here.)


Well-Known Member
Pretty quiet over on this thread here lately :p

Just wanted to say I'm liking her Instagram quote of the moment ...

Optimistic is a much better place. Tessa & Scott, you guys always dream big and your fandom know it. Good luck at GPF. We're with you all the way! Bring it! :cheer2:

It is quiet. I am so excited to see how much they've improved the programs (which I already love). I am hoping they bring their usual confidence and joy to them this week. Can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Different than the usual fluff pieces from past. Liking this new approach. I’m quite pleased that they openly addressed the judging issue. I have my own private thoughts on that. But I surely hope to feel as confident as they are this time around. They were fairly diplomatic about it, as I’d expect most athletes would be. Like I said before, optimism is the best place to be.


Well-Known Member
Different than the usual fluff pieces from past. Liking this new approach. I’m quite pleased that they openly addressed the judging issue. I have my own private thoughts on that. But I surely hope to feel as confident as they are this time around. They were fairly diplomatic about it, as I’d expect most athletes would be. Like I said before, optimism is the best place to be.

I wish I could agree with them fully about the judging. It's sometimes still pretty head scratchy, and subjective, IMHO. TBH, though I think who really let them down in Sochi was Marina, that FD was not their best. But considering the fact that very few FDs appeal to me this season, I can honestly say creating winning FDs are really hard to do.

I hope they have great skates this week at the GPF.


Well-Known Member
The only thing Tessa and Scott can control is how prepared and foot perfect their GPF performances will be; so I have no doubts about that. I am sure they have done everything they could do to ensure own consistent levels of execution, at speed, with great flow; all while performing superior steps, lifts, twizzles mostly DANCING together in hold, showcasing their ability to enthrall, enchant captivate us with their obvious chemistry, storytelling abilities and fabulous musicality. I am betting that they have done everything possible since NHK to ensure they will have wrung every potential point, emotional nuance out of their programs, and once again be able to elevate the choreography due to their own belief in what they bring as experienced, mature, committed partners,able to fully interpret the music. It will be explored via own dynamic, emotionally interactive, always exquisite, utterly responsive and nuanced body movement.

I just hope the technical panel and the judging will be fair, honest and that the officials do their jobs expertly, based on what they see on the day!

I still believe they are truly the best, most balanced, and versatile team still competing. I believe THEY GOT THIS, they will PEAK at the RIGHT TIME, and we fans should quit doubting them and just enjoy the wild roller coaster ride that is the Olympic season... We should be grateful that their return has forced every other team competing to bring their own best selves to the ice this season and we fans will benefit from this upcoming showdown with what is shaping up to be the BEST OLYMPIC ICE DANCE event EVER!!! Every true ice dance fan can applaud them just for that reason alone...


Well-Known Member
The only thing Tessa and Scott can control is how prepared and foot perfect their GPF performances will be; so I have no doubts about that. I am sure they have done everything they could do to ensure own consistent levels of execution, at speed, with great flow; all while performing superior steps, lifts, twizzles mostly DANCING together in hold, showcasing their ability to enthrall, enchant captivate us with their obvious chemistry, storytelling abilities and fabulous musicality. I am betting that they have done everything possible since NHK to ensure they will have wrung every potential point, emotional nuance out of their programs, and once again be able to elevate the choreography due to their own belief in what they bring as experienced, mature, committed partners,able to fully interpret the music. It will be explored via own dynamic, emotionally interactive, always exquisite, utterly responsive and nuanced body movement.

I just hope the technical panel and the judging will be fair, honest and that the officials do their jobs expertly, based on what they see on the day!

I still believe they are truly the best, most balanced, and versatile team still competing. I believe THEY GOT THIS, they will PEAK at the RIGHT TIME, and we fans should quit doubting them and just enjoy the wild roller coaster ride that is the Olympic season... We should be grateful that their return has forced every other team competing to bring their own best selves to the ice this season and we fans will benefit from this upcoming showdown with what is shaping up to be the BEST OLYMPIC ICE DANCE event EVER!!! Every true ice dance fan can applaud them just for that reason alone...

Hear, hear! Well said @Debrah :)


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that this piece was produced by a Canadian outlet for Canadian audiences. Even so, there are parts of it that are just beyond the pale.

I love Virtue and Moir's skating, but the shade-throwing and air of entitlement in that video make it hard to root for them.
Well, I'm not a Canadian and I have no idea what you are talking about. What shade-throwing and entitlement did you see there?

I love this interview. Finally different questions and I love to see how connected and happy they seem to be. I loved Scott's answer about how he doesn't want to let "T" down. I also had to chuckle when the camera showed them from the side and there was Scott in his socks :)

I was kind of scared of this weekend, their performance and the judging but seeing them like this makes me feel calm about the GPF. So thanks for that CBS and Tessa and Scott.


Well-Known Member
I love Virtue and Moir's skating, but the shade-throwing and air of entitlement in that video make it hard to root for them.
Where do you see shade-throwing and air of entitlement? Their response to the question about the "judging controversy" was very diplomatic. I understand that you probably wanted an outright denial that there was such a controversy. But, to be honest, I don't remember any athlete saying something like that (outright denying) when asked a similar question.
Do you know/remember someone?


Well-Known Member
Being poised, self-confident and classy doesn't scream entitlement to me, does it? But I did think the questions about D/W were tacky. Despite us not liking their style much, they did have a very technically demanding program. For the life of me, I don't understand why our judges refuse to separate skating skills from PCS. If that were our reality, then sure V/M were robbed. But the system as it was, wasn't and may never be ready to do that. This time around, however, there are at least 4 - 5 teams that are truly balanced in terms of both TES and PCS. I honestly believe we are in for a treat in ice dance this Olympic season. So if anything the interviewer should have kaboshed those types of questions and spoke about the real fly in the ointment, P/C.

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