Recent content by Vagabond

  1. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Going to the World Arena wouldn't necessarily shed any light on what was going on at the rink in Monument, which is about twenty-five miles away. As an entity established by federal legislation, SafeSport is bound by the protections of the Constitution. The Due Process clause likely guarantees...
  2. Vagabond

    Cute Zoo Pics Part 7 šŸ¼
  3. Vagabond

    OES News 2023/24

    The ban is directed at the Federation, not at individual skaters. The Federation fully supports the war.
  4. Vagabond

    ISU Statement on Russia's war against Ukraine - Participation in international competitions of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus

    T Rightly or wrongly, there is a double standard here. That said, if Tutberidze has a Georgian passport, for example, a ban against "Russian" coaches would not prevent her from traveling to and coaching at competitions. Tutberidze may also have U.S. citizenship or, as the mother of an...
  5. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    I have done a search of the Archives and can't find her remarks, so I may be attributing to MacDonald her daughter Chantelle Kerry's post on social media to the effect that she (Chantelle) was a real Australian, implying that Brooklee Han was not. At any rate, MacDonald enabled Chantelle to...
  6. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Copying over from the wrong thread. :duh: Thank you, @Sylvia :notworthy: This implies that...
  7. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Inasmuch as SafeSport does not generally publicize the names of people who are the subject of an ongoing investigation, why are you surprised? According to at least one poster in this thread, Kerry, as a coach, was required to tell ISA exactly that. And yet he evidently did not do so.
  8. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    I have a feeling that Kerry and his mother do not understand the standard of review at this new arbitration. It is apparently de novo, which means that arbitrator will be deciding the issues without reference to any legal conclusion or assumption made by the previous court to hear the case. That...
  9. Vagabond

    Thoroughbred Racing 2024

    Congratulations, @skipaway!
  10. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating As I read the Code, the Center has discretionary jurisdiction to investigate and resolve the kind of allegations Gracie Gold made but is not obligated to do so.
  11. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    :confused: This is a link to an article by Carla Jaeger, who reports that she wasn't able to contact MacDonald and was unable to contact Kerry directly. Snippet: Quite a lot of judicial and quasi-judicial decisions come with no advance warning, so what happened here is par for the course.
  12. Vagabond

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Why should they? There is nothing stopping the complainant from informing the other country's federation.
  13. Vagabond

    Valieva Banned for Four Years, Effective December 25, 2021

    I remind everyone that Valieva & Co. have filed an appeal and asked the appellate panel to reinstate Russia's gold medal in the Team Event. There cannot be medal ceremony until that appeal is resolved. I am no expert here, but it is conceivable that the panel will dismiss the Russian appeal...
  14. Vagabond

    Royalty Thread #16: the best of times, the worst of times

    Easier said than done, given that his wife is in poor health and they have three children under the age of eleven. In an earlier generation, a prince or princess in William's situation might have handed off most of the family responsibilities to others, but I don't think that he would want to...
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